San Francisco Bay is completely contaminated with human waste

Meh, the freshwater fishing has never been better.....That said Dupont and others put a lot of heavy metals in the water years ago that will take decades to get entirely shed of.

Now it's mostly the excess chicken and cow shit that farmers broadcast on their fields. The shame of it is that there is a lot of political cover for the practice but we are working on it.

It's still a very far cry from what Virginia's waterways looked like in the 70s. You had fish kills every year back then about this time of year not to mention the body sores and gill problems the fish had. All that is pretty much gone now.

Peeps these days have no idea what it was like back in the day.....Your cleaner air and water......Us "Boomers" did that. ;)
Interesting that you don't even mention the gal wearing the Soviet hat, the symbol of the oppression of millions under the USSR. Do you not know who she is, or are you one of those guys who just don't see women?

I don't know who she is. I'm sorry I'm not as smart as you are. (If by "smart" we mean only being able to identify some Russian in a photograph.)

FOr what it's worth I figured she was somehow related to Russia because of the HAT.

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