Sanders, Corbin, and the Millenials


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
This weekend saw a sizable bump in voter support for the Labor Party in Britain's elections, a party that is basically socialist in nature. Similar to the popularity of Bernie Sanders in the US, young people who up to now have not been too interested in politics and voting are now showing up as a voting block that cannot be ignored. And they are supportive of socialist policies, free college, free this and free that without much consideration as to cost and where the money comes from. And here's the thing: they're the ones who will be stuck with the bill in the future when the national debt grows too big to even pay for the interest on it.

How many millenials and young people under 40 believe that the SSA will be here for them when they need it in their senior years? The ones I know don't see it and who can blame them? Projections right now are that in another 15 years or so the SSTF (Trust Fund) will go dry. Hell, the damn thing has nothing in it now but IOUs anyway, surpluses got spent on other things back when we had surpluses. And anyone with a brain can see how fast health are costs are going up, all the ACA did was basically add more people to Medicaid and subsidize more people's HCI. Where's the money going to come from to pay for this stuff? News flash kids: the rich guys don't have that much money and the big corps will move offshore one way or another. The European democracies that the Left loves so much have a much broader tax base than we do, everybody pays a consumption tax somewhere between 20-25% on whatever you buy so think about that. And then they pay another 20-25% for income taxes in one way or another and that's EVERYBODY, not just the upper half of income earners. Chew on that, I don't remember Bernie Sanders telling young people about that last year.

Right now nobody seems to care about tomorrow, neither party it seems to want to reform the enitlement programs but with people living longer and consuming more health care dollars, it appears this country and many others in the West have a looming problem that isn't going away. In my view the irresponsibility of both political parties and our national leaders in and out of politics is shameful; used to be we cared about the next generation and the ones after that, but no more. We aren't talking about what we need to be doing now to put this country on a sustainable fiscal path and I for one am embarassed about it. We're not even setting the example for how to fix anything, how sad is that. I turned 69 last month, so it won't be me that has to face this. It's you guys under 40 and your kids who will. I wish you luck.

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