Saddam's WMDs Went To Syria, Then Lebanon....

Here you go OP :up:

In the beginning, the reasons for invading Iraq and toppling the dictator Saddam Hussein were his possession of weapons of mass destruction, his nuclear weapons program and his links to the real al Qaida.

When no evidence of the truth of any of those reasons could be found after a year and millions spent in a desperate, failed search, the rationale became the installation of a freely elected democratic government in Baghdad.

For the best part of a year, the Bush administration denied that a homegrown insurgency had taken root in Iraq. In their view, it was just a collection of Baath Party “dead-enders” and foreign jihadists who were killing Americans.

Read more here: Commentary Bush s rationale for Iraq war keeps changing Joe Galloway McClatchy DC
We didn't go in for the WMDs....
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

... we went in to draw in the thousands of AQ fighters who ran from Afghanistan....that's what "Bring it ON" was all about

That's bullshit too. In reality, it wasn't a reason for invading, Bush regretted saying it. And he said that after we invaded in response to a growing insurgency that was unexpected after declaring we prevailed in the battle of Iraq while standing under a "mission accomplished" banner.

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.
I always suspected they had been sold off by Saddam, so there were no WMD's left on the ground by the time that the US arrived.

There are audio tapes of phone conversations proving that Iraq was loading trucks and moving stuff out just ahead of the U.N. inspector's arrival. The inspections were scheduled in advance, giving the Iraqis ample time to move any evidence before the inspectors showed up. The left either doesn't catch on to stuff like this or they deliberately lie about no weapons ever existing. Hard to find something that the Iraqis don't want found when you give them plenty of warning before you come and look.

Once the left decides on a narrative, no amount of evidence will sway them. They like accusing Bush of things and refuse to acknowledge that Dems in congress were all in on this together and the decisions were based on intel. The left never bashed the people responsible for the intel. They just couldn't stomach seeing Bush do something right and they have always tried to change the facts. They continue to lie and the minions eat it up.

There were a lot of reasons to go after Saddam. He was a threat to many people, including his own. He committed terrible human rights violations, was a terrorist sympathizer and was working on WMDs to use against other countries. No wonder the left feels sorry for him the same way they do the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and al Qaeda. Any enemy of America is a friend of theirs.
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.

You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.

You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.
What a pathetically weak reply. :gay:

You idiotically claim WMD were not the reason for the invasion ... I shoot that idiocy down with a quote from Duhbya, not only saying it was the reason ... saying it was the "main" reason. You can't counter that so you fold like a bad poker hand.

You moronically claim we went to draw in Al-Qaeda because Duhbya said, "bring 'em on." I make a fool of you by pointing out that was actually Bush's biggest regret, not a reason for invading. You can't deal with that so you fold like a cheap chair.

After getting your ass thoroughly kicked in debate, you stupidly try to salvage your nonsense by pointing out you served whereas I didn't. First and foremost, thank you for your service. That aside, your does absolutely squat to save your ass from this debate.
"debate"? This is a pissin match boy...and you're sopping dry as a bone in the Sonoran Desert..... you got to know what the game is before you'll ever have a chance to win it. :smartass:
"debate"? This is a pissin match boy...and you're sopping dry as a bone in the Sonoran Desert..... you got to know what the game is before you'll ever have a chance to win it. :smartass:
Imbecile, you're pissing in the wind. Meanwhile you're getting your ass thoroughly kicked in debate which probably explains why you've abandoned arguing your idiotic position in favor of pissing on yourself.
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You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.

we got ourselves a live one here people!!! :lol:
You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.

we got ourselves a live one here people!!! :lol:
Those who have facts on their side can defend their positions. Those who don't, stomp their feet and bang their fists on the table. And apparently piss on themselves.
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So you attack and attack the Republicans, but in theory you hold some Democrats accountable. Yeah, that's the same.

Democrats did a lot more than just vote for it. Even many who didn't said they just wanted to give Saddam more time to comply. And frankly W wasn't lying, he believed it. It's all a cluster. And it detracts from the real issue which is we should not have gone in regardless of WMDs.

We didn't go in for the WMDs....we went in to draw in the thousands of AQ fighters who ran from Afghanistan....that's what "Bring it ON" was all about....fight our warriors instead of our office workers. And they came in....and we murdered them by the bushel.....over 14K hardcore AQ and Fedayeen Saddam sent to Allah...better than 3-1 our number of KIA....and they wouldn't fight us like men.....the cowards killed most of our Troopers with IEDs and snipers....chickenshits.
Thats not the reason Shrub's Admin gave for going in there Scooter. How many times did they change their reasons for wanting to enrich defense contractors.....errr..... bring democracy to Iraq at the barrell of a gun? 4-times? 5-times?

Pipe down Francis :talktothehand: :anj_stfu:

Gotcha, when the Democrats and the Republicans did the same thing, your guys are innocent and they are guilty. You people just chug whatever cums from your party bosses.

This from the guy who called the Democrats the enemy of America?

Exactly, for doing what you are doing, sacrificing your country for cheap partisan political points.
Nobody can be so dumb and uninformedthat they actually believe the crap in the op
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.

You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.
How is his supposed lack of service, or your supposed service for that matter, relevant to the motivation for the iraq invasion?
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.

You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.
How is his supposed lack of service, or your supposed service for that matter, relevant to the motivation for the iraq invasion?
It's not. But as dumb as he is, he was at least smart enough to know he lost the argument.
You really are insane, I don't care what anybody says....

"The main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - Duhbya

And bring it on they did. What was supposed to be a six month war at most -- turned into a 9 year war.

You've never served, know anybody who has, and wouldn't dare open your dirty little mouth around any of us in'd just deliver the pizza and run back to your Yugo fast as your mexican tire sandals would carry know and I know it.
How is his supposed lack of service, or your supposed service for that matter, relevant to the motivation for the iraq invasion?
It's not. But as dumb as he is, he was at least smart enough to know he lost the argument.
You give him too much credit
Imbecile, you're pissing in the wind. Meanwhile you're getting your ass thoroughly kicked in debate which probably explains why you've abandoned arguing your idiotic position in favor of pissing on yourself.

My my you are a vile little turd...there's no "debate" have no idea what you're talking about and seem quite pleased you've gotten as much of my attention as you have being annoying and're not bright enough or clever enough to even understand any of just like to nag like a frigid housewife.
Imbecile, you're pissing in the wind. Meanwhile you're getting your ass thoroughly kicked in debate which probably explains why you've abandoned arguing your idiotic position in favor of pissing on yourself.

My my you are a vile little turd...there's no "debate" have no idea what you're talking about and seem quite pleased you've gotten as much of my attention as you have being annoying and're not bright enough or clever enough to even understand any of just like to nag like a frigid housewife.
Correction ... you can't debate. You tried and you got your ass handed to you.

But I understand why you'd rather play in the mud than at the podium.

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