Sanctuary cities...WTF? Let the boycott of these cities begin.

Communists/Progressives are traitors. They hate America. Most of us understand that. But what can be done about it? Not much, i'm afraid. The Federal Government can only hope that local authorities cooperate in combating Illegal Immigration. There isn't much it can do to force them to.

So the only way to end Illegal Immigration, is to secure the border and undo the awful damage the last two jerk Presidents have done to it. I believe Trump will make that effort. That's the best we can hope for at this point. So pray for Trump bigtime.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

You're going to pull fed funding because the state/local governments refuse to allow the Feds to unconstitutionally co-opt their law enforcement resources and policies, and you think that's a position that supports States Rights? Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

What don't you understand about Federal Coercion being antithetical to the Preservation of States Rights? What's next if they still refuse to be bullied by the Federal Government, ordering the U.S. Army to invade?
So, you're saying that states can decide their own immigration law? Yeah, I missed that in the constitution.....
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

The "citizens" that live in the "Sanctuary Cities" that are in favor of remaining a hiding place for criminals pay a 0% effective tax rate and likely receive the Child Tax Credit of thousands of dollars for the six anchor babies they have...or only pay sales tax on Bud Light's, Dodger's hats, carne asada and food for their Pit Bulls.
Just let this be the no-brainer it really is...isn't it time to stop allowing yourself to sound ignorant?

I see that the reason proof shield that you've surrounded your brain with remains fully intact.

Apparently you're one of those that will abandon principles as soon as they become "inconvenient" , doesn't have the first clue what the concept of "States Rights" actually means or both.

The effects of the "Sanctuary City" stances by certain cities are immaterial and do not change the fact that the enforcement of immigration laws is solely the responsibility of the Federal Government, the fact that certain "conservatives" are arguing for the feds to resort to coercion is only an indication of the weakness of their argument, they cannot persuade the TAX PAYING citizens of those cities to see things their way and thus give in to their authoritarian impulses.

If the conservatives really want to resolve this, there are two ways to go about it that doesn't violate the principles that they generally espouse:

1.) Convince the citizenry of the cities in question that their argument is the correct one; after all the mayors of these cities don't really give a fuck about illegal aliens, they're just pandering voters in the hopes that it will help 'em get re-elected, if the voter sentiment were to change they'd advocate tossing illegal aliens into meat grinders and feeding them to pets if that's what it takes to get votes.
2.) Allocate sufficient federal immigration enforcement resources to those cities to obviate the need for local law enforcement cooperation in immigration enforcement.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

The "citizens" that live in the "Sanctuary Cities" that are in favor of remaining a hiding place for criminals pay a 0% effective tax rate and likely receive the Child Tax Credit of thousands of dollars for the six anchor babies they have...or only pay sales tax on Bud Light's, Dodger's hats, carne asada and food for their Pit Bulls.
Just let this be the no-brainer it really is...isn't it time to stop allowing yourself to sound ignorant?

I see that the reason proof shield that you've surrounded your brain with remains fully intact.

Apparently you're one of those that will abandon principles as soon as they become "inconvenient" , doesn't have the first clue what the concept of "States Rights" actually means or both.

The effects of the "Sanctuary City" stances by certain cities are immaterial and do not change the fact that the enforcement of immigration laws is solely the responsibility of the Federal Government, the fact that certain "conservatives" are arguing for the feds to resort to coercion is only an indication of the weakness of their argument, they cannot persuade the TAX PAYING citizens of those cities to see things their way and thus give in to their authoritarian impulses.

If the conservatives really want to resolve this, there are two ways to go about it that doesn't violate the principles that they generally espouse:

1.) Convince the citizenry of the cities in question that their argument is the correct one; after all the mayors of these cities don't really give a fuck about illegal aliens, they're just pandering voters in the hopes that it will help 'em get re-elected, if the voter sentiment were to change they'd advocate tossing illegal aliens into meat grinders and feeding them to pets if that's what it takes to get votes.
2.) Allocate sufficient federal immigration enforcement resources to those cities to obviate the need for local law enforcement cooperation in immigration enforcement.
No, I support the instruction manual.....if states no longer agree with what they agreed to, they can leave.....
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

You're going to pull fed funding because the state/local governments refuse to allow the Feds to unconstitutionally co-opt their law enforcement resources and policies, and you think that's a position that supports States Rights? Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

What don't you understand about Federal Coercion being antithetical to the Preservation of States Rights? What's next if they still refuse to be bullied by the Federal Government, ordering the U.S. Army to invade?
So, you're saying that states can decide their own immigration law? Yeah, I missed that in the constitution.....
Ummm... no, what I've been saying all along is that the enforcement of immigration law is the sole responsibility of the Federal Government NOT state and local law enforcement and thus the Feds cannot legally force State and/or Local law enforcement to do their job for 'em, you're the one arguing against the U.S. Constitution, not me.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

You're going to pull fed funding because the state/local governments refuse to allow the Feds to unconstitutionally co-opt their law enforcement resources and policies, and you think that's a position that supports States Rights? Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

What don't you understand about Federal Coercion being antithetical to the Preservation of States Rights? What's next if they still refuse to be bullied by the Federal Government, ordering the U.S. Army to invade?
So, you're saying that states can decide their own immigration law? Yeah, I missed that in the constitution.....
Ummm... no, what I've been saying all along is that the enforcement of immigration law is the sole responsibility of the Federal Government NOT state and local law enforcement and thus the Feds cannot legally force State and/or Local law enforcement to do their job for 'em, you're the one arguing against the U.S. Constitution, not me.
The instruction manual is crystal clear....if you hate it so much, Petition your state to leave....but don't get in the way of law and order for the rest of us.....
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


As long as you're not using my tax dollars and they dont vote in national elections you're free to turn liberal cities into barrios.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


Dear Libtards,

The party with common sense is all for independent state rights when decisions are made by X state that does not perpetuate a threat to neighboring states and or other states. Waving in floods of low grade humans from neighboring shit holes that anchor in our country, make almost no positive contribution and suck the taxpayer tit dry for eternity is pure ignorance on its surface and it only takes a 4th grade education to understand this.

p.s.- Please pull your head from the sand, think broad and attempt to use that peanut brain....PLEASE!

Kind Regards,
The Smarter Party

Ah yes.. another proud graduate of the Hugo Chavez School of Civics.....

They're refusing to have their law enforcement agencies be unconstitutionally co-opted by the federal government.

The motives of the city governments in question are immaterial to the States Rights argument and the hypocrisy being displayed by the Conservatives that say they support States Rights while at the same time arguing that the Federal Government should violate them just because they don't happen to like they way they are being exercised at the moment.
How is the .gov violating them child?
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

The "citizens" that live in the "Sanctuary Cities" that are in favor of remaining a hiding place for criminals pay a 0% effective tax rate and likely receive the Child Tax Credit of thousands of dollars for the six anchor babies they have...or only pay sales tax on Bud Light's, Dodger's hats, carne asada and food for their Pit Bulls.
Just let this be the no-brainer it really is...isn't it time to stop allowing yourself to sound ignorant?

I see that the reason proof shield that you've surrounded your brain with remains fully intact.

Apparently you're one of those that will abandon principles as soon as they become "inconvenient" , doesn't have the first clue what the concept of "States Rights" actually means or both.

The effects of the "Sanctuary City" stances by certain cities are immaterial and do not change the fact that the enforcement of immigration laws is solely the responsibility of the Federal Government, the fact that certain "conservatives" are arguing for the feds to resort to coercion is only an indication of the weakness of their argument, they cannot persuade the TAX PAYING citizens of those cities to see things their way and thus give in to their authoritarian impulses.

If the conservatives really want to resolve this, there are two ways to go about it that doesn't violate the principles that they generally espouse:

1.) Convince the citizenry of the cities in question that their argument is the correct one; after all the mayors of these cities don't really give a fuck about illegal aliens, they're just pandering voters in the hopes that it will help 'em get re-elected, if the voter sentiment were to change they'd advocate tossing illegal aliens into meat grinders and feeding them to pets if that's what it takes to get votes.
2.) Allocate sufficient federal immigration enforcement resources to those cities to obviate the need for local law enforcement cooperation in immigration enforcement.

Where you stand on this issue is crystal clear.
Your expanded vocabulary and cleverly used rhetoric tells me you're probably not stupid.
What I can't wrap my head around is how seemingly bright people can be a genuine Liberal...what's twisted in your head?
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


As long as you're not using my tax dollars and they dont vote in national elections you're free to turn liberal cities into barrios.

And that they'll do.
Southern CA is north Mexico now...a total shit-hole. So, what does that mean exactly you ask?
More spanish spoke aloud and in public than english
Un-insured and or under insured drivers all over the roadways
Graffiti spray painted everywhere
Bright orange and turquoise painted homes
Stray pit bulls and chihuahua's running the streets
Trash and old couches dumped in open fields
Bud Light cans thrown from cars laying on the side of roadways
40 year old adults stealing teen jobs at fast food restaurants and the like
Terribly parented kids over-run public schools and emergency rooms (you get sent the invoice)
I could keep going but you probably get the drift by now.
I'm struggling to come up with something positive they bring with them....hmmm...NOTHING!
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


As long as you're not using my tax dollars and they dont vote in national elections you're free to turn liberal cities into barrios.

And that they'll do.
Southern CA is north Mexico now...a total shit-hole. So, what does that mean exactly you ask?
More spanish spoke aloud and in public than english
Un-insured and or under insured drivers all over the roadways
Graffiti spray painted everywhere
Bright orange and turquoise painted homes
Stray pit bulls and chihuahua's running the streets
Trash and old couches dumped in open fields
Bud Light cans thrown from cars laying on the side of roadways
40 year old adults stealing teen jobs at fast food restaurants and the like
Terribly parented kids over-run public schools and emergency rooms (you get sent the invoice)
I could keep going but you probably get the drift by now.
I'm struggling to come up with something positive they bring with them....hmmm...NOTHING!

Living in Houston for 46 of my 51 years I've watched mexicans/south americans ruin this cities blue collar job opportunities.
Before I retired I watched mexicans go from maybe 2% in Houstons machine shops to over 75% and wages havent changed much in that time frame.
They're a cancer and thank God I saw it coming and diversified my income methods or I would have been screwed.

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