Salon article on polygamy being next

What you will see happen is that when Christian ministers refuse to marry this filth they will be increasingly targeted, and eventually jailed for hate crimes or civil rights violations. Pretty soon the intentional coup on Christianity will start with bible burnings. Where they burn books they eventually burn bodies.

Fallacy of delusion.

The hell it is. The entire point of fag marriage and equal rights for all freaks is to destroy the American family, thereby weakening the nation from within.
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Where's Rick Santorum when you need him.

"Being the first wife means that everybody hates you and those other wives are just waiting for you to fall from your perch, silently praying every day that you do. They won’t take any steps themselves to be rid of you but they won’t cry if you do go. Nothing good is ever said about you and nobody will ever back you up. You know this and you don’t like it, but the worst part is how cheated you feel. You originally married one man, not a man and several other women. But you wouldn’t give your spot up for the world. In a strange, small sense you nurture your bitterness and hurt. Being the victim can be a sweet pain. He treats you with extreme care and buys you nice presents. You’re the first, you know you’re the benchmark, and in the end, he always comes back to you. You’re the queen bee: the rest are just wannabes.You sleep in the big bedroom, you make the shopping lists and you have control of the money. You have his ear and ultimately, the final word on everything.Well, almost everything." Polgamy Problems - By Claire Zulkey
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What you will see happen is that when Christian ministers refuse to marry this filth they will be increasingly targeted, and eventually jailed for hate crimes or civil rights violations. Pretty soon the intentional coup on Christianity will start with bible burnings. Where they burn books they eventually burn bodies.

Fallacy of delusion.

The hell it is. The entire point of fag marriage and equal rights for all freaks is to destroy the American family, thereby weakening the nation from within.

Truly delusional. There is no agenda at all except to be married and have families, which will not weaken the nation in the slightest.
No, no, outlaw such bulbs and drinks, then we can make ministers sell them.

What you will see happen is that when Christian ministers refuse to marry this filth they will be increasingly targeted, and eventually jailed for hate crimes or civil rights violations. Pretty soon the intentional coup on Christianity will start with bible burnings. Where they burn books they eventually burn bodies.

Fallacy of delusion.

The hell it is. The entire point of fag marriage and equal rights for all freaks is to destroy the American family, thereby weakening the nation from within.
You're the freak in this issue.

Besides, more than half of all hetero marriages already end in divorce. Who are you blaming THAT on?
Fallacy of delusion.

The hell it is. The entire point of fag marriage and equal rights for all freaks is to destroy the American family, thereby weakening the nation from within.
You're the freak in this issue.

Besides, more than half of all hetero marriages already end in divorce. Who are you blaming THAT on?

On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.
The hell it is. The entire point of fag marriage and equal rights for all freaks is to destroy the American family, thereby weakening the nation from within.
You're the freak in this issue.

Besides, more than half of all hetero marriages already end in divorce. Who are you blaming THAT on?

On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.

You are delusional, R. C. Why don't you want homos to have the opportunity to be as unhappy as us heteros.
You're the freak in this issue.

Besides, more than half of all hetero marriages already end in divorce. Who are you blaming THAT on?

On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.

You are delusional, R. C. Why don't you want homos to have the opportunity to be as unhappy as us heteros.

Because the homo agenda, among other things, is an attempt to silence Christians, not to mention what I previously stated. You can't have a communist state with Christians running around. The ass pumpers are just too stupid and involved with their disgusting selves to realize how they're being used to further a cause I'm sure many of them wouldn't even advocate.
On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.

You are delusional, R. C. Why don't you want homos to have the opportunity to be as unhappy as us heteros.

Because the homo agenda, among other things, is an attempt to silence Christians, not to mention what I previously stated. You can't have a communist state with Christians running around. The ass pumpers are just too stupid and involved with their disgusting selves to realize how they're being used to further a cause I'm sure many of them wouldn't even advocate.

Gays are prohibiting Christians from being able to get married in a traditional straight marriage? They're preventing Christians from going to church, or being able to practice their religion?

Not sure I follow..

I'm a man and was able to successfully marry a woman not even two years ago; no problems on that front...

On the same groups and individuals who tinker with social engineering in order to bring Amerika down. You're a card carrying member comrade.

You are delusional, R. C. Why don't you want homos to have the opportunity to be as unhappy as us heteros.

Because the homo agenda, among other things, is an attempt to silence Christians, not to mention what I previously stated. You can't have a communist state with Christians running around. The ass pumpers are just too stupid and involved with their disgusting selves to realize how they're being used to further a cause I'm sure many of them wouldn't even advocate.

Who silenced you, mr. wussy boy?
So what?

Polygamy is probably impractical because human beings are jealous by nature.

But if everyone involved is a consenting adult, I'm not seeing the problem.

I agree. And is there really "anyone" who wasn't involved in polygamist discussions for the last few years as gay marriage was at the forefront. It is the logical next step. And as with all things successful or detrimental to our nation, we will find ways to deal with it. Or not. :eusa_eh:
The only issue here is that when the husband of that very ugly woman (how she attracted two men is a mystery to me) finally gets fed up and murders the boyfriend - which is one of the more common endings to these things, it will create a legal mess.

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