Salon article on polygamy being next

This keeps me tossing and turning all night, that's for sure. Omigosh what if consenting adults have more than one spouse?
Obama's family was a polygamist one. Just think of how many great future Presidents we can make.
Incest is a tiny minority and how does it impact you? That'll be next. Then who else gets to redefine marriage or are you bigots?
Incest is a tiny minority and how does it impact you? That'll be next. Then who else gets to redefine marriage or are you bigots?

Incest? You mean the six people who actually want to f*** their own brother/sister?

Let them have at it and let nature phase them out.

Why are you such a bigot? You need to think it isn't icky

I'm not a fan of incest as it produces children with permanent health issues and conditions. Not good stuff.

Didn't realize you were a supporter.

Now the two things I know about you is that you're obsessed with the LGBT community, and you also are ok with incest.

Strange dude you are.


Should people with known genetic problems be jailed if thru have sex? Or why do you single out incest then? What about gay incrstuous couples?
Should people with known genetic problems be jailed if thru have sex? Or why do you single out incest then? What about gay incrstuous couples?

Jailed? Of course not. I don't like incest, that doesn't mean - however - that I think it should be criminalized.

People with serious genetic issues should probably think long and hard about having a kid, but at the end of the day it's their own personal decision.

Gay incest? Probably would consider that less harmful as there are no children involved.

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She should have dog shit in her mailbox every day. Good lord, she hit every branch on the ugly tree before going face first into the ground.
Government need not define marriage. It only needs to provide the court system to settle any disputes that may arise from any contract, be it a spousal, professional, or any other relationship.

If consenting adults want to call themselves married, I couldn't care less. Free speech and all. If the Church of the Sacred Beaver wants to "marry" lesbians, have at it. If this butt ugly woman in the link :eek: has two husbands, well, that's their choice. It should make no difference to those involved in a traditional institution that has been around a lot longer than any government.
There's no slippery slope. Folks from Native American until today in America practice polygamy. Nothing new. Nothing harmful to society if consenting adults are involved. No one else's civil or religious liberty is harmed.

Let's move on.
This keeps me tossing and turning all night, that's for sure. Omigosh what if consenting adults have more than one spouse?

it is actually not a problem when everybody is consenting and all are the spouses.

the problems start when somebody withdraws consent and wants a divorce.

from the person# 4 and # 7.

and the person #3 wants a divorce form #6.

and #9 is fine with all of them and objects any divorces in the family :lol:
What you will see happen is that when Christian ministers refuse to marry this filth they will be increasingly targeted, and eventually jailed for hate crimes or civil rights violations. Pretty soon the intentional coup on Christianity will start with bible burnings. Where they burn books they eventually burn bodies.
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What you will see happen is that when Christian ministers refuse to marry this filth they will be increasingly targeted, and eventually jailed for hate crimes or civil rights violations. Pretty soon the intentional coup on Christianity will start with bible burnings. Where they burn books they eventually burn bodies.

Fallacy of delusion.
I thought you live said there wouldn't be a slippery slope

All depends on where you're saying the slippery slope leads. If it's "more freedom for consenting adults", you're right. If you're talking pedophilia and bestiality, you're wrong.

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