Salon article on polygamy being next

Incest is a tiny minority and how does it impact you? That'll be next. Then who else gets to redefine marriage or are you bigots?

This is actually a better argument-

Except that it's already happening.

A bunch of states ALREADY allow you to marry your cousin.

The only issue here is that when the husband of that very ugly woman (how she attracted two men is a mystery to me) finally gets fed up and murders the boyfriend - which is one of the more common endings to these things, it will create a legal mess.

Really? Links that show this is the common end for these things?
On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.

You are delusional, R. C. Why don't you want homos to have the opportunity to be as unhappy as us heteros.

Because the homo agenda, among other things, is an attempt to silence Christians, not to mention what I previously stated. You can't have a communist state with Christians running around. The ass pumpers are just too stupid and involved with their disgusting selves to realize how they're being used to further a cause I'm sure many of them wouldn't even advocate.

LOL. Total hetero here, but I don't give a damn about how other people get their sexual jollies. As long as it is consenting adults, and they are doing no harm, what the hell business is it of yours?

If you make it a point to be in their faces and constantly tell them they are going to hell, they are going to tell you to go to hell. With far better reason than you have for being in their faces.
Hey why not. If all parties agree not a problem.

I personally wouldn't want 2 husbands because that would mean they kill each other. But hey whatever makes people happy.

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