San Juan Mayor Refuses To Meet With FEMA Offering Help. What's Wrong With This Bitch?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Can anyone explain?

San Juan mayor says to media Trump is not helping as she stands in front of relief aid pallets sent by Trump.

San Juan Mayor Refused to Visit FEMA HQ After Several Invites – Is Not Participating in ANY FEMA Meetings

BREAKING=> San Juan Mayor Invited to FEMA Command Center Several Times – Refused to Show Up!

Fellow Puerto Rico Mayor SHREDS San Juan Mayor Cruz 'She's Not Participating in Any FEMA Meetings'

San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump – As She Stands In Front of Pallets of Aid
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She is angling to be a hero to the Left.

It is easy...just bitch about Trump.
Four links, all to the same exact Gateway Pundit Fake news story. Those are not FEMA pallets.

"The mayor's living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf."

Lt. Gen. Russell Honore RET.
You can tell she can't meet with them because she's starving to death. Look how skinny she is!

Left Wing San Juan mayor whines about Trump while standing in front of port filled w food & water SHE hasn’t delivered ‼️#SanJuan

— Leah STANDS (@LeahR77) September 30, 2017

Mayor Cruz pictured in front of 1000 cases of liberal tears…

— Theodore (@RefDemo) September 30, 2017

Mayor of San Juan standing in front of relief supplies saying they're getting no help is reminiscent of Baghdad Bob. Just saying.

— Jay Dubb (@MidasRex1998) September 30, 2017

'The T-shirt Shack has reopened!' Where did San Juan's mayor get that custom-printed 'Help Us' shirt anyway?

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Four links, all to the same exact Gateway Pundit Fake news story. Those are not FEMA pallets.

"The mayor's living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf."

Lt. Gen. Russell Honore RET.

Oh boohoo on a cot? She's a whining bitch.
As soon as the mouthy mayor began her campaign of criticizing the FEMA response guess what happened. A three-star General was finally put in charge and the first thing he said was that the military response was inadequate and needed more of everything. In other words, the Commanding General agreed with the mayor.
Four links, all to the same exact Gateway Pundit Fake news story. Those are not FEMA pallets.

"The mayor's living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf."

Lt. Gen. Russell Honore RET.

Oh boohoo on a cot? She's a whining bitch.
Gen. Honore was not looking for a boohoo. He was pointing out that one public was doing her job while the public official in the White House WAS NOT even in the White House, but rather out playing golf wasting taxpayer funds and making a profit for himself while he did.
Four links, all to the same exact Gateway Pundit Fake news story. Those are not FEMA pallets.

"The mayor's living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf."

Lt. Gen. Russell Honore RET.

Honoré said the crisis in Puerto Rico is even larger than what he faced during Katrina.

“And the president has shown again, you don’t give a damn about poor people,” Honoré told CNN. “You don’t give a damn about people of color and the SOB that rides around in Air Force One is denying services needed by the people of Puerto Rico.”
As soon as the mouthy mayor began her campaign of criticizing the FEMA response guess what happened. A three-star General was finally put in charge and the first thing he said was that the military response was inadequate and needed more of everything. In other words, the Commanding General agreed with the mayor.

The mayor is a frigging left wing nutjob. She has no credibility

Someone post's a fake news story and that is your response? It doesn't bother you that not only was a fake news story posted, but it was posted with an attempt to look like there were four links and it turns out all the links go to the same disreputable source? Go back to the integrity store. The cheated you.
Someone post's a fake news story and that is your response? It doesn't bother you that not only was a fake news story posted, but it was posted with an attempt to look like there were four links and it turns out all the links go to the same disreputable source? Go back to the integrity store. The cheated you.

Same picture Washington Post.

San Juan mayor slams Trump administration comments on Puerto Rico hurricane response
Where are the stories of the heroic efforts of citizens helping each other?

On tv 24/7.
When a thread begins with an OP as dishonest as this one, you can not expect followup supporting threads, to be honest, or have any more integrity than the original OP.

The question of "where are the citizens helping each other" stories is a valid one. I see a bitchy mayor that can find the time to get we're dying t shirts made to push her anti Trump agenda but she's not at a food or water distribution center or visiting patients in the hospital is she?

Looks well rested, well fed and well coiffed.

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