Sanders Is Drawing Crowds BIG Crowds

A lot of what Bernie says makes sense, and I'll guarantee you the amount of people who agree with him is growing.

The GOP had better learn what "democratic socialism" is pretty soon, or it's in for a big surprise.


Trump too is gathering crowds with his positions. Trump and Sanders are not centrists. A good thing to happen in this country is to have two
Transparent Candidates articulating their views and not trying to pull wool over the American People's eyes like HilLiary.
He (Sanders) seems popular. Despite the disruption by a radical black group on Saturday, over 25,000 supporters came out to see him yesterday. Does he still beat Trump in the head to head national polls?
hillary leads sanders by 40 points; even as left-wing nutjobs have crowned Trump the republican nominee based on his 11-point lead over the closest rival

the Left might as well have Colonel Sanders run

Who has 'crowned Trump as the Republican nominee'?

leftardz have

hillary leads sanders by 40 points; even as left-wing nutjobs have crowned Trump the republican nominee based on his 11-point lead over the closest rival

the Left might as well have Colonel Sanders run

Who has 'crowned Trump as the Republican nominee'?

leftardz have


Name any liberal of consequence who has said that Trump has won the GOP nomination.
gee leftard; who attends sanders rallies? right-wingers/

if his rallies are so "real" you'd think he'd be less than FORTY POINTS BEHIND HILLARY???
Sanders heads to the most liberal of cities, so that's predictable. The presidential elections are not the same as electing a Seattle mayor or a Vermont senator.

In one respect only. The vast amount of money in play (I suggest you and others read the piece in the Aug 17th issue of TIME: Power Brokers Recharge).
Sanders heads to the most liberal of cities, so that's predictable. The presidential elections are not the same as electing a Seattle mayor or a Vermont senator.
Seattle is so liberal it elected its first communist city council person just a few years ago. If he takes her Communist/Socialist base she does not have much left but welfare addicts.

The RED SCARE no longer works as a rebuttal - OWS has even become a talking point within some members of the persons running for the GOP nomination. Of course that is a result of seeing how the wind blows, I doubt anyone of the power elite in that crowd give a damn about fairness.
He FILLED the Portland area, that's right FILLED it. He is drawing bigger crowds than Hillary and his followers are more vocal then Hillary's. Everybody has been saying Trump shot his wad to early but more and more it looks like Hillary is the one suffering from pre-mature election.

"About 19,000 people cheered Sanders in the arena that is home to the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. The rally had originally been scheduled at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which has a capacity of about 12,000, but was moved in anticipation of large crowds."

A lot of people on this board have talked about how Obozo has polarized this country including myself. What better proof of that then the rise of Trump and Sanders? The 2016 election COULD prove to be the most decisive and attended and voted election in this country ever.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News

Pretty sad the state of geography knowledge. A number here are confusing Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.
A lot of what Bernie says makes sense, and I'll guarantee you the amount of people who agree with him is growing.

The GOP had better learn what "democratic socialism" is pretty soon, or it's in for a big surprise..
Hillary has a two fold problem at this point.
1, She can't win by staying out of the public eye.
2, She can't win being out in public.

Hillary has a problem.
She does, and the Democrats know it. They're moving back debates, Hillary is barely running.

They're counting on the GOP to self-destruct, and that's an understandable strategy.


The GOP self destructing is not a guarantee of a Democratic win. It is possible that if Trump runs 3rd party, the GOP will compromise and line up behind him.

That is the key concept that the base voters need to put in the establishment ear if things go awry. A compromise to win the White House will have a political effect on those disillusioned with the Republican party.

Think about it. Right now, the RNC leadership is shooting itself in the foot, come next year, they are going to look like losers if Trumps forms a 3rd party with more voter support than their candidate. P.S. Jeb can't be VP, either.
It's way to early to determine winners and losers come nomination day. There are too many variable and too much money in play; while most variables will be framed by anonymous money, there are independent variables which can upset even the Koch Brothers largess.
Since Sanders is drawing bigger crowds than Trump, why does Trump keep claiming he's drawing the biggest crowds?
I don't think Sanders has outdrawn Trump YET, but it's real close.

It's not so much numbers, it's the quality and appeal of the message. So far hate and fear have put Trump in the media's eye and those who were predisposed to hate and fear.

Sanders message is clear, concise and has appeal to those Americans who work outside of the financial services industry (FSI); and opposed by those who benefit from connections to the FSI (wall street - bankers, brokers) and the traditional energy industry and other industries which pollute our environment.
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Since Sanders is drawing bigger crowds than Trump, why does Trump keep claiming he's drawing the biggest crowds?
Trump is a habitual liar. He and his crew still claim 15,000 attended his Phoenix rally at a venue that only
held a little over 5,000 and had a Fire Marshall clicking off attendees as they passed through the door. Exact number was 5,299.
Sanders drew 28,000 yesterday.

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