"America is Ready for Socialism!" (Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?)

You're referring to the actions carried out by the soviet union/germany during world war 2 as your basis for labeling the ideological views of all socialists/communists, and heck, even fascists, which is sad, truly, I pity you. They assume people aren't capable of caring for themselves? Yes, I'd love for you to back that up, along with the "buying votes claim." Wait, hold on, wasn't the soviet union an authoritarian dictatorship? Make up your mind. No difference? NO DIFFERENCE? LOOOOOOOOL. They are not related, at all, theirs a reason hitler killed socialists/communists.

Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."
Sure they are. They both place government control over that of the individual. They both assume that when the individual is no longer of value to the State they are superfluous and can be got rid of.
They both take the majority of the workers money because they assume that the people aren't capable of caring for themselves and use that money to buy whatever votes they need to remain in power.

When you look at how the Nazi's and the Soviets treated their citizens there is virtually no difference.
One other thing that is similar to both is that when they go to war the individual is EXPECTED to die for the country, variously called the "The Fatherland", or in Soviet parlance "The Motherland", whereas in a "free" society we are grateful for the individuals sacrifice.

There is no question that fascism and socialism are related. Only brainwashed drones think otherwise.
You're referring to the actions carried out by the soviet union/germany during world war 2 as your basis for labeling the ideological views of all socialists/communists, and heck, even fascists, which is sad, truly, I pity you. They assume people aren't capable of caring for themselves? Yes, I'd love for you to back that up, along with the "buying votes claim." Wait, hold on, wasn't the soviet union an authoritarian dictatorship? Make up your mind. No difference? NO DIFFERENCE? LOOOOOOOOL. They are not related, at all, theirs a reason hitler killed socialists/communists.

Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

Plenty of Jews were sent to the Gulag where they were worked to death. So where's the difference?
Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."

Stalin sent people to the Gulag for whatever reason he wished to send them. Antisemitism is one of those reasons. Your figures on the number of deaths and the number of people sent is way low.

Your source is that National Park Service. You're kidding us, right?
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.
These are the scum that Joe McCarthy talked about in the early 1950's!

The Social Memo ^ believes that the United States is "ready for socialism" and Bernie Sanders is "speaking to America's soul." In an article published today, titled "America is ready for socialism! Massive majorities back Bernie Sanders on the issues — and disdain Donald Trump," Salon made the case that most Americans want socialist policies in place. "Sanders speaks to America's soul — and our values," the article's author, Paul Rosenberg, claims. Rosenberg also writes for Al Jazeera. It continues, "Sanders is right to think that Scandanavian socialism would be popular here in the U.S., if only people knew more about it. And...

BTW, I hope all you THINKING people spotted the TIE IN between Socialism. and Al Jazeera the propaganda arm of ISIS!
Scandinavian whiteness would be welcome here too, but we aren't going to get it either.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.
I couldn't find a morals thread.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.
Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."

Oh jeez, you really don't know anything do you? The Gulag system needed to grind up "X" number of people from every profession. They had quotas. It was a system of pure terror whose goal was to bludgeon the people into political immobility. ALL religions were deemed enemies of the State and were officially proscribed. Anti-Semitism was curtailed after the Bolshevik revolution but was reinstituted in 1948 and the death of Stalin prevented a Jewish pogrom. This is all well documented.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

Yes, socialism works so well that in most of Europe you will have a hard time finding toilets that work in public areas. Anyone who has never travelled extensively in Europe will think that socialism is the greatest thing in the world till you try and find a toilet while on a drive.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

Yes, socialism works so well that in most of Europe you will have a hard time finding toilets that work in public areas. Anyone who has never travelled extensively in Europe will think that socialism is the greatest thing in the world till you try and find a toilet while on a drive.
Is it easier in the more Capitalist, third world?
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

For people who want centralized control over the economy, yeah it does.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

For people who want centralized control over the economy, yeah it does.
How well did decentralization work for the US under the Articles of Confederation.

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."

Stalin sent people to the Gulag for whatever reason he wished to send them. Antisemitism is one of those reasons. Your figures on the number of deaths and the number of people sent is way low.

Your source is that National Park Service. You're kidding us, right?
Pulling from the soviet archives..

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."

Oh jeez, you really don't know anything do you? The Gulag system needed to grind up "X" number of people from every profession. They had quotas. It was a system of pure terror whose goal was to bludgeon the people into political immobility. ALL religions were deemed enemies of the State and were officially proscribed. Anti-Semitism was curtailed after the Bolshevik revolution but was reinstituted in 1948 and the death of Stalin prevented a Jewish pogrom. This is all well documented.
No, it didn't need to "grind up" people. I need you to back that up, honey.
You're referring to the actions carried out by the soviet union/germany during world war 2 as your basis for labeling the ideological views of all socialists/communists, and heck, even fascists, which is sad, truly, I pity you. They assume people aren't capable of caring for themselves? Yes, I'd love for you to back that up, along with the "buying votes claim." Wait, hold on, wasn't the soviet union an authoritarian dictatorship? Make up your mind. No difference? NO DIFFERENCE? LOOOOOOOOL. They are not related, at all, theirs a reason hitler killed socialists/communists.

Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

Plenty of Jews were sent to the Gulag where they were worked to death. So where's the difference?
The gulags weren't specifically set up to be death camps.

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

How was the Gulag different from the concentration camp? Other than killing way more than the Nazi's did of course.
Oh lord, you really do need to look into the gulag system, and camps set up to punish people for following a specific religion/being a specific race/having a disability, which is one of the main ideas of fascist ideology, the perfect race, hierarchies...
Learn friend, learn:
"While numbers are sketchy, of the much larger number of gulag inmates plus exiled “special settlers” and labor colonists (often youth detention facilities) that totaled 26 million in these years, perhaps 1.5 million perished. It is important to remember, however, that in most years more people were amnestied from the Gulag than died in it. Excepting the brutal war years, the most common experience of the Gulag was surviving it."

Stalin sent people to the Gulag for whatever reason he wished to send them. Antisemitism is one of those reasons. Your figures on the number of deaths and the number of people sent is way low.

Your source is that National Park Service. You're kidding us, right?
Oh, good job following the great man bullshit, one man is not responsible for every death.
Everybody knows socialism is better than capitalism; just ask the wealthiest when they were willing to lie to their stockholders for socialized corporate welfare instead of merely "working harder" and making fewer "poor lifestyle choices".

A social moral of True Witness bearing was simply too much hard work for the Capital Right; yet, they insist the least wealthy must work "harder" than them under our form of Capitalism.
I think in that typical batch of babble, lies some inadvertent truth. The wealthy do benefit from socialism, and more so than the rest of us.

That's why the dumb masses favor socialism: they think it will hurt the rich more than them.
Because it simply works better than Capitalism.

Yes, socialism works so well that in most of Europe you will have a hard time finding toilets that work in public areas. Anyone who has never travelled extensively in Europe will think that socialism is the greatest thing in the world till you try and find a toilet while on a drive.
This belongs here: Shit Americans Say
Europe isn't socialist, social democracy isn't socialism.
Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Cute link. Doesn't address the fact that there is no fundamental difference in how the citizens of Germany and the Soviet Union were treated. Also doesn't address the fact that BOTH societies were collectivist in nature. Like I said, fascism, socialism, communism (as it is practiced) are all the same house. The only difference is the color of the paint.
They were treated differently, did the soviet union set up purposeful death camps for jewish people? Attempt to create a superior race?

Plenty of Jews were sent to the Gulag where they were worked to death. So where's the difference?
The gulags weren't specifically set up to be death camps.

Yeah, they pretty much were. The treatment prisoners received virtually ensured their deaths.

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