Samuels the Bank-Robber: An American Dreamer?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a short-story about a fictional person named Samuels who realizes that redemption comes only by way of humbling work.

This short-story was inspired by the life-improvement meditation (inner-city) film Fresh.

Isn't it interesting how we Americans are fascinated by individualism as it pertains to utility?

How will the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration embrace 'American anarchy' (e.g., Enron scandal, Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992, etc.)?

We should think about how 'pop culture storytelling' in this new 'culture of capitalism' (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, NATO, eBay, etc.) reveals 'modernized values.'


Samuels was an accomplished bank robber living in Los Angeles, California (USA). He had a beautiful girlfriend named Stacee. Samuels was studying at Dartmouth College (a prestigious Ivy League school in New Hampshire), but he decided to do a transfer-year during which he began his spree of bank robberies. He had a great crew --- a pack of wild UCLA male students who shared Samuels' love of adventure. Samuels did not realize, however, that his girlfriend Stacee had become a heroin-addict.

Samuels and his 'gang' (called the Presidents) pulled off another successful job and Samuels decided to travel to Tijuana, Mexico and do some sight-seeing in the colorful bordertown with his 'prize-money' ($5 million). In Tijuana, Samuels discovered a very beautiful church (a Christian cathedral), so he decided to walk in and say some prayers and light some candles in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. It was then that Samuels had a moment of spiritual clarity and ethics 'epiphany.' Samuels decided he wanted to reform his life --- and become a vigilante!

Samuels returned to the East Coast and started blogging on the Internet using a 'vigilante' alias/avatar --- Green Arrow (DC Comics), a magical archer. Samuels/Arrow posted messages on World Discussion Forum about the need for America to embrace democratic values and pro-populism optimism. It was then that Samuels/Arrow received an email from his California girlfriend Stacee. She had now acquired AIDS and was asking if her 'old flame' had any money!

Samuels was horrified. He was so excited about being 'Green Arrow,' but how would he 'fix' this terrible problem, which was a result of his wayward behaviors and bank robbery secret-life? Samuels/Arrow decided to rob a bank to find the money to send to Stacee. He put on a Ronald Reagan Halloween mask and robbed NYC's Mellon Bank and sent Stacee $2 million. When he learned Stacee was set up and getting proper treatment for her drug addiction and AIDS affliction, he realized he was finally the 'Green Arrow.' However, he never tried to use 'Internet-vigilantism' to seek redemption again. Samuels was finally humbled.


The Sith

Here's a mock dialogue about 'intellectual economics' between two complex characters from Lucas's Star Wars space-opera films, Darth Vader and Kylo-Ren.


VADER: The riddle of obedience has something to do with engines.
REN: The more efficient the engine, the more lethal a vehicle (or state).
VADER: Correct. The Supreme Court is like an 'engine.'
REN: Do you like the judicial process in America?
VADER: I notice the anti-federalism sentimentalism surrounding 'nearly-deified' bank-robbers (e.g., Bonnie and Clyde).
REN: Americans like to romanticize labor --- it's what separates capitalism from communism.
VADER: I believe in an absolutist pragmatist-empiricist approach to history.
REN: In that case, you must be an academic fan of Hannibal of Carthage.
VADER: Yes, I am. The Ancient World required bold ambitiousness.
REN: Do you think the modern world is more 'laissez-faire'?
VADER: I think modern world urban grids and wireless technologies make for a more 'satisfied' humanity.
REN: In that case, you must be a fan of Charlie Chaplin.
VADER: Yes, I am. Images of role-models (e.g., celebrities) make people feel united in 'ritual sentiments.'
REN: The American Dream is perhaps not far from a film such as Arthur Penn's Bonnie & Clyde.


The Cupboard


GOD: Are you a fan of Toys 'R Us?
SATAN: I'm a general fan of consumerism.
GOD: Do you advocate the sale of toy water-guns for kids?
SATAN: Toys that do not glorify violence are inspiring.
GOD: Consumerism really exploded in the 1980s.
SATAN: Reaganomics will be compared to 'TrumpUSA,' I think.
GOD: Yes, consumerism is politics now (e.g., European Union, Wall Street, NATO, British Petroleum, etc.).
SATAN: What exactly is 'TrumpUSA'?
GOD: It's the culture of capitalism-subjective politics endorsed by the administration of President Donald Trump.
SATAN: I understand, but what does it 'mean'?
GOD: I think the colloquial term (not unlike Reaganomics) symbolizes 'degrees' of capitalism approval.
SATAN: Do you think President Trump likes Burger King?
GOD: I bet he used to play with model train sets when he was younger!
SATAN: I bet he owned stereos and audio cassettes in the 1980s.
GOD: I'm a fan of Trump Taj Mahal, though it's now closed.
SATAN: It was the Eurodisney of Atlantic City...
GOD: Americans love robbing banks and deifying/romanticizing bank-robbers (e.g., Bonnie & Clyde).
SATAN: Yes, anti-federalism is in their blood, which is why various comic book super-villains symbolize vandalism.
GOD: You're referring to 'Video-Man,' 'Kingpin,' and 'Scarecrow'?
SATAN: Yes. Such 'avatars' represent pure appreciation of a 'lifestyle toy-metropolis' culture




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