San Francisco treat...

Many of you have been saying it for some time.

San Francisco Logs Over 16,000 Feces Complaints in One Week

When you leave liberals in charge, your city becomes a shithole! Increasingly, we are seeing this in other cities, most notably New York City where the mayor is just fine with people sleeping and pissing wherever they want to!

No wonder a poll yesterday showed many Americans are no longer proud to be an American!

Ps....if you are travelling to SanFran in the near future, Crocs sells these slip on clog-like things that'd be easy to clean if you stepped in a pile of shit!:113:
I heard the other day a huge Doctors convention withdrew from the shithole.
Many of you have been saying it for some time.

San Francisco Logs Over 16,000 Feces Complaints in One Week

When you leave liberals in charge, your city becomes a shithole! Increasingly, we are seeing this in other cities, most notably New York City where the mayor is just fine with people sleeping and pissing wherever they want to!

No wonder a poll yesterday showed many Americans are no longer proud to be an American!

Ps....if you are travelling to SanFran in the near future, Crocs sells these slip on clog-like things that'd be easy to clean if you stepped in a pile of shit!:113:
/----/ They even have maps so you know where it's safe to walk.
San Fran Flag.jpg SF Poop map.png

I'd say the "science is settled" when it comes to the study of politics.

Liberalism is regressive. An indisputable fact.

“20lbs Of Human Waste” – Major Medical Convention Abandons San Francisco Citing Street Safety
A foul odor permeated from a massive bag of human excrement sludge left on a street corner in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district Saturday. As SFGate reports, the horrendous smell and sight quickly gained notoriety when a Reddit user posted a screen shot of a report made to San Francisco’s Citizen app for identifying crimes.

The last article I saw on it said twenty lbs of it. Makes yah wonder if the pathetic left in Ca. has woken up to third world living because this is what they do, this is how they live this is the engineered plan to bring down the West.

When stupid fk morons go and protest " LET THEM IN". it literally makes you want to slap the shit out of these idiots and then send them to a 3rd world country so they can see how they want to live like that here it's all they know you idiotic morons.
I thought it would be about 20lbs of human waste in the RNC. Why am I not surprised its about CA again.
SanFrancisco is becoming the model city for the haves and have-not's. It is clearly the most racist city in America....for 20 years blacks have been being ridden out on a rail. Libs running these cities are no dummies....push the serfs into the suburbs, give out free stuff so they'll vote for you and zone the city in such a way that the rift raff is far away from the waterfront town houses! Fucking seriously brilliant!!:113::113:

Same thing in NYC....Manhattan becoming a place where eventually only the most affluent will be setting a damn foot on the island....move the undesirables out to the boroughs, get free shot and all the votes! Even the middle class cant go to Madison Square Garden for a game anymore....$500 for a family of 4 with all expenses considered. It is for the haves only like most things in NYC these days. Liberal nirvana....done well I might add.:2up:
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After 35 years of giveaway to the rich and cuts for the rest, we have the worst inequality and poverty since the Gilded Age in 1898.
Thanks GOP. We basically did not have homeless until Ronnie Raygun. No follow-up on Mental Health... Must save the rich!
Becoming? San Franshitsco already is the absolute toilet of California and has been so for quite some time. Trust me, I was born there (condolences welcome).

Thank you, I really am trying to get over the shame of being born in the most failed, stupidest dregs of American society. Luckily, I live a few hours drive from that 9th plane of hell and have only been there once every few years at the most.
Thank you, I really am trying to get over the shame of being born in the most failed, stupidest dregs of American society. Luckily, I live a few hours drive from that 9th plane of hell and have only been there once every few years at the most.

At least you escaped with a functioning frontal lobe.

Most don't.


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