San Francisco Bay is completely contaminated with human waste

Of course.

San Francisco is a LITERAL shithole.

Perhaps if they send more money to Ukraine, this problem will go away?

I don't mean to shock you but this happens from time to time near large population centers that are on the ocean. That is why most places along the coast have water monitors that go out into the ocean and sometimes they close beaches.

This doesn't just happen in SF. In fact if there's a port city anywhere near where you live I bet you could look back through your water quality reports and see that it has happened in YOUR TOWN TOO.
Well democrats control that region. And we all know, anything they touch turns to shit. So nobody is surprised . Just look at the presidency., bidens pants, Chicago. To name a few.

Unless you live in a totally land-locked area: it happens where you live, too. Read the water quality reports for your area from time to time. If you live in a major urban area with runoff to the ocean you have probably seen algal blooms from human waste influx. It happens.
Mississippi, yes, Flint, no. But I do note your prioritization of Biden's war/money laundering scam in Ukraine over the needs of your fellow Americans.

You're a good DemoKKKrat.

I'm so glad Trump fixed the water problem in Flint the very second it became known.
Important insight: human waste shouldn’t be deposited on city streets thereby foregoing sanitation treatment.

San Francisco officials are very poor students of history.
Flint had a Republican governor.
You think that means something to me?

I’m not of the duopoly like you. So when I’m making a point, it’s often not political. This may confuse duopoly types.

Point is our government is incapable and criminal. It matters not which party controls it. Both are the same.
I'm so glad Trump fixed the water problem in Flint the very second it became known.

Municipal water systems aren't under the purview of the Federal government. But the fact that you give a complete pass to the DemoKKKrats who run the city and ignored the problem is a very big indicator of the type of person you are.
Trump's efforts notwithstanding.


Important insight: human waste shouldn’t be deposited on city streets thereby foregoing sanitation treatment.

San Francisco officials are very poor students of history.

There are a lot of states with bad homelessness problems and NO ONE is dealing with it well. Those of us who live in areas that the homeless really prefer to congregate in know that the solution isn't just yelling at the TV. It will involved a lot of cost to home these people and get the help they need.

So I guess we'll have to let them rot because a lot of voters don't like to see anyone have any of their precious money. But that won't stop them from complaining about the state of affairs.
Municipal water systems aren't under the purview of the Federal government.

Yup...that's my point. The other poster rambled on about Biden and water quality. Just pointing that fact out.

But the fact that you give a complete pass to the DemoKKKrats who run the city and ignored the problem is a very big indicator of the type of person you are.

I am a horrible person. Probably the worst.

I don't recall Kerry ever suggesting that he preferred the word of a Russian dictator over the US government's intel community. And I also don't recall Kerry or Obama or Hillary saluting a North Korean general.

Also Trump DID have a bunch of nuclear secrets in his home which is what led Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to the electric chair for treason. I don't know what he was going to do with them, but selling them would bring in a lot of needed capital for his businesses which are usually strapped anyway.

Not to mention Jr saying this about the family business: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets”

You know what they say! Follow the money! Qui Bono?
Yup...that's my point. The other poster rambled on about Biden and water quality. Just pointing that fact out.

I am a horrible person. Probably the worst.

So you're just here to rant about your weird obsession with Donald Trump. Got it.
May I ask why you are obsessed with John Kerry? Please keep to the topic of the thread. Thanks.

Interesting that you don't even mention the gal wearing the Soviet hat, the symbol of the oppression of millions under the USSR. Do you not know who she is, or are you one of those guys who just don't see women?
Trump's efforts notwithstanding.
Thats hilarious. Some in the duopoly think Don is a Russian spy, ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. Others in the duopoly think Joe is a Chinese spy.

The duopoly alters all.

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