"America is Ready for Socialism!" (Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?)

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

Yes, socialism works so well that in most of Europe you will have a hard time finding toilets that work in public areas. Anyone who has never travelled extensively in Europe will think that socialism is the greatest thing in the world till you try and find a toilet while on a drive.
Is it easier in the more Capitalist, third world?

What capitalist third world? If you are a citizen living in the third world your government is either a socialist shithole, a religious theocracy, or a dictatorship.
What the fuck? The third world is ruthlessly and mercilessly exploited by capitalists.

Yes, it is. And the SOCIALIST masters make the money and fuck over the people. I've spent a good portion of my working life in Africa and have seen it up close and personal. Let me know when you are able to get out of the library to go see what is really happening OK sweetcheeks?
The gulags weren't specifically set up to be death camps.

Yeah, they pretty much were. The treatment prisoners received virtually ensured their deaths.
Yeah, which explains why the majority didn't die in the gulags and got out, oh, you do realize the gulags imprisoned less people then the united states prison system throughout their existence?

ROFL! During the great terror the Soviet rail system was overloaded with prisoners headed for the Gulags. American prisoners spend most of their day watching television of lifting weights. Prisoners in the Gulags were sent outside when the temperature was -50 F to work 14 hours a day digging gold or cutting wood.
That wasn't the point of the post, the point was that the gulags had a high rate of getting out, imprisoned mainly actual criminals, and when comparing through percentages, the gulags held less of a percent of the population.

ROFL! They "imprisoned mainly actual criminals?" You're joking, right? Have you ever ready the Gulag archipelago?

Clearly not. This asshat is no doubt a follower of Zinn.
Socialism: if we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor :)

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Socialism: if we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor :)

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Only the clueless and Causeless right says that in one of the largest economies in the World.

Seattle CEO to pay employees $70,000 minimum wage. Source: Seattle CEO to pay employees 70 000 minimum wage
And that's thanks to Capitalism not Socialism :) hence my Point

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What, equality of poverty? Seattle CEO to pay employees $70,000 minimum wage. Source: Seattle CEO to pay employees 70 000 minimum wage

70k is poor to the clueless and Causeless and lazy right?
Maybe we should ask harder working illegals their opinion since the Right is too lazy to be less clueless and less Causeless.

You clearly have never been to a socialist wonderland. Take a look and see how long it would take you to buy a house in Italy for example. We have several friends there. ONE friend has been able to buy her own home. One. All other members of her family still live with their parents. You truly have no clue.
Socialism: if we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor :)

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Only the clueless and Causeless right says that in one of the largest economies in the World.

Seattle CEO to pay employees $70,000 minimum wage. Source: Seattle CEO to pay employees 70 000 minimum wage
And that's thanks to Capitalism not Socialism :) hence my Point

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What point is that? Equality s a social concept not a capital concept.
Maybe we should ask harder working illegals their opinion since the Right is too lazy to be less clueless and less Causeless.

You clearly have never been to a socialist wonderland. Take a look and see how long it would take you to buy a house in Italy for example. We have several friends there. ONE friend has been able to buy her own home. One. All other members of her family still live with their parents. You truly have no clue.
Dude, any capitalist can learn to invest even on unemployment compensation; Capitalism is only Useless to the Right.
I don't personally advocate for this, although It does depend on the present conditions.

Of course you do, because that is all there is.

New York's Central Park is owned by "the people," just as you seek for all assets to be owned. So what happens when a homeless man tries to build a structure? Well, the cops come and tear it down. Why? Because the STATE owns the park - any notion of joint ownership by the people at large is bullshit to appease the stupid - no such condition exists or will ever exist.

When you call for "democratic socialism" you are advocating for ownership of all assets by the state - even if you fail to grasp that this is what you advocate.

You're referring to marxist-leninists and all extensions of that line of thought, more so, the idea of a vanguard party.

No, I am referring to reality. The ONLY way the people can own anything is through private property rights - you advocate for all to be owned by our rulers and allocated through feudal lords to the well connected.
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Child labor occurred until the state stepped in with regulations, and unfortunately, still does occur illegally in modern capitalist states,

Capitalist states like Communist China?

which is unfortunate. Child prostitution is rampant? Back that up, and please, for the love of god, don't claim china is trying to achieve socialism anymore, deng's reformism ended that.

China is what any functional socialist state must be, fascist.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

Yes and yes.

Gulag Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom

Re-creating Mankind The Philosophy and Actualization of the New Soviet Man The Eagle Feather A Publication for Undergraduate Scholars

Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

Yes, socialism works so well that in most of Europe you will have a hard time finding toilets that work in public areas. Anyone who has never travelled extensively in Europe will think that socialism is the greatest thing in the world till you try and find a toilet while on a drive.
Is it easier in the more Capitalist, third world?

What capitalist third world? If you are a citizen living in the third world your government is either a socialist shithole, a religious theocracy, or a dictatorship.
What the fuck? The third world is ruthlessly and mercilessly exploited by capitalists.

Yes, it is. And the SOCIALIST masters make the money and fuck over the people. I've spent a good portion of my working life in Africa and have seen it up close and personal. Let me know when you are able to get out of the library to go see what is really happening OK sweetcheeks?
Socialist masters? Socialists have been brutally shut down in Africa.
Bullshit on the "new soviet man." It was an idea to strive for, but they didn't actively kill other races, idiot.
Child labor occurred until the state stepped in with regulations, and unfortunately, still does occur illegally in modern capitalist states,

Capitalist states like Communist China?

which is unfortunate. Child prostitution is rampant? Back that up, and please, for the love of god, don't claim china is trying to achieve socialism anymore, deng's reformism ended that.

China is what any functional socialist state must be, fascist.
China is not communist, just because a party claims to be representing something doesn't mean it actually does, take north korea for example. They are not democratic, yet, it's in their name, therefore, it must be what democracy stands for. Truly idiotic line of thought, but it's what morons go off of. China is allowing capitalist interests to mercilessly exploit its people, and if anything, follows state capitalism.
I don't personally advocate for this, although It does depend on the present conditions.

Of course you do, because that is all there is.

New York's Central Park is owned by "the people," just as you seek for all assets to be owned. So what happens when a homeless man tries to build a structure? Well, the cops come and tear it down. Why? Because the STATE owns the park - any notion of joint ownership by the people at large is bullshit to appease the stupid - no such condition exists or will ever exist.

When you call for "democratic socialism" you are advocating for ownership of all assets by the state - even if you fail to grasp that this is what you advocate.

You're referring to marxist-leninists and all extensions of that line of thought, more so, the idea of a vanguard party.

No, I am referring to reality. The ONLY way the people can own anything is through private property rights - you advocate for all to be owned by our rulers and allocated through feudal lords to the well connected.
I don't seek for all assets to be state owned, however, one would have to have a basic understanding of leninism in order to contribute to any meaningful discussion, the conditions present at the time of the russian revolution are different from the conditions today. When a homeless man tries to build a structure? Honey, new york city "central park" as being owned by the people is a pathetic example to pull up, idiotic, truly. Again, I refer to the hilarious idea that just because someone claims to represent something, it doesn't mean thats what it is. No, I'm really not, and I'm pretty sure I'd rather have mining/healthcare run by a state representing the peoples interest (If the US is actually a democracy of any kind) then run by profit seeking capitalists... The only way people can own anything is through private property rights? When communists refer to abolishing private property, we refer to farms/factories.. A toothbrush is still someones property, as is a house, then again, people who aren't willing to have a decent discussion and continually spew bullshit wouldn't understand this. Feudal lords? Yeah, you're thinking of an-caps..
Maybe we should ask harder working illegals their opinion since the Right is too lazy to be less clueless and less Causeless.

You clearly have never been to a socialist wonderland. Take a look and see how long it would take you to buy a house in Italy for example. We have several friends there. ONE friend has been able to buy her own home. One. All other members of her family still live with their parents. You truly have no clue.
What socialist wonderland? Considering socialism refers to collective/democratic ownership of the means of production. Italy is socialist? What the fuck are you smoking?
Yeah, they pretty much were. The treatment prisoners received virtually ensured their deaths.
Yeah, which explains why the majority didn't die in the gulags and got out, oh, you do realize the gulags imprisoned less people then the united states prison system throughout their existence?

ROFL! During the great terror the Soviet rail system was overloaded with prisoners headed for the Gulags. American prisoners spend most of their day watching television of lifting weights. Prisoners in the Gulags were sent outside when the temperature was -50 F to work 14 hours a day digging gold or cutting wood.
That wasn't the point of the post, the point was that the gulags had a high rate of getting out, imprisoned mainly actual criminals, and when comparing through percentages, the gulags held less of a percent of the population.

ROFL! They "imprisoned mainly actual criminals?" You're joking, right? Have you ever ready the Gulag archipelago?

Clearly not. This asshat is no doubt a follower of Zinn.
Oh, I do like Zinn.
The gulags weren't specifically set up to be death camps.

Yeah, they pretty much were. The treatment prisoners received virtually ensured their deaths.
Yeah, which explains why the majority didn't die in the gulags and got out, oh, you do realize the gulags imprisoned less people then the united states prison system throughout their existence?

ROFL! During the great terror the Soviet rail system was overloaded with prisoners headed for the Gulags. American prisoners spend most of their day watching television of lifting weights. Prisoners in the Gulags were sent outside when the temperature was -50 F to work 14 hours a day digging gold or cutting wood.
That wasn't the point of the post, the point was that the gulags had a high rate of getting out, imprisoned mainly actual criminals, and when comparing through percentages, the gulags held less of a percent of the population.

ROFL! They "imprisoned mainly actual criminals?" You're joking, right? Have you ever ready the Gulag archipelago?
Yeah, a book written before the archives were ever opened... seems reliable. /sarcasm

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