San Antonio is a poverty zone?


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
I've lived here since 1974......didn't know that....unemployment below riots Ive heard of...Obama investing your money to buy hispanic votes??? Sounds familiar.

>"(Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set to speak on Thursday about how he will target job creation, housing, law enforcement and education in the poorest U.S. communities, part of his pledge to narrow the gap between rich and poor in America."

Obama targets poverty in San Antonio, Philadelphia and other U.S. 'zones' | Reuters
Just heard a proposal that unemployment benefits be called "transitional living funds" be financed by the transitional living fund....otherwise known as China.
Good morning TK. I have to stop going to bed so early....starting to get up at 4 AM...too much coffee consumption. Have a good day...
I guess now we are calling it a "Promise Zone". That's a zone close by the "transitional living zone". I am now living outside of San Antonio....but I think I will drive down and see if I can pick up a check. I am sure Mayor Julio Castro will be there with his hand out. What a crock of shit. Obabble sounds like he's living back in Kenya. Create jobs with an energy plan you fucking dope...stop talking and do something.
Obviously wrong. This general area is the poverty zone.


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