Same-sex couples to get federal marriage benefits: attorney general

Same-sex couples to get federal marriage benefits attorney general Reuters
Ok? Wasn't that the whole point of gay couples being able to get married. I mean the real reason, the one that really matters but is covered up in social equality issues. The money. Not that social equality isn't important, it just isn't the real reason anything gets done.

Yep- that is clearly the only reason why anyone wants to get married.

Now same gender couples are treated just as opposite gender couples- oh the tragedy.
Same-sex couples to get federal marriage benefits attorney general Reuters
Ok? Wasn't that the whole point of gay couples being able to get married. I mean the real reason, the one that really matters but is covered up in social equality issues. The money. Not that social equality isn't important, it just isn't the real reason anything gets done.

Yep- that is clearly the only reason why anyone wants to get married.

Now same gender couples are treated just as opposite gender couples- oh the tragedy.
I understand that hetero couples only marry for the money.
Same-sex couples to get federal marriage benefits attorney general Reuters
Ok? Wasn't that the whole point of gay couples being able to get married. I mean the real reason, the one that really matters but is covered up in social equality issues. The money. Not that social equality isn't important, it just isn't the real reason anything gets done.
I suspect that is one of the major reasons; after all, no one was stopping same sex couples from living as married, calling themselves married, and introducing themselves as married before.
I have no problem with committed homosexual couples getting the same benefits as normal couples. The issue is settled by the court, no need for whining about benefits. They always deserved it and that doesn't mean I endorse homosexuality. I will never accept to call their commitment a marriage but that won't change my opinion about the benefits and such.
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This has been one of the two primary arguments I've had against homo marriage from the outset. The money has to come from somewhere. This means we all have to subsidize homo couples for absolutely no reason. For heteros it was the likelihood of procreation. The pro homo fascists use the anecdotal incidence of heteros not having children as a dishonest excuse. Dog wagging.
Procreation is moot for homos. This is a ripoff.
This has been one of the two primary arguments I've had against homo marriage from the outset. The money has to come from somewhere. This means we all have to subsidize homo couples for absolutely no reason. For heteros it was the likelihood of procreation. The pro homo fascists use the anecdotal incidence of heteros not having children as a dishonest excuse. Dog wagging.
Procreation is moot for homos. This is a ripoff.

The homophobic fascists like you use 'procreation' as an excuse to force homosexuals to pay for your marriage, while denying them marriage.

You are find giving all the government bennies to an 80 year old straight couple with no kids- but a pair of lesbians raising 8 kids- no bennies for them.
I have no problem with gays but I feel marriage is one of the last sacred vows we have. It is meant for a man and woman. At the same time, I believe in Civil Unions for gays that would allow them to get the financial benefits of marriage. Just leave marriage alone...Oh well for that.
This has been one of the two primary arguments I've had against homo marriage from the outset. The money has to come from somewhere. This means we all have to subsidize homo couples for absolutely no reason. For heteros it was the likelihood of procreation. The pro homo fascists use the anecdotal incidence of heteros not having children as a dishonest excuse. Dog wagging.
Procreation is moot for homos. This is a ripoff.
If they pay into SS they should get the payoff regardless of being homo or not. If they are committed into a binding homo relationship they should be able to get what normal couples get.
I have no problem with gays but I feel marriage is one of the last sacred vows we have. It is meant for a man and woman. At the same time, I believe in Civil Unions for gays that would allow them to get the financial benefits of marriage. Just leave marriage alone...Oh well for that.

Civil marriage is not a sacred vow.

Religious marriage is a sacred vow- if your church does not allow same gender couples to marry, then that doesn't change for you.
This has been one of the two primary arguments I've had against homo marriage from the outset. The money has to come from somewhere. This means we all have to subsidize homo couples for absolutely no reason. For heteros it was the likelihood of procreation. The pro homo fascists use the anecdotal incidence of heteros not having children as a dishonest excuse. Dog wagging.
Procreation is moot for homos. This is a ripoff.
If they pay into SS they should get the payoff regardless of being homo or not. If they are committed into a binding homo relationship they should be able to get what normal couples get.
Not if they can't make babies. I ain't subsidizing nobody with my money on a humbug. Tell those homo-leeches to get it from a voluntary source.
I don't understand why is it worthy of any discussion now.
Why do people get benefits anyhow? Makes no sense to me
I mean marriage benefits. Why?
Marriage is a free choice of anyone not concerning any special benefits.
I don't understand why is it worthy of any discussion now.
Why do people get benefits anyhow? Makes no sense to me
I mean marriage benefits. Why?
Marriage is a free choice of anyone not concerning any special benefits.
Because hetero married couples can procreate. Tax breaks, etc., offset hardships generated by child rearing. Homos can't procreate so those benefits are unnecessary.
Same-sex couples to get federal marriage benefits attorney general Reuters
Ok? Wasn't that the whole point of gay couples being able to get married. I mean the real reason, the one that really matters but is covered up in social equality issues. The money. Not that social equality isn't important, it just isn't the real reason anything gets done.

It was a comprehensive civil rights issue, with the benefits of marriage an aspect of the right of gay Americans to due process and equal protection of the law.

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