San Francisco's Last Gun Store Closing Doors For Good

Law abiding gun owners and hunters should have nothing to fear from sensible gun control measures. I don't want to see the gun stores close in my neighborhood. Do you?

This is not sensible! This is extreme. The gun store like others will just move beyond the city' reach and make more money and deprive SF any tax dollars!
What are you talking about, what's 'not sensible,' what's 'extreme' – the gun shop's closing is nothing more than a ridiculous temper-tantrum on the part of the owner, having nothing to do with the City's regulatory measures.

And again: those regulatory measures are consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Law abiding gun owners and hunters should have nothing to fear from sensible gun control measures. I don't want to see the gun stores close in my neighborhood. Do you?

This is not sensible! This is extreme. The gun store like others will just move beyond the city' reach and make more money and deprive SF any tax dollars!
What are you talking about, what's 'not sensible,' what's 'extreme' – the gun shop's closing is nothing more than a ridiculous temper-tantrum on the part of the owner, having nothing to do with the City's regulatory measures.

And again: those regulatory measures are consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

I am all for increased gun control regulations. I hate the hypocrites on both ends of the spectrum! Videoing the transaction is excessive.
The laws are already on the books enforce them and punish repeat offenders... Obviously that is not happening.

No use for the federal governments repetition... We as a country don't have the time or the money to make such foolish small minded laws.
"Our customers shouldn't be treated like they're doing something wrong."

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The only gun store in San Francisco is shuttering for good, saying it can no longer operate in the city's political climate of increased gun control regulations and vocal opposition to its business.

"It's with tremendous sadness and regret that I have to announce we are closing our shop," High Bridge Arms manager Steve Alcairo announced in a Facebook post on Sept. 11. "It has been a long and difficult ride, but a great pleasure to be your last San Francisco gun shop."

Alcairo said the breaking point came this summer when a local politician proposed a law that would require High Bridge Arms to video record every gun sale and submit a weekly report of ammunition sales to the police. If passed, the law would join several local gun control ordinances on the books in a city still scarred by the 1993 murder of eight in a downtown high-rise and the 1978 assassination of Mayor George Moscone and gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

"I'm not doing that to our customers. Enough is enough," Alcairo said. "Buying a gun is a constitutionally protected right. Our customers shouldn't be treated like they're doing something wrong."

More: San Francisco's Last Gun Store Closing Doors For Good

I consider NRA extremism the greatest threat to future gun rights. Compromise is not a dirty word - and the NRA needs to bend before it breaks by allowing sensible gun control measures like universal background checks. No sensible person should be against UBC. Joe Scarborough said it best: Extremism From "The Survivalist Wing" Of The NRA "Is The Greatest Danger To Gun Rights".
hope they file for unemployment, welfare, ss disability, and food stamps, and medicaid and really soak the system
San Francisco's last gun store closing doors for good

"The right to bear arms shall not be infringed"
let's hire some legal experts to tell us what that means
And this is what happens when people can't defend themselves.

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the San Francisco County Sheriff’s Department revealing that violent crime in the Bay area has skyrocketed since 2011, with the number of arrests for murder up 55%, and the number of arrests for rapes up 370%."

Judicial Watch: San Francisco Crime Surge – Homicide Arrests up 55%, Rapes Arrests up 370%
I am glad I live nowhere near SF. Just wait til it turns in to a war zone and nobody can defend themselves. Idiots.
The people of San Francisco have the right to not defend themselves from criminals.

They also have the precious right to deal with the consequences of their choices.
Since that foolish city happens to be a sanctuary city... When are they going to get sick of illegal aliens killing and maiming real citizens???

Product of hope and change
You can't expect San Fran to enforce laws on illegal immigration.

See, you can choose which laws you want to follow.
Since that foolish city happens to be a sanctuary city... When are they going to get sick of illegal aliens killing and maiming real citizens???

Product of hope and change
Never. Until it turns into another detroit. Then it will be too late.

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