Salary Survey Says You Make $93,465

Because that shows the value of education. Sorry that was lost on the right wing. Oops.

The value of education for Designers?
WTF does this have to do with anything/anyone but designers?
I don't mean to be harsh or an ass...but this is in the economic section which alludes to this having something to do with a greater impact than just one tiny piece of the economy.

Takes a small number of engineers to design something, but thousands of workers to build and sell it.

Did those words really need to be spoken?

How many engineers does it take to design the electrical system in a house? How many workers does it take to install it?
An optimist says the glass is half full
A pessimist says the glass is half empty

An engineer says the glass has twice the required capacity
The value of education for Designers?
WTF does this have to do with anything/anyone but designers?
I don't mean to be harsh or an ass...but this is in the economic section which alludes to this having something to do with a greater impact than just one tiny piece of the economy.

Takes a small number of engineers to design something, but thousands of workers to build and sell it.

Did those words really need to be spoken?

How many engineers does it take to design the electrical system in a house? How many workers does it take to install it?

How many engineers does it take to design a car? How many workers does it take to make millions and millions of those cars?
Takes a small number of engineers to design something, but thousands of workers to build and sell it.

Did those words really need to be spoken?

How many engineers does it take to design the electrical system in a house? How many workers does it take to install it?

How many engineers does it take to design a car? How many workers does it take to make millions and millions of those cars?

How many workers does it take to build a car?

I know an electrician who made 200K last year without a college degree.

I know an insurance salesman who made over 300K last year without a college degree

I know an auto body shop owner who made over 180K last year without a college degree.

Too bad hard work is lost on you dimwit dimocrats.

Well, there you go. That's why Republicans feel education is worthless.

I never said it was worthless did I?

And FYI learning a trade is education.

A college degree is not a necessity for success.
The value of education for Designers?
WTF does this have to do with anything/anyone but designers?
I don't mean to be harsh or an ass...but this is in the economic section which alludes to this having something to do with a greater impact than just one tiny piece of the economy.

Takes a small number of engineers to design something, but thousands of workers to build and sell it.

Did those words really need to be spoken?

How many engineers does it take to design the electrical system in a house? How many workers does it take to install it?

It doesn't take an engineer to design a residential electrical system and it only takes one person to install it.
50K a year ain't that much
It is when you have low cost electric, health care including scrips/optical/dental, property taxes under $80 ( average home),homeowners under $200 ( 100K home), Internet $7 ( soon to be free).
Socialist stuff. You wouldn't understand.
Property H 01 @ La Tigra Properties for investment and retirement property in Costa Rica

And what percentage of that 50K does your socialist government confiscate? Because we all know that nothing is more expensive than when it's"free"
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Takes a small number of engineers to design something, but thousands of workers to build and sell it.

Did those words really need to be spoken?

How many engineers does it take to design the electrical system in a house? How many workers does it take to install it?

It doesn't take an engineer to design a residential electrical system and it only takes one person to install it.

That one person is actually a design engineer in most states, or working under the nominal supervision of an engineer.

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