San Fransisco- Hate on Display Against Whites

Maybe this will help. My people versus yours. Same then, same now. Only the names have changed. That's why darkies don't vote for your side.
Your maps prove nothing. Democrats had slaves, fought to keep them, started the KKK, murdered three civil rights volunteers in Mississippi and instituted Jim Crow. Even some of you are slave owner decedents like Ben Affleck. Own it and move on. Better yet, support the republican concept of "freedom of the individual" and join us in the GOP. Our original leader, Abraham Lincoln will smile down on you.
Nothing a .45 hollow point cant fix.

Im one of those white people that'll keep walking and not say shit back to these animals. Even if one shoved keep walking.

But let them become a real threat to me or my family. Theyll be getting judged by Jesus.
Maybe this will help. My people versus yours. Same then, same now. Only the names have changed. That's why darkies don't vote for your side.
Your maps prove nothing. Democrats had slaves, fought to keep them and instituted Jim Crow. Even some of you were slave owner decedents like Ben Affleck. Own it and move on. Better yet, support the republican concept of "freedom of the individual" and join us in the GOP. Our original leader, Abraham Lincoln will smile down on you.
Washington owned slaves and Jefferson fucked them. Believe me, I can deal with the racist southerners who were once Dems, especially since they are now in the GOP where they belong. The GOP of Lincoln was my party, not yours. Deal with it.
I find this very video disturbing


Let me guess, they're still mad about being brought here in chains and treated as property? Shocking...

The problem is that none of "they" are still alive. And haven't been for over 100 years.
Which also debunks the notion of slave reparations. Another pipe dream conjured up by racist black people and their self hating Caucasian liberal toadies.
I find this very video disturbing


what I can't figure outis why the person stood there an took this crap form that asshole. I would have told that douche to "go fuck your mother" and walked away.

I wish someone walking by with late stage terminal illness...and a gun...decided to clean up that sidewalk as his last dying good deed.

Those animals sound like ISIS. Wheres a good drone when its useful?
White people have got to start growing a pair and stop looking the other way.
Whitey needs to start being honest about being the white devils, which they were and are.
Are you dropping acid again?...
Do you really think you can get rise out of us here?....
Sorry silly little brained individual...
Here......Until these so called black leaders go to their people and demand they get their house in order, nothing will change.
Conservative blacks have been trying this for decades only to meet with resistance from liberal black leaders.
The reason for that resistance is self enrichment.
The Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world require racial discourse in order to make a living. And you in your stratospheric stupidity buy right into it....
"I find this very video disturbing"

What's disturbing is you and most others on the right believe the actions of the few are 'representative' of the whole.
Uhh. wait a minute. Now how many times have you persecuted the entire conservative movement for the actions of a few or even one religious right wing radical kook?
Drive by....Cut the shit.
White people have got to start growing a pair and stop looking the other way.
Whitey needs to start being honest about being the white devils, which they were and are.
Are you dropping acid again?...
Do you really think you can get rise out of us here?....
Sorry silly little brained individual...
Here......Until these so called black leaders go to their people and demand they get their house in order, nothing will change.
Conservative blacks have been trying this for decades only to meet with resistance from liberal black leaders.
The reason for that resistance is self enrichment.
The Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world require racial discourse in order to make a living. And you in your stratospheric stupidity buy right into it....
I'm speaking truth, to utter morons. How you react is up to you. I only hope that someday you will accept the truth, but you won't. Reality, like truth, is your enemy.
I find this very video disturbing


Let me guess, they're still mad about being brought here in chains and treated as property? Shocking...

I thought you on the social left believed that racism is evil? So because of something everyone took part in throughout history...You think it is ok to be racist against whites?

The Southern Poverty Law Center definitely lists them as hate groups. Though they're hardly a San Francisco exclusive phenomenon. Its history seems to be far more Mid West and East Coasted based;

Racist Black Hebrew Israelites Becoming More Militant Southern Poverty Law Center

It seems that Chicago would be where it started, and then shifted to Israel in the 1960s.

Spiritual leader of the black Hebrews movement dies at 75 in Israel World news The Guardian

And right on time, liberals are defending them without question. "We can't criticize them or they'll think we're racists."
After all the special "set aside" opportunities for blacks since the 1960's and this shit is still happening! It makes me want to be racist! Black preachers saying the white man is the devil, black muslims saying "We gonna kill some white babies", black leaders inciting riots with false accusations, the first Black President siding with the rabble rousers. and I'm racist if I side with the White Race? Well, that being the case I'll proudly wear the label along with my Arms.

YOU RE GONNA BE OUR SLAVES Watch These Black Radicals Harass White People In Public Doug Giles ClashDaily

They aren't breaking the law. Leave them be. That way people can see them for the ignorant bastards they really are. The same goes for white racists. Why force them into the closet? I like racism to be open where all can see. That way I know who not to associate with.

Then I hear this and I wonder how the hell black folks got to in this mess, can't blame it on whitey anymore.

I haven't quite figured out Dr Manning yet, but what he's saying is Truth.
Nothing a .45 hollow point cant fix.

Im one of those white people that'll keep walking and not say shit back to these animals. Even if one shoved keep walking.

But let them become a real threat to me or my family. Theyll be getting judged by Jesus.

You would sue them in Mexico?
These days. I would imagine the KKK have done similar, and worse if the passer-by was black, in the past.

Just like society made it clear that kind of display would be unacceptable for the KKK, we need to do the same with these guys, and a few other groups as well.
You won't get the Liberals to agree with your reasonable idea.
Let me guess, they're still mad about being brought here in chains and treated as property? Shocking...
Are you LibDems still bringing slaves into our Country? I guess we'll have to have another Civil War so the Republicans can free them again. This time, we're not going to let you LibDems legislate Jim Crow laws to keep the black man segregated from you.

Have you bought this lame meme and really believe the Republican Party of Lincoln is the same Republican party today; or that the Democratic party outside of the South was ever pro slavery?

Are you really that ignorant of American History?

Brooklyn Ron William Marcy - Supported Slavery

IHB Jesse D. Bright

28 northern democrats voted for the Fugitive Slave Act.

I'd never heard of the Hunkers, thanks for the info. As for Bright, given he owned slaves, represented Indiana and owned a farm in Kentucky doesn't seem typical of a Northern Democrat.
Have you bought this lame meme and really believe the Republican Party of Lincoln is the same Republican party today; or that the Democratic party outside of the South was ever pro slavery?

Are you really that ignorant of American History?

You're telling us a bunch of white racist Democrats decided one day to switch parties and become associated with the Party that freed the slaves and passed Civil Rights legislation and a bunch of Republicans decided to forego freedom of the individual and take up with the Democrats?

Hah! How stupid can you people be? Tell it to those self-described niggahs in San Francisco.

I'm not telling you anything, facts have no impact on the willfully ignorant and the stupid. The white racist Democrats left the Democratic Party and joined the Big Republican Tent.
Have you bought this lame meme and really believe the Republican Party of Lincoln is the same Republican party today; or that the Democratic party outside of the South was ever pro slavery?

Are you really that ignorant of American History?

You're telling us a bunch of white racist Democrats decided one day to switch parties and become associated with the Party that freed the slaves and passed Civil Rights legislation and a bunch of Republicans decided to forego freedom of the individual and take up with the Democrats?

Hah! How stupid can you people be? Tell it to those self-described niggahs in San Francisco.

I'm not telling you anything, facts have no impact on the willfully ignorant and the stupid. The white racist Democrats left the Democratic Party and joined the Big Republican Tent.
One Dixiecrat became a republican. The rest died democrats. That is not a massive party switch. A republican on his worst day has never come close to the racial hatred spouted by the Democrat party. Own your heritage. I'm proud of mine in the GOP.

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