Sanders Is Drawing Crowds BIG Crowds

The rich drive on our roads, right?
The rich rely on our police, right?
The rich use our economic environment and defenses to build their business in, right?
The rich like people that are capable of doing the job and that means education, right????

Why the fuck shouldn't they be taxed as they're benefiting from it. Our founders fought for the right to be taxed by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT so we could have the basics.

What income entitles one to be called 'rich'?
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.

Too late. That path is filled by those who thank and agree with you (granted, it is a very narrow path).

No one else qualifies for a pass to enter unless granted entrance by the gate keeper: Crusader - who never served - Frank. First they need to offer examples of Idiot-Grams (see examples in anyone of Crusader - who never served - Frank's posts) to him which meet the standard he set,

Tell us again why Steve Jobs should only make 12% more that the Chooming HS drop out mailroom guy

Paying for the resources you use won't do this and you fucking know it. Why should the slave Chooming hs student work for 10 cents per hour while steve jobs makes hundreds of millions per year??? Why should he be able to destroy competition and rule the entire market with low wage labor??? Doesn't sound so good does it!

  1. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.
    1. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.
    2. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.
    3. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia. David Mamet
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

1. The wealth that the rich have is not taxed by the federal government.

2. Earned income is taxed.

3. "But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

4. It is taxation that hurts bars becoming wealthy.

5. How can you be sooooo dumb?

Yeah, I'm the dumb one as you defend an over 30 year approach that has failed America miserably.Keep throwing crap at the wall to see if it sticks. :blahblah:
Last edited:
He FILLED the Portland area, that's right FILLED it. He is drawing bigger crowds than Hillary and his followers are more vocal then Hillary's. Everybody has been saying Trump shot his wad to early but more and more it looks like Hillary is the one suffering from pre-mature election.

"About 19,000 people cheered Sanders in the arena that is home to the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. The rally had originally been scheduled at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which has a capacity of about 12,000, but was moved in anticipation of large crowds."

A lot of people on this board have talked about how Obozo has polarized this country including myself. What better proof of that then the rise of Trump and Sanders? The 2016 election COULD prove to be the most decisive and attended and voted election in this country ever.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News

Two of his speeches have been cancelled when the "black lives matters" crowd took the microphone away from him to shout their hateful message.

That crowd was two women, in the news video I saw.

Two women stopped a Democrat candidate for the Presidency to have to leave the stage and not make his prepared speech. I would say that is beyond pitiful.
" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

She hates Americans. That's clear, in everyone of her threads imagine you represent Americans????

Not at all. I don't imagine you hate all Americans, only those who question your opinions and methods. Of course that's true of all narcissistic personality disordered people, they hate everyone who won't kiss their ass.

Seeing as I've been correct vis-a-vis our disagreements and'd have to be pretty stupid to question my opinions and methods.

My personality has nothing to do with my unblemished record of rectitude.

You misspelled rectum, and since most of what you post is bullshit, your rectum has everything to do with your record. Oops, sorry, I meant cow manure and it is utterly as stinky as that which come from a bull.
The rich drive on our roads, right?
The rich rely on our police, right?
The rich use our economic environment and defenses to build their business in, right?
The rich like people that are capable of doing the job and that means education, right????

Why the fuck shouldn't they be taxed as they're benefiting from it. Our founders fought for the right to be taxed by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT so we could have the basics.

What income entitles one to be called 'rich'?

Why do you need it to be quantified?

Let's agree that those numbers are hard to come by, hidden as they are on the Cayman Islands and in numbered bank accounts in Switzerland.

We know the rich are those who want to remain anonymous, and attend closed door meetings with the Koch Brothers; we do not know the names of the 450 Conservative donors who support the networks of nonprofits, civic groups and political groups that the brothers "founded and bankroll" but they attended a dinner with the brothers on 8/3/15 in CA(quoted from TIME, 8/17/15 pg.28).

See: Power Brokers Recharge article in TIME noted above.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.
Sanders is just another loonbat socialist....but he's honest about what he believes. Hillary is dishonest, corrupt, deceptive, crony etc. Hence, the crowds for sanders.

"loonbat socialist"? Explain why you use this term. I know it's a pejorative, as well as an idiot-gram, but prove me wrong. Tell me what he says, which cause you to believe he is a loongat (and define the term) and a socialist (define the term).

Then provide evidence that Sect. Clinton is, dishonest, corrupt, deceptive and a crony. Oh, and what is a crony?

That's his self described term, democrat socialist. I just added loonbat because all socialists, like sanders,play to the gullible, like yourself, and offer free stuff to get elected.

I would respond to the hilary but most know, through her various scandals, that she's dishonest. What dialect do you prefer that she whisper into your ear?

Within your ad hominem, you forgot to offer evidence to support your opinions. Try a few other logical fallacies - read PoliticalChic's posts for examples - and try to be a bit more creative than simply calling other's names:

Abusive Personal Attacks

Though you did pull a different one out of the hat in your second paragraph:

Argumentum ad Populum

And another by parroting the meme (people want free stuff) another mistake of logic:

Hasty Generalization

Lol. News from The Associated Press

And you are gullible.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).
Not the right of a child to be born and not the right of someone who doesn't want to attend or participate in a same sex marriage either.

It's about distributing rights to certain favored groups while taking them from others.
Not the right of a child to be born and not the right of someone who doesn't want to attend or participate in a same sex marriage either.

It's about distributing rights to certain favored groups while taking them from others.

Bigots should be stripped of all rights! You should not be allowed to vote, own a gun or enter into any contract or shop in any business.

It's really that simple, people like you are a problem for humanity!
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
It's ok Liberals, you can dump Hillary. You know you want to. You know you can't stand her.

Just do it. Don't let fear rule you.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

So you support age appropraite sex education in the public schools, including the use of contraceptives which reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of STD's.

That's good, now how about the CHIPS Program, where Democrats support health insurance from birth to age 18 for certain families to be extended to all parents of children from birth to age 18. Do you support that too?

What about providing a free public education beginning well before K. and extending to at least grades 13 & 14 (prep. for a University degree or a polytechnical curriculum directed to job in the 21st Century)? Do you support this too?

That's what pragmatic people support, those who can't think support the current iteration of the Republican Party, or default to Libertarian fantasy.

So what banner do you fly, the one with a lighted light bulb, or the one with an ostrich?

BTW, abortion has been around as long as prostitution - get over it and work to make unwanted pregnancy a rare occurrence.
Last edited:
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

So you support age appropraite sex education in the public schools, including the use of contraceptives which reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of STD's.

That's good, now how about the CHIPS Program, where Democrats support health insurance from birth to age 18 for certain families to be extended to all parents of children from birth to age 18. Do you support that too?

What about providing a free public education beginning well before K. and extending to at least grades 13 & 14 (prep. for a University degree or a polytechnical curriculum directed to job in the 21st Century)? Do you support this too?

That's what pragmatic people support, those who can't think support the current iteration of the Republican Party, or default to Libertarian fantasy.

So what banner do you fly, the one with a lighted light bulb, or the one with an ostrich?

BTW, abortion has been around as long as prostitution - get over it and work to make unwanted pregnancy a rare occurrence.

How does one WORK to prevent something that is easily prevented?
It's ok Liberals, you can dump Hillary. You know you want to. You know you can't stand her.

Just do it. Don't let fear rule you.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

Got it. Now it's past time to take away your rights - it's not really because I'm intolerant of bigots, I simply reserve my right to take away their rights.
It's ok Liberals, you can dump Hillary. You know you want to. You know you can't stand her.

Just do it. Don't let fear rule you.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

Got it. Now it's past time to take away your rights - it's not really because I'm intolerant of bigots, I simply reserve my right to take away their rights.
You obviously have neither the intellect or the cajones.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

So you support age appropraite sex education in the public schools, including the use of contraceptives which reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of STD's.

That's good, now how about the CHIPS Program, where Democrats support health insurance from birth to age 18 for certain families to be extended to all parents of children from birth to age 18. Do you support that too?

What about providing a free public education beginning well before K. and extending to at least grades 13 & 14 (prep. for a University degree or a polytechnical curriculum directed to job in the 21st Century)? Do you support this too?

That's what pragmatic people support, those who can't think support the current iteration of the Republican Party, or default to Libertarian fantasy.

So what banner do you fly, the one with a lighted light bulb, or the one with an ostrich?

BTW, abortion has been around as long as prostitution - get over it and work to make unwanted pregnancy a rare occurrence.

How does one WORK to prevent something that is easily prevented?
Teach the uninformed how the easy prevention works and promote those preventive methods.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.
Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?

Citizen United is now settled law and yet you scream like a child against it and rail on people who criticize roe v wade and ssm. You're a fine example of a hypocrite.

Um, CU's repeal moved our nation much closer to a plutocracy, and oligarchy of the rich and power elite (apples);

Roe and SSM were about rights, restoring rights to citizens, thus a nation of the people, by the people & for the people (oranges).

Rights were taken away from the unborn.

So you support age appropraite sex education in the public schools, including the use of contraceptives which reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of STD's.

That's good, now how about the CHIPS Program, where Democrats support health insurance from birth to age 18 for certain families to be extended to all parents of children from birth to age 18. Do you support that too?

What about providing a free public education beginning well before K. and extending to at least grades 13 & 14 (prep. for a University degree or a polytechnical curriculum directed to job in the 21st Century)? Do you support this too?

That's what pragmatic people support, those who can't think support the current iteration of the Republican Party, or default to Libertarian fantasy.

So what banner do you fly, the one with a lighted light bulb, or the one with an ostrich?

BTW, abortion has been around as long as prostitution - get over it and work to make unwanted pregnancy a rare occurrence.

How does one WORK to prevent something that is easily prevented?

Let's first discuss what won't work:
  • A "Just say NO!" campaign
  • Guilt
  • Fear
  • Ignorance

Supporing (works toward) an age appropriate sexual education segment as part of a general curriculum focused on each students long term personal responsibility for their own health.

Some topics:
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Mental Health
  • Addiction (tobacco, alcohol, legal and illegal drugs
  • Communicable disease, including STD's
  • Touching - appropriate and inappropriate
  • Sexual Feelings
  • How pregnancy occurs
  • Prevention of pregnancy (contraceptives)

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