Same sex marriage

This is interesting. You had a sexual attraction to both sexes, and then decided to just go with the opposite sex?

That is what she said.....she was attracted to men...she was attracted to women....yet chose men. The same for her children...they were attracted to both, but because of her parenting, they bypassed the same-sex attraction and consciously went for the opposite-sex attraction.

Of course...when it is a choice, they can always choose to go back to that same-sex attraction at a later date. When a choice, minds can later on be changed if the right person of the same-sex comes along.

Naw, that's not what I said, but if that makes you feel better, you go right ahead.

What I said is I chose to be attracted to men. That doesn't mean I was attracted to women. It just means I set my sexual compass towards men. Just as you set yours towards women. I'll be you could tell us the day and time you decided to be gay.

And no, my mind won't be changed (and much more persuasive folks than you have tried). Because I made the choice not to change my mind.

It's pretty simple.

You chose to be attracted to men....that means you chose NOT to be attracted to women. A choice you could change at any time if the right woman comes along, using your theory.

("Set sexual compass"......*snort....:lmao: :lmao: )
Prove said god dipshit.....I'll wait....

Man makes the laws, man can take away said laws. God has nothing to do with his.

And thats not even getting into the fact of if god is real, why did god create gay animals?

Prove there is no God asswipe

Prove there is a God.
See, that is what beliefs are.
NO ONE can disprove my belief that there is a God. No one.
Try and disprove my belief there is a God.
NO ONE can prove there is a God. No one.
There is no proof. Only beliefs.
But science is different as things can be proven by the scientific method.
Beliefs are nothing other than what one believes. No proof is ever required for any belief.

He only reveals himself "just a tad."
Long story
Seek and you shall find (see the 3 Wise Men for further details)

Thank me later bro. Good luck on your journey!! :)
Left handedness is not a choice, homosexuality is a choice to be abnormal.
You've never met a homosexual that you know of, have you? To say homosexuality is a choice is patently ridiculous.

Actually, only about 8%-10% of homosexuals are true homosexuals, as a result of a genetic mutation. The rest are homosexuals by choice.

Are you a homosexual?
If not how the hell do you know?
Tell us how about when you made your choice to be straight.
How long did you consider schlong and how much you liked it and how long did you consder snatch and how much you liked it?
Didn't happen that way with me! I was BORN with my sexual orientation.
But I guess there are some like you, what % is like you as you claimed before?, that consider schlong and snatch before they decide.
What was the deciding factor for and against?
Abnormal but whatever floats your boat. it your belief that only homosexuals have any knowledge regarding the causes of homosexuality?

Now how scientific is THAT? Lol!

Are alcoholics the only ones who know anything about alcoholism?

Are patients the only ones who know anything about disease?
Why can't gays start their own church and get married there?

Been there, done that. Churches have been marrying gay couples for decades. But this is about civil know, being treated equally under the law and all those other things you consider just AWFUL.

For the record, (and as a Christian... a Catholic, no less)... I am absolutely supportive of equal rights under the law for everyone - yep, even gays! I support your right to have all benefits, rights and responsibilities granted to married couples.

My issue with 'gay marriage' is interpretive - my view (as a Catholic) is that marriage (and by that I mean a Church marriage - not a civil one).... is between one man and one woman. Such is the doctrine of my faith. That doesn't mean I 'hate' you, or that I want you to be treated differently to me... just that you cannot force your view of marriage onto my faith. Any more than I can force my view of marriage on you.

In the UK, they have 'civil partnerships'... interestingly, straight couples cannot have a 'civil partnership' - it is only for gays. That's not fair! :lol: sides hurt. :doubt: it your belief that only homosexuals have any knowledge regarding the causes of homosexuality?

Now how scientific is THAT? Lol!

Are alcoholics the only ones who know anything about alcoholism?

Are patients the only ones who know anything about disease?

Now we have these kooks equating sexual orientation with diseases and alcoholics.:cuckoo:
Why is their a problem with the Christian right dealing with the problem with same sex marriage – As it should be a no brainer that two consenting adults; being a man and woman, two men, or, two women should have the same and equal right to decide they want to be a married couple.

Of course there is no such thing as ‘same-sex marriage.’ There are only marriage laws of a given state. The only issue is equal access to those laws, as per the 14th Amendment, and states who exclude homosexuals from those laws are in violation of that Amendment.

‘A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.’ Romer v. Evans (1996)., I'm asking if the only person who claim knowledge of something is the person who is experiencing it.
Why is their a problem with the Christian right dealing with the problem with same sex marriage – As it should be a no brainer that two consenting adults; being a man and woman, two men, or, two women should have the same and equal right to decide they want to be a married couple.

Of course there is no such thing as ‘same-sex marriage.’ There are only marriage laws of a given state. The only issue is equal access to those laws, as per the 14th Amendment, and states who exclude homosexuals from those laws are in violation of that Amendment.

‘A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.’ Romer v. Evans (1996).

Be careful

Bo Dike -A might Jap-slap you with one of her extra-large dildos. it your belief that only homosexuals have any knowledge regarding the causes of homosexuality?

Now how scientific is THAT? Lol!

Are alcoholics the only ones who know anything about alcoholism?

Are patients the only ones who know anything about disease?

Why are you comparing apples and oranges here?

Perhaps I should compare heterosexuality with drug abuse?
Hmmm..well, given the fact that you took "I chose to be hetero" to mean "I am attracted to women" I would say you've got the apples and oranges thing down.
Hmmm..well, given the fact that you took "I chose to be hetero" to mean "I am attracted to women" I would say you've got the apples and oranges thing down.

I said you choose to be attracted to men. (I am assuming you are female, here)....that being a choice, you COULD change your mind at any time and choose to be attracted to women. You could if, as you say, it is a choice.
Why is their a problem with the Christian right dealing with the problem with same sex marriage – As it should be a no brainer that two consenting adults; being a man and woman, two men, or, two women should have the same and equal right to decide they want to be a married couple.

Of course there is no such thing as ‘same-sex marriage.’ There are only marriage laws of a given state. The only issue is equal access to those laws, as per the 14th Amendment, and states who exclude homosexuals from those laws are in violation of that Amendment.

‘A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.’ Romer v. Evans (1996).

Be careful

Bo Dike -A might Jap-slap you with one of her extra-large dildos.

Prince Charming = fixation on penis', real or otherwise.
A fishing buddy of mine has a cousin that is married to her partner. They are white and have adopted 2 inner city black daughters. These 2 young girls are the most beautiful kids you could ever see. And what is so great to me is I see the love they have for their parents and how they are doing so well in school and around all of us.
Weird and strange? Yes. Different. Yes. Hard for me to adjust to? Sort of.
But who really gives a shit and why?
Isn't that what it is all about?
Problem is folks are busy bodies and can not accept others for WHO THEY ARE.
Hmmm..well, given the fact that you took "I chose to be hetero" to mean "I am attracted to women" I would say you've got the apples and oranges thing down.

I said you choose to be attracted to men. (I am assuming you are female, here)....that being a choice, you COULD change your mind at any time and choose to be attracted to women. You could if, as you say, it is a choice.

Of course it is.
And of course I could, if I wanted.
Men choose to be gay all the time in prison, and so do women. Then they choose not to be gay when they leave.

I won't, because I know it's not a good choice.
What's a fair price to pay for a slave. What crops to plant next to one another. What to do with adulterers (I guess we nominate them for President in the GOP!). What kind of cloth to wear. What condiments are acceptable on a pulled pork sandwich. You know, Biblical law.

Don't forget condemnations on praying in public...and that's not even Old Testament stuff.

Funny that only a couple of the ten commandments are actual laws...

Actually 4 of the 10 ARE laws:
#6 - Thou shalt not kill
#7 - Thou shalt not commit adultry
#8 - Thou shalt not steal
#9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) (ya, i know everyone lies, but it's against the law to lie in court)

Which is what I said...only a couple of them are laws...and adultery ain't one of 'em.
Hmmm..well, given the fact that you took "I chose to be hetero" to mean "I am attracted to women" I would say you've got the apples and oranges thing down.

I said you choose to be attracted to men. (I am assuming you are female, here)....that being a choice, you COULD change your mind at any time and choose to be attracted to women. You could if, as you say, it is a choice.

Of course it is.
And of course I could, if I wanted.
Men choose to be gay all the time in prison, and so do women. Then they choose not to be gay when they leave.

I won't, because I know it's not a good choice.

As a private detective for 34 years I have been to almost every state prison in the southeast and all of the Federal prisons in the southeast.
You do not have a damn CLUE about prison sex which is all about POWER.
Honey bunches, the men that perform gay sex that are not gay in prison HAVE NO CHOICE about that.
Even if they are NOT gay.
Damn sweetie, you just proved how ignorant you really are.

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