San Juan Mayor Refuses To Meet With FEMA Offering Help. What's Wrong With This Bitch?

As soon as the mouthy mayor began her campaign of criticizing the FEMA response guess what happened. A three-star General was finally put in charge and the first thing he said was that the military response was inadequate and needed more of everything. In other words, the Commanding General agreed with the mayor.
There was always a 3 star in charge dumb ass. And TONS of military troops and hardware were deployed even BEFORE the storm hit. You liars making shit up would be hillarious if not for the fact the Main stream media is aiding and abetting your lies.
Basically she thinks she would not run the international relief effort the way it's being run so she will pout and chastise. Guess what honey, you are a minor leaguer.
The democrats (soros people or globalists) let her know that they cannot afford for her to make Trump look good. They won't survive if he does. This little country consisting of Spanish speaking people, is too much of an opportunity for those that use identity politics to bring down the country.

So, therefore this woman is doing their bidding. That is how it works.

Even though everything the left do is a proven lie, it does not matter. The story is sold, the sheep believe it, and the agenda remains on track. Regardless of the truth.
And you believe the pile of steaming shit you just posted? And you have trhe nerve to think someone else is a sheep?
She was on the phone with the White House.

She was complaining she wasn't getting a response from the White House.

She got a response, she wasn't getting the help. As I pointed out, the national guard has the resources to deliver hundreds of cargo containers anywhere on the island, without regard to the condition of the roads or bridges, or availability of trucks or drivers.

Those resources were used in Texas and Florida, but not Puerto Rico.
We can go around and around about the logistics all day.

I'm not concerned about that.

These folks need assistance and they are getting it.

These resources had to be reallocated from Texas and Florida.

She needs to understand that.

I'm not here to argue any of it.

Our Military has been on this and I think they've done what they could.

She doesn't need to be insulting them by saying no one is doing anything for her when they arrived as soon as they could.

She needs to know that the Military just doesn't jump cause she wants them to.

I've gotten my orders for my new assignment. I don't move without them. And at times for TDA.

Now I understand that PCS assignments have been changed to 4 years for development and stabilization.

She now has her resources.

I don't want to see her on TV complaining.
'San Juan Mayor Refuses To Meet With FEMA Offering Help. What's Wrong With This Bitch?'

Already Exposed: Her Trump-Bashing At The Expense of San Juan Is Due to Her Being A Huge Hillary Supporter In 2016.
"Relief workers haven’t been able to distribute the goods, in part because only about 20% of Puerto Rico’s truck drivers have reported back to work since Hurricane Maria swept through, according to a representative for Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló."
Damn that Trump! :p

Hey, here's a job 'Americans just won't do'.

Why don't we gather up a bunch of illegals here on the 'mainland' and send them to Puerto Rico to drive the trucks. Then the lib mayor can rebuild San Juan into a Sanctuary 'Carmel City' (Versus a 'Chocolate City', Ray Nagin Reference). :p
And that dirty rotten three-star General came in and agreed with the mayor and everything she was saying. Not enough assets like military vehicles and helicopters to distribute the emergency supplies. The dirty bastard General must be a commie trump hater or something. He sure ain't as smart and wise as the trump cult posters here at USMB. They be like wizards and such.
As soon as the mouthy mayor began her campaign of criticizing the FEMA response guess what happened. A three-star General was finally put in charge and the first thing he said was that the military response was inadequate and needed more of everything. In other words, the Commanding General agreed with the mayor.
There was always a 3 star in charge dumb ass. And TONS of military troops and hardware were deployed even BEFORE the storm hit. You liars making shit up would be hillarious if not for the fact the Main stream media is aiding and abetting your lies.
News story: "The Pentagon has appointed Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan to lead all military hurricane efforts in Puerto Rico, according to multiple US Defense officials." September 28th.

8 days after the storm hit.

Eight freakin days.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

You post like Mr Knowitall & in the end, you are either the world's biggest liar or just plain dumber than shit.

Which is it?
BTW, where was all the effort to get supplies ahead of the storm hitting? Why weren't generators ordered, why wasn't water ordered? .

Isn't that the stuff sitting in the ports waiting for trucks to unload them?

Maybe Puerto Rico should have ordered roads and bridges along with the other supplies sitting in the ports.
so why doesn't the mayor and the governor have folks set up to distribute?

Damaged roads & a shortage of fuel?
ce the stortm hit.
Four links, all to the same exact Gateway Pundit Fake news story. Those are not FEMA pallets.

"The mayor's living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf."

Lt. Gen. Russell Honore RET.

Oh boohoo on a cot? She's a whining bitch.

Today is the 12th day.

The mayor is living it while your orange POS relaxes at his golf resort.

To anyone with a fucking brain, that means something.

To you feeble minded Trumpettes, how dare anyone say anything bad about your orange buddy.

Relief efforts have been slow. Yet you fuckwads blame the mayor.
good leaders stay the hell out of the way to allow the actual relief aid to do their jobs. but why would you know how things like that work? you're far too stupid to understand recovery.

You were most likely one of the libturds in here bitching he was in the way in Houston and giving photo shots.

Good leaders don't act like an 8 year old & attack the victims because they reported just how slow & ineffective Trump has been.

Have your orange buddy grow the fuck up & do his fucking job.

That mayor needs to grow up and do HER fucking job. Other mayors are attending meetings. Driving in to San Juan to do so.

Going to meeting to listen to more FEMA & Trump lies does not help the people of San Juan.

What pissed off the mayor was Trump sending out his minions to say how great it was going & calling it a great succcess.

Only a dumbass Trumpette would not get pissed when they are on the scene & know what a big fat lie these people were telling.

Trump lies & you keep kissing his fat ass. My God, have you no shame?
Basically she thinks she would not run the international relief effort the way it's being run so she will pout and chastise. Guess what honey, you are a minor leaguer.
More misogyny from the Trumpettes. No wonder you didn't care how much Trump abused women. You are all just like him.
And that dirty rotten three-star General came in and agreed with the mayor and everything she was saying. Not enough assets like military vehicles and helicopters to distribute the emergency supplies. The dirty bastard General must be a commie trump hater or something. He sure ain't as smart and wise as the trump cult posters here at USMB. They be like wizards and such.

I'll say it again.

When the General arrived and found operations questionable then he needs to take it up with his officers.

He has no control over civilian operations.

This is an indictment on Military operations.

Someone was commanding this operation and was derelict in their duty, according to him.

Should we be expecting to hear of disciplinary action concerning this dereliction of duty?
good leaders stay the hell out of the way to allow the actual relief aid to do their jobs. but why would you know how things like that work? you're far too stupid to understand recovery.

You were most likely one of the libturds in here bitching he was in the way in Houston and giving photo shots.

Good leaders don't act like an 8 year old & attack the victims because they reported just how slow & ineffective Trump has been.

Have your orange buddy grow the fuck up & do his fucking job.
the mayor should have thought of that before bashing the president of the US for her failures.

So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
And that dirty rotten three-star General came in and agreed with the mayor and everything she was saying. Not enough assets like military vehicles and helicopters to distribute the emergency supplies. The dirty bastard General must be a commie trump hater or something. He sure ain't as smart and wise as the trump cult posters here at USMB. They be like wizards and such.
As I pointed out, you DO know that the military and other agencies are dealing with 3 simultaneous hurricane disasters while assisting other islands in the region, right?

Obama couldn't be bothered with the flooding in La, only going there after being SHAMED into doing so. The military is also a little busy in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria thanks to Barry as well as a few other locations.

Also, Trump can't do anything about Puerto Rico's truck drivers not returning to work.

Again, the US government is not a fairy godmother with a magic wand who is going to immediately step in and make it all better after several back-to-back Cat 4/5 hurricanes. The continued bitching and attacks on Trump are extremely unrealistic and partisan.
BTW, where was all the effort to get supplies ahead of the storm hitting? Why weren't generators ordered, why wasn't water ordered? .

Isn't that the stuff sitting in the ports waiting for trucks to unload them?

Maybe Puerto Rico should have ordered roads and bridges along with the other supplies sitting in the ports.

US truckers are being asked to volunteer in PR. Appears they don't have any truckers on the island. Strange.
i heard they are unionized and won't work.

You are dumb enough to believe that crap. Turn off Fox News & Rush Limbaugh & try to become informed.
Good leaders don't act like an 8 year old & attack the victims because they reported just how slow & ineffective Trump has been.

Have your orange buddy grow the fuck up & do his fucking job.
the mayor should have thought of that before bashing the president of the US for her failures.

So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
That's absolutely right. Harvey caused more deaths in the homeland. Puerto Rico should consider themselves lucky.
Camp. I'll say it again. When the General arrived and found operations questionable then he needs to take it up with his officers. He has no control over civilian operations. This is an indictment on Military operations. Someone was commanding this operation and was derelict in their duty, according to him. Should we be expecting to hear of disciplinary action concerning this dereliction of duty?
None of this matters to hate-driven snowflakes who are still butt-hurt over Hillary losing the election. Nothing Trump will ever do will be good enough for these people. I would be more frightened if they suddenly began praising Trump. The moment they begin doing that you KNOW Trump is f*ing up. :p
And that dirty rotten three-star General came in and agreed with the mayor and everything she was saying. Not enough assets like military vehicles and helicopters to distribute the emergency supplies. The dirty bastard General must be a commie trump hater or something. He sure ain't as smart and wise as the trump cult posters here at USMB. They be like wizards and such.

The full deployment of National Guard didn't happen. Truck drivers aren't showing up for work on the island. How the fuck is that Trumps fault?
Good leaders don't act like an 8 year old & attack the victims because they reported just how slow & ineffective Trump has been.

Have your orange buddy grow the fuck up & do his fucking job.
the mayor should have thought of that before bashing the president of the US for her failures.

So, you are saying that she should have taken into consideration that Trump is a flaming asshole & said something different?

She should shut the fuck up and stop lying that everyone is dying.

If you have no food or water, you are on the path to death, i.e. dying. You are dying until to either get food & water or until you are dead.

You people are dumber than shit.

Oh give me a freaking break. With every breath one takes one is heading towards death. It's inevitable. Death and taxes. At the last report I saw that only 16 had died. Hey that is awesome if that is the final death toll for a Category 5.

The bitch is a drama queen and trash talking the relief effort. Fuck her.
Still proving what a low life POS misogynist you are.

People without food & water for 8 fucking days ARE dying.

Why the fuck did your orange God not send the military the next day? Why did he wait 8 days? Was his trips to his golf resorts more important. Or did he have to fight with NFL players?

Trump has a God Damn job. He should STFU & do it. And you should STFU until he actually does something instead of running in circles screaming " You're doing a great job Doinnie"

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