San Fran running adds to attract illegal Immigrants

Let's take this beyond this silly little word game Ravi. "Undocumented worker" is only another attempt by the left to control the debate through vocabulary. More PC bullshit.

On a more substantive note, is it legitimate for a country to have a restriction on who is allowed in or not?

If it is permissible for a country to have such a rule, is it permissible for a country to enforce it's restriction?

Illegal aliens is also a phrase used by the right and the left to control the debate through vocabulary. More PC bullshit.

Yes, it is perfectly legitimate to have an immigration policy.

And, yes, it is permissible for a country to enforce its restriction.

I don't see anywhere, ever, where I posted anything to disagree with those statements.

I question the habit we Americans have of demonizing people. On this thread in particular, I asked what the stats were in SF for murders committed by illegals and murders committed by legals.
Immigration could be stopped in no time, simply extend immigration up the class ladder. Doctors, lawyers, business executives, high paid nurses, congressmen, diplomats, CIO and CEO, allow them to immigrate freely and guess how long illegal immigration would last? ten seconds maybe!

Right now illegal immigration only hurts the working poor and lower middle classes, once it affects the money grabbers you'll see how long it lasts. Poor people should get together rent buses and planes and see how long those benefiting from illegal immigration like the same treatment.
Illegal aliens is also a phrase used by the right and the left to control the debate through vocabulary. More PC bullshit.

Yes, it is perfectly legitimate to have an immigration policy.

And, yes, it is permissible for a country to enforce its restriction.

I don't see anywhere, ever, where I posted anything to disagree with those statements.

I question the habit we Americans have of demonizing people. On this thread in particular, I asked what the stats were in SF for murders committed by illegals and murders committed by legals.

Apparently, "illegal alien" became, by default the language of the right, because "the right" did not adopt the changed vocabulary. People illegally in this country were always called illegal aliens. But I digress.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to say that you had said someplace else that a country didn't have the right to enforce its immigration policy, I was just putting you on record as believing that the country does have that right.

I don't believe illegal aliens are demons (except for the all too common criminal element among that population), I think that in large measure, probably the majority, they just want to come here and work and have a better life. But, you know what, I don't give a fuck. They need to do it the right way!

What gives someone in Guatemala the right to come here illegally and jump over the opportunity of someone from Uganda just because they have a land bridge? Cities like San Francisco exacerbate the problem of attracting people who are not here legally. The mere fact of the illegal trade in illegals (coyotes and the like) serve to make us less safe aside from all the other arguments. What good does it do to have a terrorist watch list for airlines to look at when the bad guys can just go to Mexico, pay a coyote and get shipped straight to San Francisco where they can be guaranteed nobody in the city will look for them. Indeed city officials will actively thwart ICE investigations.

That's leaving aside the MS-13 problem and the Latin Kings and all the other extra-national gangs that have proliferated because of this failed policy. I have no problems with immigrants, but we have the right to say which ones and how many.

In my view the mayor is clearly committing malfeasance of office by violating his oath of office where he swore to uphold the US Constitution and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic.
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I think it is so funny so many people think it is ok for a city not only to ignore federal laws, but to actually run adds letting people who violate those laws know that they will be safe in their city. Ads paid for with tax payer money I might add.
When they illegally enter the USA they are criminals.
What makes anyone think they will follow other US laws?
Well, committing crimes isn't exactly the best way to remain undetected in a country, and I'd imagine that after going through horrors entering it in the first place they'd probably have a pretty good incentive to remain undetected. Obviously doesn't apply to all of them, though.
Well, committing crimes isn't exactly the best way to remain undetected in a country, and I'd imagine that after going through horrors entering it in the first place they'd probably have a pretty good incentive to remain undetected. Obviously doesn't apply to all of them, though.

I agree, that the majority of those who enter our county illegally are not at heart criminals, but that does not make it any less wrong that they broke our laws to enter the country.
Apparently, "illegal alien" became, by default the language of the right, because "the right" did not adopt the changed vocabulary. People illegally in this country were always called illegal aliens. But I digress.

Quite a digression because I attributed it to both the right and the left.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to say that you had said someplace else that a country didn't have the right to enforce its immigration policy, I was just putting you on record as believing that the country does have that right.

I don't believe illegal aliens are demons (except for the all too common criminal element among that population), I think that in large measure, probably the majority, they just want to come here and work and have a better life. But, you know what, I don't give a fuck. They need to do it the right way!

What gives someone in Guatemala the right to come here illegally and jump over the opportunity of someone from Uganda just because they have a land bridge? Cities like San Francisco exacerbate the problem of attracting people who are not here legally. The mere fact of the illegal trade in illegals (coyotes and the like) serve to make us less safe aside from all the other arguments. What good does it do to have a terrorist watch list for airlines to look at when the bad guys can just go to Mexico, pay a coyote and get shipped straight to San Francisco where they can be guaranteed nobody in the city will look for them. Indeed city officials will actively thwart ICE investigations.

That's leaving aside the MS-13 problem and the Latin Kings and all the other extra-national gangs that have proliferated because of this failed policy. I have no problems with immigrants, but we have the right to say which ones and how many.

In my view the mayor is clearly committing malfeasance of office by violating his oath of office where he swore to uphold the US Constitution and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic.
I have a problem with people lumping everyone into the same boat. Because one illegal immigrant is a murderer, it doesn't follow that they all are.

My personal views on illlegals is *yawn.* It's mainly a wedge issue. As far as I can tell, overall, these people benefit the country. When that stops happening, I'll believe it is something other than a wedge issue.
I think it is so funny so many people think it is ok for a city not only to ignore federal laws, but to actually run adds letting people who violate those laws know that they will be safe in their city. Ads paid for with tax payer money I might add.
So you don't see this as a state's right issue?
So you don't see this as a state's right issue?

Not really, I think controlling who comes into our Nation is clearly a national security issue, and therefore should be a federal power.

Sorry if that does not fit into some peoples neat and tidy view of Conservatives, but it is how I feel. Besides san fran is a city not a state.
Not really, I think controlling who comes into our Nation is clearly a national security issue, and therefore should be a federal power.

Sorry if that does not fit into some peoples neat and tidy view of Conservatives, but it is how I feel. Besides san fran is a city not a state.

Yes, but it is part of a state. I don't see it as a national security issue, so I guess there is the difference.
Yes, but it is part of a state. I don't see it as a national security issue, so I guess there is the difference.

I respect your opinion but I think it could not be more wrong. If control of your borders, and who is passing over them, is not a National Security issue, what is. IMO anyways.

Especially in a todays world.
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I respect your opinion but I think it could not be more wrong. If control of your borders, and who is passing over them, is not a National Security issue, what is. IMO anyways.

Especially in a todays world.

Except that the terrorists seem to favor flying in with visas and overstaying.

I've not seen any evidence that they are coming thru Mexico.
Except that the terrorists seem to favor flying in with visas and overstaying.

I've not seen any evidence that they are coming thru Mexico.

Terrorism is not the only reason a Nation should control it's borders, there are economic reasons as well.
Yep. And like I stated above, they are benefiting us more than they are hurting us so far.

so far being the key words. All I want is to know who is coming, I could care less if they made it legal from them to come. I just do not like the idea of our laws being ignored, and people being happy with that.
so far being the key words. All I want is to know who is coming, I could care less if they made it legal from them to come. I just do not like the idea of our laws being ignored, and people being happy with that.

So far...well over 200 years.

I'd like to see the immigration laws changed, I think the ones that are here should be able to work toward being citizens.

I've not seen a proposal on this problem that makes coherent sense, which makes me believe even more than it is nothing but a wedge issue.
So far...well over 200 years.

I'd like to see the immigration laws changed, I think the ones that are here should be able to work toward being citizens.

I've not seen a proposal on this problem that makes coherent sense, which makes me believe even more than it is nothing but a wedge issue.

Nothing like the current influx of people from Mexico and other South and Central American nations has happened in the way it is happening now, in 200 years.

I agree 100% with the rest of your post. I am not one of those deport them all people. I just want some control over our borders, and who is coming in. Thats all.

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