Sally Atwater, wife of late GOP strategist Lee Atwater, who devised racial Southern Strategy to win elections dies at 69

The Southern Strategy is a myth.
The "Southern Strategy" was not a myth. It is very much like the "Illegals Strategy" by the Dems today. The difference being that the Americans were citizens but the illegals are not until they make them so.

They did not pander to racists to get votes, which is what the Southern Strategy is based on.
Another lie.

Republicans in fact used racist rhetoric to attract conservatives in the South to the GOP.

LOL!!! Rhetoric doesn't flip a dozen states for generations. And you are still lying. If you tried to back that shit up, you would cherry pick and misrepresent and lie.

For every statement that you could point to and claim "Wacism" I could point to a formal policy statement, BACKED UP BY REAL POLICY, that showed that the republicans of that era were just as committed to civil rights as the dems of the time, if not more so.

YOu want to go? Pick your best example to support your shit. Not a cut and paste truckload of gish gallop bullshit.

YOUR BEST EXAMPLE and I will counter it with POLICY STATEMENTS representing the formal policy positions of the GOP at that time.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.
in 2005, the RNC chairman apologized for a myth?

Just for interpretation. What exactly is the Northern strategy today? I will give you one. Progs have show horned people with fair housing. Most of the white staunch Prog voters for some reason leave the areas they live in when minorities move in. Since Prog voters are the heart and soul of a party that believe in everything social justice, it proves them to be frauds. And when low income housing is introduced to their suburbs we will see what they do. Before you attack Repubs, attack your own.
The Southern Strategy is a myth.
in 2005, the RNC chairman apologized for a myth?

Yes, he did.

Note that he offered no examples of the supposed pandering for votes or how it was done,

and that the article dismisses his apology.

Indeed, note that instead of offering any evidence of the pandering from policy, you offer an example of someone that agrees with you.

Because deep down, you know you cannot make the case.

Lee Atwater was an expert taking credit for something good that happened on his watch. And you people pretend that that is the most credible thing you have ever heard of.

Because it gives you an excuse to talk shit about people you hate.
say what?
is southern strategy a myth or not?

Go back. Read your question and then read my answer.
Touched a nerve huh?

When you people talk shit, I call you on it.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

When I call libs on it, most just bluster and walk away.

The few that try to back up their shit, end up resting their case on secret code words and ONE vote by Goldwater against ONE civil rights bill that passed with overwhelming republican support.

That this lie is widely believed is evidence of what great liars liberals are, nothing more.

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