Sanders Is Drawing Crowds BIG Crowds

Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
People are sick of seeing the wealth gap widen as the rich take it all. Don't fucking say they aren't either because they're!!! People love driving on first world roads, having the best science institutions on this planet, minimum wage so our workers aint paid like ******* and want to see college being free. Most of these issues have 55-65% support!.

Most people go through their entire day never thinking about any of these things

The people who do think about these things are panoptic, those who don't are myoptic.
"loonbat socialist"? Explain why you use this term. I know it's a pejorative, as well as an idiot-gram, but prove me wrong. Tell me what he says, which cause you to believe he is a loongat (and define the term) and a socialist (define the term).

Other than his own words?

Vermont s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate Democracy Now
Yes, define the word socialist as something more than a pejorative

Bernie is a self described Socialist, ask him

Okay genius, what does that mean if he said it? I don't know that he has, since I've never heard him say, I am a Socialist. Post the quote in context and the date and source where he uttered those words!

I know you use words for their emotionally impact, 'cause you are nothing if not a partisan lunatic, as well as dishonest.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.
"loonbat socialist"? Explain why you use this term. I know it's a pejorative, as well as an idiot-gram, but prove me wrong. Tell me what he says, which cause you to believe he is a loongat (and define the term) and a socialist (define the term).

Other than his own words?

Vermont s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate Democracy Now
Yes, define the word socialist as something more than a pejorative

Bernie is a self described Socialist, ask him

Okay genius, what does that mean if he said it? I don't know that he has, since I've never heard him say, I am a Socialist. Post the quote in context and the date and source where he uttered those words!

I know you use words for their emotionally impact, 'cause you are nothing if not a partisan lunatic, as well as dishonest.

Yeah, you and your false standards. LOL

You look it up, I just did.

He's a Socialist, said so himself and pointed to the failed models he wants us to emulate
Freddo is probably too dumb

"AMY GOODMAN: And if people ask, "What do you mean, 'socialist'?" what would you say?

REP. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, I think it means the government has got to play a very important role in making sure that as a right of citizenship, all of our people have healthcare; that as a right, all of our kids, regardless of income, have quality childcare, are able to go to college without going deeply into debt; that it means we do not allow large corporations and moneyed interests to destroy our environment; that we create a government in which it is not dominated by big money interest. I mean, to me, it means democracy, frankly. That’s all it means. And we are living in an increasingly undemocratic society in which decisions are made by people who have huge sums of money. And that’s the goal that we have to achieve."

Vermont s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate Democracy Now
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who useothers labor for their benefit.
It contradicts nothing, but it proves how easily many on the left can be duped by kooks like Bernie. You make up monsters to motivate your is a trick as old as prostitution. When are you going to realize the Rs talk to dupe their base, but do nothing because they are progressives?
Freddo is probably too dumb

"AMY GOODMAN: And if people ask, "What do you mean, 'socialist'?" what would you say?

REP. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, I think it means the government has got to play a very important role in making sure that as a right of citizenship, all of our people have healthcare; that as a right, all of our kids, regardless of income, have quality childcare, are able to go to college without going deeply into debt; that it means we do not allow large corporations and moneyed interests to destroy our environment; that we create a government in which it is not dominated by big money interest. I mean, to me, it means democracy, frankly. That’s all it means. And we are living in an increasingly undemocratic society in which decisions are made by people who have huge sums of money. And that’s the goal that we have to achieve."

Vermont s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate Democracy Now

The above quote does not describe Socialism. Only a nitwit would believe it does.

I agree with everything in this quote above, why don't you?

To others, do you support the ideas above, and if not, why not?
Freddo is probably too dumb

"AMY GOODMAN: And if people ask, "What do you mean, 'socialist'?" what would you say?

REP. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, I think it means the government has got to play a very important role in making sure that as a right of citizenship, all of our people have healthcare; that as a right, all of our kids, regardless of income, have quality childcare, are able to go to college without going deeply into debt; that it means we do not allow large corporations and moneyed interests to destroy our environment; that we create a government in which it is not dominated by big money interest. I mean, to me, it means democracy, frankly. That’s all it means. And we are living in an increasingly undemocratic society in which decisions are made by people who have huge sums of money. And that’s the goal that we have to achieve."

Vermont s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate Democracy Now

The above quote does not describe Socialism. Only a nitwit would believe it does.

I agree with everything in this quote above, why don't you?

To others, do you support the ideas above, and if not, why not?

Take it up with Bernie, Freddo
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who useothers labor for their benefit.

It contradicts nothing, but it proves how easily many on the left can be duped by kooks like Bernie. You make up monsters to motivate your is a trick as old as prostitution. When are you going to realize the Rs talk, but do nothing because they are progressives?

I have not been duped by Senator Sanders, nor influenced by those who have skin in the political game.

I'm 67 years old and formed my opinions by a lifetime of experience working, listening to pols (My undergrad degrees are in Poli Sci and US History) reading, listening to differing opinions and thinking.

The best lesson to be learned is this: "Don't watch their lips ('their" being pols, salespeople and criminal suspects), watch their hands and feet"

In other words it is not what they say, it's what they do.

Both parties take money for those who hope the money benefits themselves, yet the D's supported CU; the R's the special interests. A huge difference in perspective.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who useothers labor for their benefit.

It contradicts nothing, but it proves how easily many on the left can be duped by kooks like Bernie. You make up monsters to motivate your is a trick as old as prostitution. When are you going to realize the Rs talk, but do nothing because they are progressives?

I have not been duped by Senator Sanders, nor influenced by those who have skin in the political game.

I'm 67 years old and formed my opinions by a lifetime of experience working, listening to pols (My undergrad degrees are in Poli Sci and US History) reading, listening to differing opinions and thinking.

The best lesson to be learned is this: "Don't watch their lips ('their" being pols, salespeople and criminal suspects), watch their hands and feet"

In other words it is not what they say, it's what they do.

Both parties take money for those who hope the money benefits themselves, yet the D's supported CU; the R's the special interests. A huge difference in perspective.

Both parties take money from the .01% and then do the bidding of the .01%. This has been going on for a long time. Both parties like the warfare/ welfare state....hence both are progressive. Both love using the military to intervene throughout the world for the benefit of the .01%. Yeah there are minor differences but in the grand scheme of things, the big picture now....both parties are near identical twins.

They both like to tell lies about each other, to motivate their stupid base. So, don't be stupid.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might be come concise, and give up the effort to bafful with shit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


There are medications that may help you deal with your Attention Deficit Disorder...
...speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

Of course, the fact that I magnified and bolded this "... Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist." identifies your post as a lie.
Do Democrats really think Sanders is something new, when he has been in politics since the 1980s? He votes 98% of the time with the D Party. How is that independent? He regularly attacks the R party with vicious crazy rhetoric, when the R and D party are so much alike.

While he has some admirable actions, such as voting against the Iraq War resolution and the Patriot reality he is merely a hard left D.

Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.
Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might be come concise, and give up the effort to bafful with shit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


There are medications that may help you deal with your Attention Deficit Disorder...
...speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

Of course, the fact that I magnified and bolded this "... Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist." identifies your post as a lie.

Using the word Socialist as PC does as a pejorative id a common tactic among the modern day fascist; it is a dysphemism for the form of social democracy used by much of Western Europe. To describe Sen. Sanders within their meaning of the word isn't even a half-truth, it's a lie.

Yet, the consequences of a Socialist occupying the White House, when the rules of the Senate and H. of Rep. hold the power, is nill.

It really matters little who sits in the oval office, since the Congress has already been purchased by the nations power elite - thanks to five members of the Supreme Court who equated money as equal to free speech.

Thus, today we are living in a Plutocracy, a nation for the rich and power elite. A direct consequence of stinking thinking and the propaganda which permeates right wing media outlets, and those like PC who parrot their words.

It's time for the pendulum to swing, arch conservatives had their day, and failed + or - 90% of our citizens.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might be come concise, and give up the effort to bafful with shit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


There are medications that may help you deal with your Attention Deficit Disorder...
...speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

Of course, the fact that I magnified and bolded this "... Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist." identifies your post as a lie.

it is a dysphemism for the form of social democracy used by much of Western Europe. To describe Sen. Sanders within their meaning of the word isn't even a half-truth, it's a lie.

Yet, the consequences of a Socialist occupying the White House, when the rules of the Senate and H. of Rep. hold the power, is nill.

It really matters little who sits in the oval office, since the Congress has already been purchased by the nations power elite - thanks to five members of the Supreme Court who equated money as equal to free speech.

Thus, today we are living in a Plutocracy, a nation for the rich and power elite. A direct consequence of stinking thinking and the propaganda which permeates right wing media outlets, and those like PC who parrot their words.

It's time for the pendulum to swing, arch conservatives had their day, and failed + or - 90% of our citizens.

Time to catch you in yet another lie?

OK....your post which enticed me to show Sander's proclivities was your denial that he is a socialist.

Probably a little sensitive to how many Democrats are rushing to endorse the socialist.

You wrote: " since I've never heard him say, I am a Socialist."
Post #83

Next you pretended that my post was too long,and ignored that it showed him to be a proclaimed socialist.

And now you've tried another lying tactic....some word salad that ignores your original disclaimer: "Using the word Socialist as PC does as a pejorative id (sic) a common tactic among the modern day fascist;" addition, ignoring the fact that socialist and fascist are, as is Liberal, scions at birth.

You are a dirty little fibber, aren't you.
Sanders is just another loonbat socialist....but he's honest about what he believes. Hillary is dishonest, corrupt, deceptive, crony etc. Hence, the crowds for sanders.

"loonbat socialist"? Explain why you use this term. I know it's a pejorative, as well as an idiot-gram, but prove me wrong. Tell me what he says, which cause you to believe he is a loongat (and define the term) and a socialist (define the term).

Then provide evidence that Sect. Clinton is, dishonest, corrupt, deceptive and a crony. Oh, and what is a crony?

That's his self described term, democrat socialist. I just added loonbat because all socialists, like sanders,play to the gullible, like yourself, and offer free stuff to get elected.

I would respond to the hilary but most know, through her various scandals, that she's dishonest. What dialect do you prefer that she whisper into your ear?
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might be come concise, and give up the effort to bafful with shit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


There are medications that may help you deal with your Attention Deficit Disorder...
...speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

Of course, the fact that I magnified and bolded this "... Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist." identifies your post as a lie.

Using the word Socialist as PC does as a pejorative id a common tactic among the modern day fascist; it is a dysphemism for the form of social democracy used by much of Western Europe. To describe Sen. Sanders within their meaning of the word isn't even a half-truth, it's a lie.

Yet, the consequences of a Socialist occupying the White House, when the rules of the Senate and H. of Rep. hold the power, is nill.

It really matters little who sits in the oval office, since the Congress has already been purchased by the nations power elite - thanks to five members of the Supreme Court who equated money as equal to free speech.

Thus, today we are living in a Plutocracy, a nation for the rich and power elite. A direct consequence of stinking thinking and the propaganda which permeates right wing media outlets, and those like PC who parrot their words.

It's time for the pendulum to swing, arch conservatives had their day, and failed + or - 90% of our citizens.

Socialists have failed for centuries.

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