Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

This Inaugural theme...."Sour Grapes"....just read a few Drumpfster posts to catch on.
Be fair now, no one rained on Hillary's coronation celebration on election eve.

But man did the left rain tears on election day :lmao:and they are still bawling
And it's turning to snow here...I think we found the real reason for climate change...california has been in the grasp of a drought, now that Trump has been elected the left out there has cried themselves a river.
Were there any federal workers that had to attend both Obama inaugurations, or does every single solitary federal employee only support Democrats?
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!

I feel bad for Hillary and Bill having to be there. How fucking humiliating to watch Donald take the oath.

Well, they don't have to be there. But they're media whores. They love getting their mugs on tv. They could politely decline, and stay home. I'd actually respect em more if they did that.
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!
Yeah, well I don't want to go to work everyday either, but someone's got to pay for your Section 8 housing and food stamps.

Life's a bitch, eh?
Bleepin Government Workers! Spoiled rotten. Always bitchin & moaning about everything. If these folks had integrity and self-respect, they would quit their jobs in protest. How many of em you think will do that? I'm going with zero. How bout you?
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!
you aren't going to be there, why do they despise your sorry ass?
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!
The liberal ones will be fired soon after they clean up...
Yeah, Government Workers are the whiniest in the country. They got it made, yet still bitch & moan 24/7. Their personal political beliefs have nothing to do with doing a job. It's that way for all American Workers. Why should Government Workers be exceptions?

Personally, i feel they should be ashamed of themselves for whining like this. They should either quit in protest, or shut up and do their jobs. Just get to sweepin up and cleaning those shit-filled porta potties. No one's interested in their personal political beliefs.
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So the sponge started applying for a new job, not quitting? So much for principles. I hope The Donald kills off her entire agency if that's the kind of creeps living off of us. And the military needs soldiers, not sucklings.
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!
We have to have some respect for the office, if not the man. Put the best face on it we can. It doesn't mean we have to agree, just as a lot of people didn't agree with Obama, but we can't reject the fact that he is in the office. He is officially our leader and deserves the country's respect for that, if nothing else. Can you see that?
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!

Happens at every single inauguration s0n!!:2up:

Hows that bumpy cucumber doing s0n? Would appear since election day, its gotten rather gorgan-like in that pooper!!:bye1:

Have a blast on inauguration day!!:funnyface::funnyface:
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!

Happens at every single inauguration s0n!!:2up:

Hows that bumpy cucumber doing s0n? Would appear since election day, its gotten rather gorgan-like in that pooper!!:bye1:

Have a blast on inauguration day!!:funnyface::funnyface:

Just sweep that trash up and clean those shit-filled porta potties. You have a job to do. So do it. No one cares about your personal political beliefs. Get to work!
As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.
If she's a Federal employee, she'd been doing that for eight years already.

Why didn't she object until now, when she's finally going to be out from under that government abuser and his dangerous, unethical policies?
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!
--------------------------------------------- maybe the suicide rate will go up . i will donate the rope Lakhota .
Soldiers are federal workers? I guess technically but I've never seen anyone in the military willing to insult themselves by claiming that
----------------------------------------- is what they are though , employees since its all Volunteer Avatar !!
Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.
The usual lie from the usual liberal fanatic. Do you people have any idea how silly and whiny you look to normal Americans?

This worker has plenty of choice. She doesn't have to be at the inauguration. She can easily find work elsewhere, as the article says she is doing.

It would be a win-win. She doesn't want this job. And I'm sure Trump doesn't want whiny losers with her attitude and delusions, on his payroll.

A perfect solution is imminent! :biggrin:
Just tell the "sad workers" they'll get a "Participation Trophy" for doing their job.

Some federal workers have no choice but to be at inauguration for Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON ― As soon as she found out Donald Trump had won the presidential election, Diane* began applying for a new job. As a federal employee, she just couldn’t imagine sticking around and working for a man she worried would mistreat government workers and pursue dangerous, unethical policies.

But she’s not quite done with the president-elect yet. Diane is also a member of the National Guard and has been assigned to work at inauguration.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she sighed.

“Hopefully we show our best for this inauguration, despite who is being inaugurated,” she added. “You’re no better than you are on your worst day, I guess I would say. We have a job to do, and I support our troops doing that job.”

Plenty of federal workers, service members and others who come to to participate in the festivities always have to take part in an inauguration for a president for whom they may not have voted. But this year seems a bit different.

The 2016 campaign was particularly acrimonious, and Trump has had trouble attracting entertainers to perform at his big day. At least one D.C.-area marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but not a single one applied for this year’s.

Federal employees or service members who have no choice but to be there are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

More: Sad Inauguration Workers Prepare To Celebrate A Man They Despise

I feel sorry for inauguration workers who are required to be there. Glad it isn't me!

All i hear is "blahblahblah" seriously? They just need to honor the office of President. If Trump is a bad SOB then give him the chance to rise to the challenge. I had hope when Obama was elected even though I didnt vote for him.
Had Hillary been elected there would have been a lot of sad Secret Service agents moping around because they despise HER. Still they would have to protect her.

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