San Francisco business owner arrested for doing the government’s job

Beats living in red states that have the highest murder rates, highest obesity, worst education and infastructure.
Have you heard that californians are abandoning the Golden States in such numbers that the state is shrinking in population?

He has since been bullied and threatened into making a Soviet-style confession and apology

But he neednt have bothered

The libs at city hall will probably throw the book at him anyway

If you want to know what he did open the link and see for yoursel
/----/ You get the government you deserve.

He has since been bullied and threatened into making a Soviet-style confession and apology

But he neednt have bothered

The libs at city hall will probably throw the book at him anyway

If you want to know what he did open the link and see for yourself
They should throw the book at them. This person has no regard for other human beings.
They should throw the book at them. This person has no regard for other human beings.
I imagine the libs in SF will do just that

And I hope he joins the growing group of tax protesters who are not getting the city government they paid for
I imagine the libs in SF will do just that

And I hope he joins the growing group of tax protesters who are not getting the city government they paid for
Is it that hard to be a decent human being?

Don’t spray down other people with a hose. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior.
Other people?

She’s a crazy street bum who the authorities failed to deal with
Deal how? People have rights. They can’t just be hauled off because you don’t like them.

Conservatives never care about other people’s rights, these days. It’s all about them.
If he gets away with that without being punished, others will soon get away with using guns.

It's government's job but more important, it's government's responsibility to find solutions. Sadly, most Americans will cheer on force like this and try to send the problem the country has created, to somebody's else's neighbourhood.
The political leaders need to either be hosed or tarred and feathered and run into the sea
Deal how? People have rights. They can’t just be hauled off because you don’t like them.

Conservatives never care about other people’s rights, these days. It’s all about them.
Your attitude on a grand scale is exactly why San Francisco is a failed experiment in liberal stupidity

The city is becoming unlivable and taxpayers are fleeing by the thousands
Your attitude on a grand scale is exactly why San Francisco is a failed experiment in liberal stupidity

The city is becoming unlivable and taxpayers are fleeing by the thousands
Oh okay. Time to violate the rights of people then!

To you, rights mean nothing. The ends justify the means. The country is for you. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
Oh okay. Time to violate the rights of people then!

To you, rights mean nothing. The ends justify the means. The country is for you. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
She was violating his rights, and since the city did nothing, he did

I can tell you have never owned a business that you invested your whole life into
They dont have a right to drive customers away from his business
Yes they do.

Protestors do it outside planned parenthood every day.

I suppose you think we can go outside and hose them down too?

Of course not. You guys don’t understand Constitutional rights. You just invent new ones because it’s convenient.
Protestors do it outside planned parenthood every day.
No they dont

The government has buffer zones that protesters are not allowed to enter

Yes, San Francisco has become one giant slum of street bums everywhere like rats in a sewer

But thats not what business owners and tax payers should have to put up with
I didn'read every post in this thread. So if I am repeating someone else's comments....mea culpa.


Arrest and fine the sunofabitch!
Spraying down a woman on a public street because he thinks she's harming his business (I presume that is the reason....any other reason would be even more egregious) despicable.

Sure, the woman needs to be moved. Call the friggin' police. Or help her move. But to stand there insouciantly spraying her down with a water hose on a public street is clearly unlawful, illegal, inhumane ----- and just plain friggin' wrong.

Immoral too.
So fine the merde' outta the Karen.


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