Sanctuary cities...WTF? Let the boycott of these cities begin.

Just the fact they are buying their votes..

It can't be anything else...right?
I'm so confused as to what it is that immigrants from the south bring here that amounts to something positive for this country and REAL American's?
A quick trip to Mexico can tell anyone with two eyes what they turn a country in's really no secret.

The last I heard, they number more than 300, including New York. I guess that Trump should find a real estate agent. Housing is pretty cheap in Beaumont, Texas.Also, I seriously doubt if a travel boycott would have much impact on Bismark, ND.

Well, I'd guess the 17 illegals hiding out in Bismark, ND really don't impact much as a whole as well.
Although, as we've seen here in southern CA...17 quickly turn to 17,000 when the steady flow of tax dollars start rolling in.

We can't boycott sanctuary cities right now. We are still too busy boycotting Starbucks for taking snowflakes off of Christmas cups, and I'm pretty sure that our 20 year boycott of Disney World is still going on for their designated gay pride day....

I'm not sure about that....I think you're seeing legitimate REAL American's re-focus on what matters.
You see, for years we lost faith in our law makers, politicians and the like as twisted minded Un-American's took office and lead this country to become a shit-hole full of illegals, bottom feeder's, weirdo's, loonys and low-lifes. We've stood by silently watching as government rolled the red carpet out for the piece of shits and then sent us the invoice...the takers and undeserving have taken and then demanded even more. We're finally fed up and pissed...sorry losers!

Don't let them yank your chain, it is over, done deal!

You see, thnx to Obysmal v Arizona, the courts have put immigration soley in the scope of the fed. What this means is--------->any mayor, governor, or person in local government who stands against the law.........that is already in effect mind you, and does not have to be passed, just enforced.............would be prosecuted in federal court, and could face jail time.

As I reminded our liberal, far leftist posters............when they laughed as Arizona got smacked by the courts, it had to be pointed out that if the Presidency changed party hands, they wouldn't be so happy as many of their fearless leaders might end up in the hoozgow. They thought they had a lock on the Presidency forever, so just kinda smirked. Well, Houston, now you got a problem; and it couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer, arrogant, lefties, (aka, phony baloney snowflakes) who deserve it-)

Well, when AZ decided to enforce laws for which they have no jurisdiction, there are consequences.

IC you have 12,000 messages, so you are going to be around-) Wanna wager if the law is enforced? Or maybe, one or more of the boys has to spend some time in the can-)
i think it is going to be quite amusing when the republicans discover that the District of Columbia is a sanctuary city, so they will have to cut off funding for themselves.....

Map: Over 200 'sanctuary cities' in 32 states and D.C.

Haven't you heard?

The Capital is moving.

But please don't tell the Democrat senators and representatives - let them report as usual.


I'm good with it.

How about somewhere more centralized?.....


It can't be anything else...right?
I'm so confused as to what it is that immigrants from the south bring here that amounts to something positive for this country and REAL American's?
A quick trip to Mexico can tell anyone with two eyes what they turn a country in's really no secret.

Well, I'd guess the 17 illegals hiding out in Bismark, ND really don't impact much as a whole as well.
Although, as we've seen here in southern CA...17 quickly turn to 17,000 when the steady flow of tax dollars start rolling in.

We can't boycott sanctuary cities right now. We are still too busy boycotting Starbucks for taking snowflakes off of Christmas cups, and I'm pretty sure that our 20 year boycott of Disney World is still going on for their designated gay pride day....

I'm not sure about that....I think you're seeing legitimate REAL American's re-focus on what matters.
You see, for years we lost faith in our law makers, politicians and the like as twisted minded Un-American's took office and lead this country to become a shit-hole full of illegals, bottom feeder's, weirdo's, loonys and low-lifes. We've stood by silently watching as government rolled the red carpet out for the piece of shits and then sent us the invoice...the takers and undeserving have taken and then demanded even more. We're finally fed up and pissed...sorry losers!

Don't let them yank your chain, it is over, done deal!

You see, thnx to Obysmal v Arizona, the courts have put immigration soley in the scope of the fed. What this means is--------->any mayor, governor, or person in local government who stands against the law.........that is already in effect mind you, and does not have to be passed, just enforced.............would be prosecuted in federal court, and could face jail time.

As I reminded our liberal, far leftist posters............when they laughed as Arizona got smacked by the courts, it had to be pointed out that if the Presidency changed party hands, they wouldn't be so happy as many of their fearless leaders might end up in the hoozgow. They thought they had a lock on the Presidency forever, so just kinda smirked. Well, Houston, now you got a problem; and it couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer, arrogant, lefties, (aka, phony baloney snowflakes) who deserve it-)

Well, when AZ decided to enforce laws for which they have no jurisdiction, there are consequences.

Yep, and the Obysmal courts decided it was totally up to the Feds to set policy. Any State interference was either direction-) Therefore, the lefties are DOA, in the klink, behind bars, don't bend over, if they try to ignore federal law.

That's true today, just like it was true in the 1960's when states refused to recognize federal law regarding civil rights in the South, resulting in the feds nationalizing the national guard, and escorting black students to public schools. Jurisdiction, and consequences.
It can't be anything else...right?
I'm so confused as to what it is that immigrants from the south bring here that amounts to something positive for this country and REAL American's?
A quick trip to Mexico can tell anyone with two eyes what they turn a country in's really no secret.

Well, I'd guess the 17 illegals hiding out in Bismark, ND really don't impact much as a whole as well.
Although, as we've seen here in southern CA...17 quickly turn to 17,000 when the steady flow of tax dollars start rolling in.

We can't boycott sanctuary cities right now. We are still too busy boycotting Starbucks for taking snowflakes off of Christmas cups, and I'm pretty sure that our 20 year boycott of Disney World is still going on for their designated gay pride day....

I'm not sure about that....I think you're seeing legitimate REAL American's re-focus on what matters.
You see, for years we lost faith in our law makers, politicians and the like as twisted minded Un-American's took office and lead this country to become a shit-hole full of illegals, bottom feeder's, weirdo's, loonys and low-lifes. We've stood by silently watching as government rolled the red carpet out for the piece of shits and then sent us the invoice...the takers and undeserving have taken and then demanded even more. We're finally fed up and pissed...sorry losers!

Don't let them yank your chain, it is over, done deal!

You see, thnx to Obysmal v Arizona, the courts have put immigration soley in the scope of the fed. What this means is--------->any mayor, governor, or person in local government who stands against the law.........that is already in effect mind you, and does not have to be passed, just enforced.............would be prosecuted in federal court, and could face jail time.

As I reminded our liberal, far leftist posters............when they laughed as Arizona got smacked by the courts, it had to be pointed out that if the Presidency changed party hands, they wouldn't be so happy as many of their fearless leaders might end up in the hoozgow. They thought they had a lock on the Presidency forever, so just kinda smirked. Well, Houston, now you got a problem; and it couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer, arrogant, lefties, (aka, phony baloney snowflakes) who deserve it-)

Well, when AZ decided to enforce laws for which they have no jurisdiction, there are consequences.

IC you have 12,000 messages, so you are going to be around-) Wanna wager if the law is enforced? Or maybe, one or more of the boys has to spend some time in the can-)

I live in AZ. The issue is dead, and settled. Feds enforce their laws, States enforce their laws. Many cities, BTW have spoken up, and told the feds that if they want the cities to detain suspected undocumented aliens, then they would be willing to do so, if the feds will reimburse them for the cost of keeping them incarcerated until the feds take them away. The feds declined.
We can't boycott sanctuary cities right now. We are still too busy boycotting Starbucks for taking snowflakes off of Christmas cups, and I'm pretty sure that our 20 year boycott of Disney World is still going on for their designated gay pride day....

I'm not sure about that....I think you're seeing legitimate REAL American's re-focus on what matters.
You see, for years we lost faith in our law makers, politicians and the like as twisted minded Un-American's took office and lead this country to become a shit-hole full of illegals, bottom feeder's, weirdo's, loonys and low-lifes. We've stood by silently watching as government rolled the red carpet out for the piece of shits and then sent us the invoice...the takers and undeserving have taken and then demanded even more. We're finally fed up and pissed...sorry losers!

Don't let them yank your chain, it is over, done deal!

You see, thnx to Obysmal v Arizona, the courts have put immigration soley in the scope of the fed. What this means is--------->any mayor, governor, or person in local government who stands against the law.........that is already in effect mind you, and does not have to be passed, just enforced.............would be prosecuted in federal court, and could face jail time.

As I reminded our liberal, far leftist posters............when they laughed as Arizona got smacked by the courts, it had to be pointed out that if the Presidency changed party hands, they wouldn't be so happy as many of their fearless leaders might end up in the hoozgow. They thought they had a lock on the Presidency forever, so just kinda smirked. Well, Houston, now you got a problem; and it couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer, arrogant, lefties, (aka, phony baloney snowflakes) who deserve it-)

Well, when AZ decided to enforce laws for which they have no jurisdiction, there are consequences.

IC you have 12,000 messages, so you are going to be around-) Wanna wager if the law is enforced? Or maybe, one or more of the boys has to spend some time in the can-)

I live in AZ. The issue is dead, and settled. Feds enforce their laws, States enforce their laws. Many cities, BTW have spoken up, and told the feds that if they want the cities to detain suspected undocumented aliens, then they would be willing to do so, if the feds will reimburse them for the cost of keeping them incarcerated until the feds take them away. The feds declined.

That followed the Libtard ideology under Libtard rule...We have a new logical government turning where common sense is common again and educated people listen to reason. Where it's understood that laws were not made to be broken and taxpayers pay for the enforcement of law and order. The anything goes free for all for the Liberal Loony's is over!
House cleaning has begun...and the cockroaches are running scared.
I'm not sure about that....I think you're seeing legitimate REAL American's re-focus on what matters.
You see, for years we lost faith in our law makers, politicians and the like as twisted minded Un-American's took office and lead this country to become a shit-hole full of illegals, bottom feeder's, weirdo's, loonys and low-lifes. We've stood by silently watching as government rolled the red carpet out for the piece of shits and then sent us the invoice...the takers and undeserving have taken and then demanded even more. We're finally fed up and pissed...sorry losers!

Don't let them yank your chain, it is over, done deal!

You see, thnx to Obysmal v Arizona, the courts have put immigration soley in the scope of the fed. What this means is--------->any mayor, governor, or person in local government who stands against the law.........that is already in effect mind you, and does not have to be passed, just enforced.............would be prosecuted in federal court, and could face jail time.

As I reminded our liberal, far leftist posters............when they laughed as Arizona got smacked by the courts, it had to be pointed out that if the Presidency changed party hands, they wouldn't be so happy as many of their fearless leaders might end up in the hoozgow. They thought they had a lock on the Presidency forever, so just kinda smirked. Well, Houston, now you got a problem; and it couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer, arrogant, lefties, (aka, phony baloney snowflakes) who deserve it-)

Well, when AZ decided to enforce laws for which they have no jurisdiction, there are consequences.

IC you have 12,000 messages, so you are going to be around-) Wanna wager if the law is enforced? Or maybe, one or more of the boys has to spend some time in the can-)

I live in AZ. The issue is dead, and settled. Feds enforce their laws, States enforce their laws. Many cities, BTW have spoken up, and told the feds that if they want the cities to detain suspected undocumented aliens, then they would be willing to do so, if the feds will reimburse them for the cost of keeping them incarcerated until the feds take them away. The feds declined.

That followed the Libtard ideology under Libtard rule...We have a new logical government turning where common sense is common again and educated people listen to reason. Where it's understood that laws were not made to be broken and taxpayers pay for the enforcement of law and order. The anything goes free for all for the Liberal Loony's is over!
House cleaning has begun...and the cockroaches are running scared.

Well, we agree on one thing. Trump is scary! Kind of like a loose cannon on a storm tossed ship....
Just the fact they are buying their votes..

Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

It can't be anything else...right?
I'm so confused as to what it is that immigrants from the south bring here that amounts to something positive for this country and REAL American's?
A quick trip to Mexico can tell anyone with two eyes what they turn a country in's really no secret.

This all could be very easily fought...legitimate REAL American's can simply refuse to travel to and spend money in these ghetto cities....the end.
I'll wish them luck in squeezing cash flow from the human cockroaches they treasure so much whom are paying a negative effective tax rate and sucking the taxpayer tit dry.

The last I heard, they number more than 300, including New York. I guess that Trump should find a real estate agent. Housing is pretty cheap in Beaumont, Texas.Also, I seriously doubt if a travel boycott would have much impact on Bismark, ND.

Well, I'd guess the 17 illegals hiding out in Bismark, ND really don't impact much as a whole as well.
Although, as we've seen here in southern CA...17 quickly turn to 17,000 when the steady flow of tax dollars start rolling in.

We can't boycott sanctuary cities right now. We are still too busy boycotting Starbucks for taking snowflakes off of Christmas cups, and I'm pretty sure that our 20 year boycott of Disney World is still going on for their designated gay pride day....

Boycott is not the only option, apparently President Obama doesn't see a real financial concern in the thought of pulling federal funding of states that oppose providing separate transgender bathrooms. Cutting federal funding of those states that continue to support sanctuary cities, would therefore be a viable option to consider.

By all means! All you have to do is to convince the Congressmen of each state to vote for canceling federal grants to the cities inhabited by their constituency! It would be a piece of cake!

Congress only really needs to focus on those states that have chosen to publicly take a stand in being strongly defiant to immigration laws, with their spoken pledge to harbor illegals from federal agents - namely New York, California, Massachusetts. I'm sure a simple majority in the house and senate is possible. Take into account your view of a loose cannon through president Donald Trump to scare them, and sell it as a means to pay for the creation of a stronger southern border. How long do you think it would be until they and other states begin to cooperate with ice agents and our federal law? It's just a matter of how aggressive you want to be on the issue, or simply continue to appease illegals and give them a reason to sneak across. Will every illegal be rounded up and deported? Not very likely. However the full cooperation from every state in the union is all we really need to discourage further illegal border crossings.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

The only boycotting going on right now, is any business that bears the TRUMP name--LOL Trump signs are coming off of buildings everywhere.
Trump name being taken down from Plaza casino

A candidate can talk about the border, securing it, illegal immigration in this country without offending and insulting millions of people in the process.

Trump is really not the same Trump you saw on the campaign trail. 4 years ago he blasted Republicans for being too mean spirited toward illegals, and was for a pathway to citizenship. He has already flip flopped on the wall, he's flip flopped on deporting millions of illegals, and I imagine he's going to end up being the best Democrat you've ever nominated.
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds
Blog: Trump in 2012 attacked Romney for being too tough on illegals

Here is one of your favorites after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him, over Trump's flip-flops on illegal immigration.

Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

The only boycotting going on right now, is any business that bears the TRUMP name--LOL Trump signs are coming off of buildings everywhere.
Trump name being taken down from Plaza casino

A candidate can talk about the border, securing it, illegal immigration in this country without offending and insulting millions of people in the process.

Trump is really not the same Trump you saw on the campaign trail. 4 years ago he blasted Republicans for being too mean spirited toward illegals, and was for a pathway to citizenship. He has already flip flopped on the wall, he's flip flopped on deporting millions of illegals, and I imagine he's going to end up being the best Democrat you've ever nominated.
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds
Blog: Trump in 2012 attacked Romney for being too tough on illegals

Here is one of your favorites after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him, over Trump's flip-flops on illegal immigration.

The boycotting of Trump properties was a given and well expected as the Loony's and human cockroaches have no real life responsibilities such as jobs and parenting. I don't think there's been any flip-flop...I think "the speak" has been manipulated slightly as he eases in to office...Contrary to what Libtards and cockroaches think; he's smart and being advised to calm tensions with a softer tone...FOR NOW and the iQ challenged Libtards are buying it like the suckers they are...look at're sold. He knows he needs the cockroaches to stop acting like the sub-humans they are....THEN the hammer will come down...slowly but surely and the iQ challenged loonys won't really see it happening.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

How about installing checkpoints on all roads and railroads leading into those safe zones for terrorists? Let 'em in - but never out. Of course we'd have to close any airports within their political boundaries. Then the rest of America could feel a little more secure.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era
Good...boycott CA while you are at it. I'm fed up with the traffic due to tourists.
How about installing checkpoints on all roads and railroads leading into those safe zones for terrorists? Let 'em in - but never out. Of course we'd have to close any airports within their political boundaries. Then the rest of America could feel a little more secure.

"installing checkpoints"....right....there's the Alt-Right (WSs) stuff right there.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....
check points? Lol, really? You want an increased police state? Oh. Its to keep me safe...oh, ok then.
i dont want to be safe. Ill take care of that. What I want is to be free. Let me worry about the safe thing.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


Dear Libtards,

The party with common sense is all for independent state rights when decisions are made by X state that does not perpetuate a threat to neighboring states and or other states. Waving in floods of low grade humans from neighboring shit holes that anchor in our country, make almost no positive contribution and suck the taxpayer tit dry for eternity is pure ignorance on its surface and it only takes a 4th grade education to understand this.

p.s.- Please pull your head from the sand, think broad and attempt to use that peanut brain....PLEASE!

Kind Regards,
The Smarter Party
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

You're going to pull fed funding because the state/local governments refuse to allow the Feds to unconstitutionally co-opt their law enforcement resources and policies, and you think that's a position that supports States Rights? Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

What don't you understand about Federal Coercion being antithetical to the Preservation of States Rights? What's next if they still refuse to be bullied by the Federal Government, ordering the U.S. Army to invade?
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States


Dear Libtards,

The party with common sense is all for independent state rights when decisions are made by X state that does not perpetuate a threat to neighboring states and or other states. Waving in floods of low grade humans from neighboring shit holes that anchor in our country, make almost no positive contribution and suck the taxpayer tit dry for eternity is pure ignorance on its surface and it only takes a 4th grade education to understand this.

p.s.- Please pull your head from the sand, think broad and attempt to use that peanut brain....PLEASE!

Kind Regards,
The Smarter Party

Ah yes.. another proud graduate of the Hugo Chavez School of Civics.....

They're refusing to have their law enforcement agencies be unconstitutionally co-opted by the federal government.

The motives of the city governments in question are immaterial to the States Rights argument and the hypocrisy being displayed by the Conservatives that say they support States Rights while at the same time arguing that the Federal Government should violate them just because they don't happen to like they way they are being exercised at the moment.
Am I understanding all this correctly?
Am I missing something here?
So, these ghetto minded local politicians prefer to put negative contributing illegal citizens breaking the law ahead of hard working, positive contributing REAL American's?

I'm either lost or way to logical for this era

Dear Conservatives,

I thought the prevailing Conservative Principles included support for States Rights.

What the fuck do you think the "Sanctuary Cities" is all about? Or have you guys suddenly become advocates of unchecked Federal Power, as in unconstitutionally co-opting state and local law enforcement resources and policy?

Hugs & Kisses,

Those of us that still respect the rights of the States

Can you show me where Fed funding is a state right? Thanks....

Not to mention, where do you think the funds for that "fed funding" comes from? Might not some of it be extracted from the citizens that live in those states that are home to the so-called "Sanctuary Cities"?

The "citizens" that live in the "Sanctuary Cities" that are in favor of remaining a hiding place for criminals pay a 0% effective tax rate and likely receive the Child Tax Credit of thousands of dollars for the six anchor babies they have...or only pay sales tax on Bud Light's, Dodger's hats, carne asada and food for their Pit Bulls.
Just let this be the no-brainer it really is...isn't it time to stop allowing yourself to sound ignorant?

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