Same-sex couples start marrying in Conn.

No... all DEMs are not uber-leftists... but moderate DEMs are a smaller and smaller breed, with the DEM party's shift to the far left

Again, I'm on the far left and the reason I'm not a democrat is because the Democratic Party does not represent the concerns of the left, not to mention the far left. Your characterization of democrats is is simply wrong. I bet you thought Bill Clinton was a liberal.

As stated... you can think what you want... it does not change the fact that a brother is what it is... and in no subsequent definition of brother, do you fall under any category of it with me...

You've said the magic word .. "me." Your understanding only extends to the "me." Do you have any idea how many people there are who can correctly interpret modern-day usage of "brother?" I'll even offer this .. you understand it too .. you ain't (eb) stupid. I qualify some words with (eb) to identify myself as someone who can speak fluent ebonics.

I recognize that language has only one real purpose .. to communicate thoughts and ideas. If by the language I use, you correctly what I said, whether you agree with it or not, then mission accomplished.

Your argument is your expression of being against it use, not because you don't understand it.

There have been socialist programs existing, wrongfully so and unconstitutionally so, for a while.. and you will always have people who believe in the constitution of this country that will fight those things....

Friend .. can I call you friend?

My friend, I don't think you're listening. I don't have to fight the battles for socialism .. evolution will do that for me. I don't even have to call it socialism. You can call universal healthcare anything you like .. call it conservatism, I don't care. My aim is to do my part in creating a better America for next generations .. and as long as the practical applications of socialist concepts continue to grow and manifest themselves into the American psyche .. I die happy. Socialists are not looking for credit .. which seperates us from liberals and conservatives.

If you believe that people will always be stuck in the past .. feel free to believe it, but belief doesn't alter truth. The Constitution is interpretive .. that's why you need special classes of lawyers who specialize in constitutional law .. and many times even they have different interpretations of what it says .. then off it goes to the Supreme Court where it also finds different interpretations of the same sentence, word, or thought.

So who wins? .. Varying interpretations of the Constitution usually center on one thing .. ideology. The Supreme Court is supposed to be devoid of ideology, but nobody believes that bullshit. It doesn't matter what the issue is, Uncle Thomas is going to come down on the right. All the legalese don't (eb) mean shit.

So who wins? .. the ideology that can stack the Supreme Court .. and from where I sitting .. it don't look good for your side. Your political base is eroding .. and you know why it's eroding? .. It's because republicans spend too much time on shit like trying to pretend morality. Not you of course, but you're standing among shrinking and increasingly powerless warriors.

Two words I hardly heard this election .. "christian conservatives" .. sweet.

A name I don't have to listen to anymore .. "Ralph Reed" .. sweet.

You and your comrades can keep on fighting against the tide if you choose .. but it will only accelerate your shrinking.

What people "want" is irrelevant... people want more sex.. people want the best food and the best house... just because people WANT something does not mean that others are required to give it to them... hell, even when people NEED something, it does not mean that others are required to give it to them

We are talking about gay marriage, right? Gays aren't asking you to give them anything. What they demand requires absolutely nothing of you.

Are you christian?

My whines about socialism?? No... my hard stance against socialism and socialist rule being against the concept of a free society... Also the knowledge that socialism is a failed form of country government.. that socialism is a system of control that either requires total subservience or totalitarian forced control...

I fought to support freedom, and I will continue to do so

"Freedom" is both the most misused and over-used word in America. You support what you believe .. that's it. What you believe does not necessarily have the first thing to do with "freedom" and it is your right to do so.

I support your right to believe in freedom .. as you see it.
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The fact that it's gotten so much attention out of you shows that you're intrigued by it. Have you PM'd BAC yet to ask for more details and what he'd "do to you."


I say if the morons are going to show up anyway, might as well have fun with 'em. :eusa_angel:
You have no clue what freedom is... and socialism has ZERO to do with freedom... it has everything to do with control...

The failure of socialism in all countries around the world that try it, can be traced a critical flaw... It is a system that ignores incentives, human nature... and the fact that people will take care of themselves and their family first and will fight back when they do more and give it up to those who do less, because of a governmental control system... in small doses, people may suck it up, but as socialism grows, the discontent of the achievers will grow.. and as society stagnates more under socialism, it will rebel to advance... humans yearn for freedom, and that urge is stronger than the "something for nothing" yearning of the lazy... and humans will seek to purge the parasites that hinder the progress of society and hinder the advancement and progression of productive individuals
You have no clue what freedom is... and socialism has ZERO to do with freedom... it has everything to do with control...

The failure of socialism in all countries around the world that try it, can be traced a critical flaw... It is a system that ignores incentives, human nature... and the fact that people will take care of themselves and their family first and will fight back when they do more and give it up to those who do less, because of a governmental control system... in small doses, people may suck it up, but as socialism grows, the discontent of the achievers will grow.. and as society stagnates more under socialism, it will rebel to advance... humans yearn for freedom, and that urge is stronger than the "something for nothing" yearning of the lazy... and humans will seek to purge the parasites that hinder the progress of society and hinder the advancement and progression of productive individuals

The military is the most socialist organization of all, so we should stop funding military pensions and military hospitals.
You have no clue what freedom is... and socialism has ZERO to do with freedom... it has everything to do with control...

The failure of socialism in all countries around the world that try it, can be traced a critical flaw... It is a system that ignores incentives, human nature... and the fact that people will take care of themselves and their family first and will fight back when they do more and give it up to those who do less, because of a governmental control system... in small doses, people may suck it up, but as socialism grows, the discontent of the achievers will grow.. and as society stagnates more under socialism, it will rebel to advance... humans yearn for freedom, and that urge is stronger than the "something for nothing" yearning of the lazy... and humans will seek to purge the parasites that hinder the progress of society and hinder the advancement and progression of productive individuals

I have lived a very successful life sir .. still living it. I don't need anything from you or anybody else. The barriers that stood in my way got knocked down with education and will. I not only made my own way, I've help make a way for others .. still do. That is the socialist concept. Beall that you can, then reach back and help somebody else. I don't need a handout, never did .. but I understand and have empathy for those who do .. and I feel required to help if I can. That's called spirituality. I don't need religion, I have spitituality.

Your indoctrinated concept of socialism is cartoonish, and with all due respect, it boggles my mind how naive and easily controlled people are. Socialism is all around you, and it's growing because it works and it is none of the things you fear. You fear it because it works, not because it doesn't.

If socialism was all that you say and it's such a failure, then you have nothing to fear.

What strikes me most about your comments is your resistance to climb out of your ideological box even as it crumbles around you. You appear paranoid of life and anything different and not rooted hundreds of years in the past. I can't imagine living a life like that. Too me, having to live as that would truly be scary.
I have lived a very successful life sir .. still living it. I don't need anything from you or anybody else. The barriers that stood in my way got knocked down with education and will. I not only made my own way, I've help make a way for others .. still do. That is the socialist concept. Beall that you can, then reach back and help somebody else. I don't need a handout, never did .. but I understand and have empathy for those who do .. and I feel required to help if I can. That's called spirituality. I don't need religion, I have spitituality.

Your indoctrinated concept of socialism is cartoonish, and with all due respect, it boggles my mind how naive and easily controlled people are. Socialism is all around you, and it's growing because it works and it is none of the things you fear. You fear it because it works, not because it doesn't.

If socialism was all that you say and it's such a failure, then you have nothing to fear.

What strikes me most about your comments is your resistance to climb out of your ideological box even as it crumbles around you. You appear paranoid of life and anything different and not rooted hundreds of years in the past. I can't imagine living a life like that. Too me, having to live as that would truly be scary.

You can personally have whatever personal feelings about what you believe you owe to others... the minute you try and control those feelings to put it over others, is the infringement of freedom itself...

There is a solution to your conundrum... it is called voluntary charity.. if you feel called to support a group of others or another individual, you feel free to do so... I support various charities as well.. but there is nothing owed to others in terms of their personal responsibilities for their own well being....

What you also fail to see is that it is your ideological box that is in shambles, nothing but rubble... socialism is a failed concept in any national aspect or even within the aspect of a very large group of people... in small hippie communes, it can work (I.E. tribalism)... but within the realms of general human nature, socialism is a complete failure... unless, as stated before, you have the power of total control, you have the elimination of individualism through that control, and your ruling elite wields that control through various shows of force... within large groups and countries, individuals yearn for freedom and the freedom to advance themselves by their own hand and to take advantage of the rewards they get for themselves through their efforts... government robbing Peter to pay Paul will result in Peter losing the incentive to do the extra that is needed to personally thrive and to have the incentive to strive for advancements

What there is to 'fear' is that there always seems to be a group of power hungry idiots who love to bring back more and more aspects of socialism... taking away from true earners and achievers.. using the ideology to stir up the uninformed and greedy 'something for nothing' masses to seize that power... socialism, in all of it's aspects and faces, will continually rear it's ugly head, thanks to those who wish to be in that ruling elite, to have that power... but it is the masses of people, so willing to give up their freedom for the handout or entitlement, that is actually more scary than the ones who actually salivate over that power
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No... gays may have coupled up and done their thing all throughout the history of mankind... they were not married... the institution of marriage and what marriage is has always been recognized as the union between a man and a woman...

No. As I said, the Roman Emperor Nero was the first Roman Emperor to marry a man. He was alive at the time of the birth of Christianity. There were several marriage ceremonies of gay men in the Roman Empire and in fact, in ancient Greek culture, women were only used for reproduction - they were figured to be too dainty for a real relationship so many gay men were in relationships and married back thousands of years ago. Read your history. It isn't until Christianity came around that gay marriage was banned in the 300s by the then, Christian Roman Empire.

Marriage has not always been between a man and a woman.
No. As I said, the Roman Emperor Nero was the first Roman Emperor to marry a man. He was alive at the time of the birth of Christianity. There were several marriage ceremonies of gay men in the Roman Empire and in fact, in ancient Greek culture, women were only used for reproduction - they were figured to be too dainty for a real relationship so many gay men were in relationships and married back thousands of years ago. Read your history. It isn't until Christianity came around that gay marriage was banned in the 300s by the then, Christian Roman Empire.

Marriage has not always been between a man and a woman.

And Judaism had it before then as a union between a man and a woman... (or even multiple wives)

I personally would not try and use Nero as a basis of precedent over what is legal or proper in government... but nice try

But in terms of matrimony or wedlock... it is simply defined as the union between a man and a woman... and as stated.. the government has the ability to equally recognize various types of family unions... have the equality in treatment... all marriages can be unions, but not all unions are marriage... just as all men are humans, and all women are humans, but just because they are all human does not make a man a woman or a woman a man... even if, somewhere in the past, some group said they were they same exact thing... the fact is a woman is a woman and a man is a man, and nothing changes that fact
Your argument on this has been shot down numerous times in the past.. but that never stops you from breaking out this old chestnut...

kirkybot, the idiot, strikes again

Time to end socialism and stop paying for military pensions and military hospitals.

Time to take all these vets off the public sugar teet.
I personally would not try and use Nero as a basis of precedent over what is legal or proper in government...

I wasn't. You made the claim that heterosexual marriage has been the way marriage has been and will always be. You were wrong. Admit you were wrong, please.
All of America benefits from our biggest and most socialist program, conveniently mandated by the constitution: the US military.
I wasn't. You made the claim that heterosexual marriage has been the way marriage has been and will always be. You were wrong. Admit you were wrong, please.

The concept, even if there has been a whacko like Nero, has been the union of a man and a woman... even from pre-history from when men and women coupled up to have children, and their subsequent children were raised in that unit
No one has debunked it. It does seem to make the right wing cry, though.

An employment and protection function of the government is not socialism.. there is not gathering and equal redistribution of good or earnings... it is not government ownership and redistribution of private property

It is a job of government, like the funding and running of the courts system, like the police force, like congress, etc...

Wealth redistribution at the hands of government.. taking from the haves to hand out to the have nots.. government control of goods and the force needed to socialize and redistribute... that is socialism

Funding and providing for the national defense is not socialism

The only ones that ever claim the military to be socialists are the anti-war nuts and the wackos who just need to spot off anything against the 'right' or supporters of the military
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An employment and protection function of the government is not socialism.. there is not gathering and equal redistribution of good or earnings... it is not government ownership and redistribution of private property

It is a job of government, like the funding and running of the courts system, like the police force, like congress, etc...

Wealth redistribution at the hands of government.. taking from the haves to hand out to the have nots.. government control of goods and the force needed to socialize and redistribute... that is socialism

Funding and providing for the national defense is not socialism

The only ones that ever claim the military to be socialists are the anti-war nuts and the wackos who just need to spot off anything against the 'right' or supporters of the military
It's not socialism, it's socialistic. It is a social program. We are not governed under socialism, but we do have socialistic programs...taking money from the haves to benefit the greater good (including the have nots). That's exactly what the military is...but if you need to pretend otherwise, be my guest.
The concept, even if there has been a whacko like Nero, has been the union of a man and a woman... even from pre-history from when men and women coupled up to have children, and their subsequent children were raised in that unit

A whacko?

So gay people are whacko, is that it? Is that where your logic is? Gay people cannot get married because they're whacko.

Hate to break it to ya', Dave, even whackos can get married. Why is it most conservatives will find something to be biggoted about? First it was Jews they didn't like, then it was women who shouldn't have rights, then it was blacks who shouldn't have rights, now it's gays. Who's next on your list of hate? Blondes?
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