San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on track to set grim record


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on track to set grim record​

22 Aug 2023 ~~ By Marjorie Hernandez

San Francisco is being engulfed by a “tidal wave” of overdoses with deadly fentanyl claiming 62 lives out of 71 total deaths from drug overdoses last month, according to grim statistics released by city’s Medical Examiner’s office.
The liberal Northern California city is in the midst of a crime, homeless and drugs crisis and the results were released on the same day as a new report which concluded “City hall is failing” its citizens. The overdose figures also place San Francisco on course to break a 2020 record for total number of overdoses, when 712 people died according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
“This tidal wave of fentanyl continues to overwhelm our communities,” Dr. Grant Colfax, San Francisco health department director, told the newspaper. “The department recognizes that the tragic, continuing rise of overdose deaths in San Francisco is unacceptable and we want everyone to know we are responding with urgency and with our full attention.”
“All across the board, you see progressive policies in California, Colorado, Portland, Washington, New York that support harm reduction. That is like trying to train a rattlesnake not to bite you. It’s a political issue at this point and until the politics are resolved, the criminality won’t be resolved either.”

Its quite obviously that the elected officials local, state or federal connected have no love or care about the city, or the people that elected them to office..
So Nancy Pelosi the Democrat Congress woman from San Francisco as nothing to say about this horrible state of affairs the city and its populace are in.
But let’s just keep tolerating drug use. Funny, how drug abuse keeps increasing the more we loosen up on marijuana laws.
Odd isn`t it the more tolerant we are about drug use the worse the problem becomes.
Under Biden and Maoist Democrat auspices we lose nearly twice as many young Americans each year than we lost in 20 years of war in Vietnam. Yes over 100,000 Americans killed by illegal drugs smuggled in from Mexico, Central America manufactured with precursors from China.
The Maoist Democrats with a lot a help by Joe Biden has allowed this to occur with their open border policy.
Of course Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and his merry Maoist/DSA Democrat administration says everything is going 'well' so I don't know what the issue is. The Economy is up, unemployment down, Inflation down, Supply side up and our planes and trains are on time.
Yet, the fentanyl problem is going to continue to fester, flow, growing more tentacles into far reaching towns/cities, it's hit most of them already!

San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on track to set grim record​

22 Aug 2023 ~~ By Marjorie Hernandez

San Francisco is being engulfed by a “tidal wave” of overdoses with deadly fentanyl claiming 62 lives out of 71 total deaths from drug overdoses last month, according to grim statistics released by city’s Medical Examiner’s office.
The liberal Northern California city is in the midst of a crime, homeless and drugs crisis and the results were released on the same day as a new report which concluded “City hall is failing” its citizens. The overdose figures also place San Francisco on course to break a 2020 record for total number of overdoses, when 712 people died according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
“This tidal wave of fentanyl continues to overwhelm our communities,” Dr. Grant Colfax, San Francisco health department director, told the newspaper. “The department recognizes that the tragic, continuing rise of overdose deaths in San Francisco is unacceptable and we want everyone to know we are responding with urgency and with our full attention.”
“All across the board, you see progressive policies in California, Colorado, Portland, Washington, New York that support harm reduction. That is like trying to train a rattlesnake not to bite you. It’s a political issue at this point and until the politics are resolved, the criminality won’t be resolved either.”

Its quite obviously that the elected officials local, state or federal connected have no love or care about the city, or the people that elected them to office..
So Nancy Pelosi the Democrat Congress woman from San Francisco as nothing to say about this horrible state of affairs the city and its populace are in.
But let’s just keep tolerating drug use. Funny, how drug abuse keeps increasing the more we loosen up on marijuana laws.
Odd isn`t it the more tolerant we are about drug use the worse the problem becomes.
Under Biden and Maoist Democrat auspices we lose nearly twice as many young Americans each year than we lost in 20 years of war in Vietnam. Yes over 100,000 Americans killed by illegal drugs smuggled in from Mexico, Central America manufactured with precursors from China.
The Maoist Democrats with a lot a help by Joe Biden has allowed this to occur with their open border policy.
Of course Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and his merry Maoist/DSA Democrat administration says everything is going 'well' so I don't know what the issue is. The Economy is up, unemployment down, Inflation down, Supply side up and our planes and trains are on time.
Yet, the fentanyl problem is going to continue to fester, flow, growing more tentacles into far reaching towns/cities, it's hit most of them already!
Is there even a low point where voters realize who did this to them? Or, do they just fade off into oblivion, never understanding that their own votes did this to them?
I have seen lefty postes on this site lampoon fentanyl overdoses in Appalachia saying who cares if poor white people in WV die.

I mirror those sentiments for San Fran residents.
SF is an example of what a poorly run liberal city looks like just before it implodes.
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore, Hate, and Fear All Other White People, the Only Freedom-Loving Race

In the 1950s, California was dominated by ultra-Conservative HeirHeads. Just for a change of tyrannies, their own heirs adopted ultra-Liberalism in the 1960s.

Here's the sense of a quote from the Robert Redford movie, Havana: "The rich. First they screw us one way. Then they get tired of that and screw us the other way. The father of that rich Communist you know worked my own father to death at an early age. Now the son claims he is 'for the people'. These rich revolutionaries are only for themselves and their own power. It can never be otherwise."

Of course, Hollywood, under the rule of our hereditary ruling class, had to make the audience ignore what he said by casting him as a brutal police chief.
Whenever drugs are allowed to be legal, then there no longer are any deaths at all.
All the deaths are due to the War on Drugs, that prevents accurate merchandise dose labeling.
No one is intentionally taking fatal does.
The problem is they have to guess what the concentration is on each different batch.
Whenever drugs are allowed to be legal, then there no longer are any deaths at all.
All the deaths are due to the War on Drugs, that prevents accurate merchandise dose labeling.
No one is intentionally taking fatal does.
The problem is they have to guess what the concentration is on each different batch.
what is the point of using drugs at with life, dont run and hide from it////why does everything have to be about you....get woke and grow up
We lost 3,000 Americans on 9/11 to radical Muslim jihadists who are known to have entered several American airlines, causing President GW Bush to cancel all flights to prevent more deaths.

Every year for the last 3 years, we have lost 100,000 Americans per annum to fentanyl deaths orchestrated by Mexican and Chinese providers of illegal drug trade in the US. What was the worse? - 3,000 American casualties at the WTC or a little over 300,000 American casualties to the Cartel mobs of Mexico and Chinese collaborating and conspiring to reduce our fight-back population? And Biden gives the assholes carte blanche to these obsessive American-killers with zero done to protect next years death crop of 100,000 Americans dying from fentnyl. And in the face of all this, Biden goes on half a dozen back-to-back vacations, leaving Karine Jean-Pierre to tell reporters nothing but empty excuses such as she isn't going there etc. This shows nothing but refusal of the transparency Biden promised, but broke with that when he would just walk away before he passed his job down to gifted notme dunnos wearing hot pink dresses and pink-dyed hair curls who kicks the can down the road of no returns with her matching designer high-heeled sneakers. :rolleyes-41: There is no dignity in the Biden Pinko House.
Whenever drugs are allowed to be legal, then there no longer are any deaths at all.
All the deaths are due to the War on Drugs, that prevents accurate merchandise dose labeling.
No one is intentionally taking fatal does.
The problem is they have to guess what the concentration is on each different batch.

Intentional obverdoeses are common and happen in every country which legalizes drugs

So much for your spin
What is your excuse for solid red McDonald County Missouri and Benton County, Arkansas?
this entire opiate hysteria seems to be a "red state" problem to me. the dealers on my block appear to be doing good business, but the customers' cars are all from "white flight" suburbs.
I have seen lefty postes on this site lampoon fentanyl overdoses in Appalachia saying who cares if poor white people in WV die.

I mirror those sentiments for San Fran residents.
The deaths in San Francisco certainly outnumber those in West Virginia.

San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on track to set grim record​

22 Aug 2023 ~~ By Marjorie Hernandez

San Francisco is being engulfed by a “tidal wave” of overdoses with deadly fentanyl claiming 62 lives out of 71 total deaths from drug overdoses last month, according to grim statistics released by city’s Medical Examiner’s office.
The liberal Northern California city is in the midst of a crime, homeless and drugs crisis and the results were released on the same day as a new report which concluded “City hall is failing” its citizens. The overdose figures also place San Francisco on course to break a 2020 record for total number of overdoses, when 712 people died according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
“This tidal wave of fentanyl continues to overwhelm our communities,” Dr. Grant Colfax, San Francisco health department director, told the newspaper. “The department recognizes that the tragic, continuing rise of overdose deaths in San Francisco is unacceptable and we want everyone to know we are responding with urgency and with our full attention.”
“All across the board, you see progressive policies in California, Colorado, Portland, Washington, New York that support harm reduction. That is like trying to train a rattlesnake not to bite you. It’s a political issue at this point and until the politics are resolved, the criminality won’t be resolved either.”

Its quite obviously that the elected officials local, state or federal connected have no love or care about the city, or the people that elected them to office..
So Nancy Pelosi the Democrat Congress woman from San Francisco as nothing to say about this horrible state of affairs the city and its populace are in.
But let’s just keep tolerating drug use. Funny, how drug abuse keeps increasing the more we loosen up on marijuana laws.
Odd isn`t it the more tolerant we are about drug use the worse the problem becomes.
Under Biden and Maoist Democrat auspices we lose nearly twice as many young Americans each year than we lost in 20 years of war in Vietnam. Yes over 100,000 Americans killed by illegal drugs smuggled in from Mexico, Central America manufactured with precursors from China.
The Maoist Democrats with a lot a help by Joe Biden has allowed this to occur with their open border policy.
Of course Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and his merry Maoist/DSA Democrat administration says everything is going 'well' so I don't know what the issue is. The Economy is up, unemployment down, Inflation down, Supply side up and our planes and trains are on time.
Yet, the fentanyl problem is going to continue to fester, flow, growing more tentacles into far reaching towns/cities, it's hit most of them already!
Oh um....lemme see now.....what is it that I want to say? Oh Yeah heh he heh.....haaaaaaah.

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