Same sex marriage

And I must admit, I don't know why choosing to be gay would be grounds for excluding gay people from marrying.

Can someone explain that in a logical way?

Good point. It would mean we could prohibit, say, Protestants from marrying.

We could also prohibit Newt from marrying since he chose to be Catholic when he married his third wife.

In fact, all Catholics choose to be Catholics when they are confirmed. Maybe that is where some people get the idea that gays choose to be gay, since sexual awakening occurs at about the same age.

"I'm going to be Catholic Nope. That won't work. I guess I'll just be Catholic and straight. That's the ticket!"
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Then go live in a country where god makes the laws. Our constitution trumps the bible.
fuck off.

You're living in a WORLD where God makes the laws, asslips. Why don't you move to another planet.

Prove said god dipshit.....I'll wait....

Man makes the laws, man can take away said laws. God has nothing to do with his.

And thats not even getting into the fact of if god is real, why did god create gay animals?

Prove there is no God asswipe
Why? What harm is done by it?

Left-handedness is also abnormal. Should it be criminalized?

Left-handedness is not abnormal. There may be fewer left-handers than right-handers, but there is certainly nothing abnormal about that. Pssst, your ignorance is showing.

It is abnormal as in not normal, not close to the majority.

It is abnormal in that it used to be considered evil.

It is abnormal in that people were FORCED to write right handed and punished if they wrote left-handed.

It is abnormal in that our society and tools are geared towards right handed people and left-handed are ignored....or have to go above and beyond to be accommodated.

It is abnormal as in not normal, not close to the majority. Not being in the majority has nothing to do with being abnormal. Kind of reaching, aren't you?

It is abnormal in that it used to be considered evil. OK, so what are we going to do here, validate stupidity?

It is abnormal in that people were FORCED to write right handed and punished if they wrote left-handed. Again, validate stupidity?

It is abnormal in that our society and tools are geared towards right handed people and left-handed are ignored....or have to go above and beyond to be accommodated. You're misusing the word abnormal. It has nothing to do with the economics of supply and demand.
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Such as....?
What's a fair price to pay for a slave. What crops to plant next to one another. What to do with adulterers (I guess we nominate them for President in the GOP!). What kind of cloth to wear. What condiments are acceptable on a pulled pork sandwich. You know, Biblical law.

Don't forget condemnations on praying in public...and that's not even Old Testament stuff.

Funny that only a couple of the ten commandments are actual laws...

Actually 4 of the 10 ARE laws:
#6 - Thou shalt not kill
#7 - Thou shalt not commit adultry
#8 - Thou shalt not steal
#9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) (ya, i know everyone lies, but it's against the law to lie in court)
Not so.

It is a choice.
I chose to be hetero.

This is interesting. You had a sexual attraction to both sexes, and then decided to just go with the opposite sex?

That is what she said.....she was attracted to men...she was attracted to women....yet chose men. The same for her children...they were attracted to both, but because of her parenting, they bypassed the same-sex attraction and consciously went for the opposite-sex attraction.

Of course...when it is a choice, they can always choose to go back to that same-sex attraction at a later date. When a choice, minds can later on be changed if the right person of the same-sex comes along.

Naw, that's not what I said, but if that makes you feel better, you go right ahead.

What I said is I chose to be attracted to men. That doesn't mean I was attracted to women. It just means I set my sexual compass towards men. Just as you set yours towards women. I'll be you could tell us the day and time you decided to be gay.

And no, my mind won't be changed (and much more persuasive folks than you have tried). Because I made the choice not to change my mind.

It's pretty simple.
Why? What harm is done by it?

Left-handedness is also abnormal. Should it be criminalized?

Left-handedness is not abnormal. There may be fewer left-handers than right-handers, but there is certainly nothing abnormal about that. Pssst, your ignorance is showing.

It is abnormal as in not normal, not close to the majority.

It is abnormal in that it used to be considered evil.

It is abnormal in that people were FORCED to write right handed and punished if they wrote lefthanded.

It is abnormal in that our society and tools are geared towards right handed people and lefthanded are ignored....or have to go above and beyond to be accommodated.

Actually, they're not completely ignored....i once bought a set of left handed golf clubs at a yard sale!
This is interesting. You had a sexual attraction to both sexes, and then decided to just go with the opposite sex?

That is what she said.....she was attracted to men...she was attracted to women....yet chose men. The same for her children...they were attracted to both, but because of her parenting, they bypassed the same-sex attraction and consciously went for the opposite-sex attraction.

Of course...when it is a choice, they can always choose to go back to that same-sex attraction at a later date. When a choice, minds can later on be changed if the right person of the same-sex comes along.

Naw, that's not what I said, but if that makes you feel better, you go right ahead.

What I said is I chose to be attracted to men. That doesn't mean I was attracted to women. It just means I set my sexual compass towards men. Just as you set yours towards women. I'll be you could tell us the day and time you decided to be gay.

And no, my mind won't be changed (and much more persuasive folks than you have tried). Because I made the choice not to change my mind.

It's pretty simple.

I know I can be a wee bit dimwitted (run over by a dump truck as a baby), but let me see if I got this straight: You chose to be attracted to men, but you were never attracted to women. Kay, ummmmmm. . .what were the other choices you were considering, if not women?

What's a fair price to pay for a slave. What crops to plant next to one another. What to do with adulterers (I guess we nominate them for President in the GOP!). What kind of cloth to wear. What condiments are acceptable on a pulled pork sandwich. You know, Biblical law.

Don't forget condemnations on praying in public...and that's not even Old Testament stuff.

Funny that only a couple of the ten commandments are actual laws...

Actually 4 of the 10 ARE laws:
#6 - Thou shalt not kill
#7 - Thou shalt not commit adultry
#8 - Thou shalt not steal
#9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) (ya, i know everyone lies, but it's against the law to lie in court)

Adultery is not against the law.

When's the last time you heard of someone being arrested for it?
What I said is I chose to be attracted to men. That doesn't mean I was attracted to women. It just means I set my sexual compass towards men. Just as you set yours towards women. I'll be you could tell us the day and time you decided to be gay.

I never decided to be straight. I realized I was straight. Believe me, there was no choice involved. :lol:

It was not a decision, it just was.
I have sexual compass, alright, though it pretty much tells me which way I'm pointing;)
Even if I try to make point in another direction, it shoots straight back to where was pointing.
It's pretty much automatic.
I have sexual compass, alright, though it pretty much tells me which way I'm pointing;)
Even if I try to make point in another direction, it shoots straight back to where was pointing.
It's pretty much automatic.

Your compass needs recalibrating.
Why is their a problem with the Christian right dealing with the problem with same sex marriage – As it should be a no brainer that two consenting adults; being a man and woman, two men, or, two women should have the same and equal right to decide they want to be a married couple.

The federal and state governments have given special perks to married couples. The ability to file joint tax returns perks dealing with a lower tax, the right to decide when one of the spouses is near or close to death.

The Christian right says that same sex couples never last, because they are free to change sexual partners at will. My view, men and women, just like two men or two women change sexual partners just at the same rate as each other. Still, would not a married same sex couple be more incline to stay married for life if they were married then being two people in an agreement to stay with each other.

On the other hand, if a same sex couple was married to each other: would not they be without sin as they are in a married relationship – As the right points out people that are in a sexual union without being married are in sin. My point, a same sex union is just as normal as a sex union between a man and a woman.

A same sex union is not just as normal as a marriage between a man and a woman.Same sex implies homosexuality, which is not normal, homosexuality is abnormal.
Homosexuals should not be given the same rights as a man and woman child bearing family. The government must move to ban and or criminalize homosexuality.

What gives ME the right to decide whether or not YOUR sex life is normal and should be accepted?

Oh fuck it. I'm so sick of people who say what you have said. You're an asshole, a sick little twitch and YOU have no right to say who gets "equal" rights and who does not.

And, btw, its REEEL likely you're as gay a tree full of birds.
What's a fair price to pay for a slave. What crops to plant next to one another. What to do with adulterers (I guess we nominate them for President in the GOP!). What kind of cloth to wear. What condiments are acceptable on a pulled pork sandwich. You know, Biblical law.

Don't forget condemnations on praying in public...and that's not even Old Testament stuff.

Funny that only a couple of the ten commandments are actual laws...

Actually 4 of the 10 ARE laws:
#6 - Thou shalt not kill
#7 - Thou shalt not commit adultry
#8 - Thou shalt not steal
#9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) (ya, i know everyone lies, but it's against the law to lie in court)

You mean Gingrich broke the LAW? He can't run for President then.
You're living in a WORLD where God makes the laws, asslips. Why don't you move to another planet.

Prove said god dipshit.....I'll wait....

Man makes the laws, man can take away said laws. God has nothing to do with his.

And thats not even getting into the fact of if god is real, why did god create gay animals?

Prove there is no God asswipe

Prove there is a God.
See, that is what beliefs are.
NO ONE can disprove my belief that there is a God. No one.
Try and disprove my belief there is a God.
NO ONE can prove there is a God. No one.
There is no proof. Only beliefs.
But science is different as things can be proven by the scientific method.
Beliefs are nothing other than what one believes. No proof is ever required for any belief.
Let's not get into a debate about the existence of God.

Isn't there another place on this forum for that?
I have sexual compass, alright, though it pretty much tells me which way I'm pointing;)
Even if I try to make point in another direction, it shoots straight back to where was pointing.
It's pretty much automatic.

Your compass needs recalibrating.

Maybe, it hasn't sent me down too many dark alleys--although, it did get confused when I was in Versailles back in the eighties. Dude really did look like a lady. Thank God, for friends having been there before. Things coulda got outta hand, or in hand. :puke3:

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