Sanders Is Drawing Crowds BIG Crowds

I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"
He FILLED the Portland area, that's right FILLED it. He is drawing bigger crowds than Hillary and his followers are more vocal then Hillary's. Everybody has been saying Trump shot his wad to early but more and more it looks like Hillary is the one suffering from pre-mature election.

"About 19,000 people cheered Sanders in the arena that is home to the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. The rally had originally been scheduled at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which has a capacity of about 12,000, but was moved in anticipation of large crowds."

A lot of people on this board have talked about how Obozo has polarized this country including myself. What better proof of that then the rise of Trump and Sanders? The 2016 election COULD prove to be the most decisive and attended and voted election in this country ever.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News

Two of his speeches have been cancelled when the "black lives matters" crowd took the microphone away from him to shout their hateful message.
Crazy rhetoric? I need some examples of what he has said is crazy.

It was once commonly believed the R's and D's were very similar - that is far from true in terms of policy goals today, and IMO never was true. It was only a perception of those who dislike compromise and hold extreme political goals on both the far left and far right.
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic and use it for nefarious purpose; if nothing else they are dishonest like you.
Last edited:
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

Thanks for posting a source on Trump, I'll read it if it's on line.

Why would Sen. Sanders opinion on SSM and Abortion impact your vote - both are now settled law?
Rs and Ds are very similar. That is as clear as the nose on your face, but you still can't see it.

Now for crazy Bernie. You being the hard left D partisan will find his rhetoric acceptable.

epublicans hate Social Security because it has been an extraordinary success and has done exactly what it was designed to do. It is the most successful government program in our nation's history and is enormously popular.

In crazy Bernie's world and yours, anyone who suggests changes to SS, which is going bankrupt rapidly....HATES SOCIAL SECURITY...NOW THAT IS CRAZY RHETORIC.

He has made outrageous acquisitions against Rs on abortion, climate change, women, minimum wage, etc....just like most pols he is all about dividing Americans and Ds like you believe his BS.

But don't get me wrong, I defineitely prefer crazy Bernie to your beloved Cankles.

I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.
Sanders is just another loonbat socialist....but he's honest about what he believes. Hillary is dishonest, corrupt, deceptive, crony etc. Hence, the crowds for sanders.

"loonbat socialist"? Explain why you use this term. I know it's a pejorative, as well as an idiot-gram, but prove me wrong. Tell me what he says, which cause you to believe he is a loongat (and define the term) and a socialist (define the term).

Then provide evidence that Sect. Clinton is, dishonest, corrupt, deceptive and a crony. Oh, and what is a crony?

That's his self described term, democrat socialist. I just added loonbat because all socialists, like sanders,play to the gullible, like yourself, and offer free stuff to get elected.

I would respond to the hilary but most know, through her various scandals, that she's dishonest. What dialect do you prefer that she whisper into your ear?

Within your ad hominem, you forgot to offer evidence to support your opinions. Try a few other logical fallacies - read PoliticalChic's posts for examples - and try to be a bit more creative than simply calling other's names:

Abusive Personal Attacks

Though you did pull a different one out of the hat in your second paragraph:

Argumentum ad Populum

And another by parroting the meme (people want free stuff) another mistake of logic:

Hasty Generalization

I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?
I hate to be critical (sarcasm) but your first sentence contradicts the rest of your post.

As for Social Security:

5 Potential Social Security Fixes - US News

Once again the Republicans want to repeal Social Security and allow each person to establish their own retirement safety net with the help of Bernie Madoff and other fro profit financial services providers (read wall snake oil salesmen, bankers and brokers who never tire of using other peoples money for their benefit); of course this too would let employers off the hook for paying half of their employees SS Tax.

The Democrats support SS, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare and the PPACA and seek to fix what needs to be fixed. The Republicans hope to end and privatize all of the above, once again to profit those who use others labor for their benefit.

One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.

Too late. That path is filled by those who thank and agree with you (granted, it is a very narrow path).

No one else qualifies for a pass to enter unless granted entrance by the gate keeper: Crusader - who never served - Frank. First they need to offer examples of Idiot-Grams (see examples in anyone of Crusader - who never served - Frank's posts) to him which meet the standard he set,
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

She hates Americans. That's clear, in everyone of her threads
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

She hates Americans. That's clear, in everyone of her threads imagine you represent Americans????
One would imagine that you'd know something about the topic on which you were posting....but I've seen your posts, and you don't.

Take notes:

" The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

For our purposes it suffices also to observe that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America

Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long been, and is now, a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Caucus. Her election as Minority Leader would firmly establish the link between the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Socialist International.

The U.S. Constitution places no restrictions on political creeds. There is no earthly reason why socialists could not be elected to Congress if The People so choose. There is a question of honesty, though. Candidates for office ought to put their cards on the table.

The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes.

If the moment has come when the Democratic Party sees no other way "to be different" except by embracing Socialism, that is a sad day for all Americans."
Putting the Cards on the Table

I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.

Too late. That path is filled by those who thank and agree with you (granted, it is a very narrow path).

No one else qualifies for a pass to enter unless granted entrance by the gate keeper: Crusader - who never served - Frank. First they need to offer examples of Idiot-Grams (see examples in anyone of Crusader - who never served - Frank's posts) to him which meet the standard he set,

Tell us again why Steve Jobs should only make 12% more that the Chooming HS drop out mailroom guy
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

1. The wealth that the rich have is not taxed by the federal government.

2. Earned income is taxed.

3. "But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

4. It is taxation that hurts bars becoming wealthy.

5. How can you be sooooo dumb?
He FILLED the Portland area, that's right FILLED it. He is drawing bigger crowds than Hillary and his followers are more vocal then Hillary's. Everybody has been saying Trump shot his wad to early but more and more it looks like Hillary is the one suffering from pre-mature election.

"About 19,000 people cheered Sanders in the arena that is home to the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. The rally had originally been scheduled at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which has a capacity of about 12,000, but was moved in anticipation of large crowds."

A lot of people on this board have talked about how Obozo has polarized this country including myself. What better proof of that then the rise of Trump and Sanders? The 2016 election COULD prove to be the most decisive and attended and voted election in this country ever.

Bernie Sanders draws large crowd to Portland Oregon arena - Yahoo News

Two of his speeches have been cancelled when the "black lives matters" crowd took the microphone away from him to shout their hateful message.

That crowd was two women, in the news video I saw.
Last edited:
I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.

Too late. That path is filled by those who thank and agree with you (granted, it is a very narrow path).

No one else qualifies for a pass to enter unless granted entrance by the gate keeper: Crusader - who never served - Frank. First they need to offer examples of Idiot-Grams (see examples in anyone of Crusader - who never served - Frank's posts) to him which meet the standard he set,

Tell us again why Steve Jobs should only make 12% more that the Chooming HS drop out mailroom guy

"should" is your word, and the syntax of your sentence (?) is too funny.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

She hates Americans. That's clear, in everyone of her threads imagine you represent Americans????

Not at all. I don't imagine you hate all Americans, only those who question your opinions and methods. Of course that's true of all narcissistic personality disordered people, they hate everyone who won't kiss their ass.
The rich drive on our roads, right?
The rich rely on our police, right?
The rich use our economic environment and defenses to build their business in, right?
The rich like people that are capable of doing the job and that means education, right????

Why the fuck shouldn't they be taxed as they're benefiting from it. Our founders fought for the right to be taxed by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT so we could have the basics.
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

1. The wealth that the rich have is not taxed by the federal government.

2. Earned income is taxed.

3. "But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

4. It is taxation that hurts bars becoming wealthy.

5. How can you be sooooo dumb?

Without government only a very feel men would have a chance to become wealthy...This is the way it was before the government regulations of the early 20th century...We didn't know the concept of a middle class before this time.

And also as I said above,,,don't they use these resources??? Why shouldn't they be taxed?
I'd like your mailing address if you please. I would like to send you my famous chocolate chip cookles. They will be loaded with a special brand of chocolate chips.

In this way you might become concise, and give up the effort to bafful with conshit.

Oh, the special chips come from CVS, here's a link:


BTW, your brand of hate and fear is a new iteration of a Twentieth Century idea: Fascism.
You need a psych exam.

I need a psych exam? Gee, I'll run out and get one.

Thanks for sharing,

Oh wait, I suppose the MMPI I took in Grad. School (along with a number of psych. tests I took in a two semester course, Testing for Counselors and the tests I took to be hired as a LE Officer were bogus.

Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status.

Now, I don't pretend to be prescient, but watch one of the other right wingers take ("Thanks again, I needed an unbiased and clearly intelligent person like you to evaluate my mental status." out of context (likely Rabbi(t), Crusader - never served - Frank or PoliticalChic, if nothing else they are dishonest like you.

Not at all!

I believe you should be house in the least restrictive environment, and be permitted to jog around the psycho-path.

Too late. That path is filled by those who thank and agree with you (granted, it is a very narrow path).

No one else qualifies for a pass to enter unless granted entrance by the gate keeper: Crusader - who never served - Frank. First they need to offer examples of Idiot-Grams (see examples in anyone of Crusader - who never served - Frank's posts) to him which meet the standard he set,

Tell us again why Steve Jobs should only make 12% more that the Chooming HS drop out mailroom guy

Paying for the resources you use won't do this and you fucking know it. Why should the slave Chooming hs student work for 10 cents per hour while steve jobs makes hundreds of millions per year??? Why should he be able to destroy competition and rule the entire market with low wage labor??? Doesn't sound so good does it!
I'm all for Sandeers stance on the screwing of the working Middle Class. There aren't too many economists who would disagree with the factual numbers that show the transfer of wealth upwards.
I even have a couple of friends who where part of the Tea Party movement in it's infant stages who now support Sanders. When the TP used the term "We the People", they thought it was in referece to the working class but in their own words, it meant Big Business and the wealthy.
I know there's a lot of anger at the American system that certainly helps the wealthy and hurts the working class, as facts do show. Sooner or later there will be a huge public reaction to this situation. You can only kick somebody so long before they react.
My problem that I have with Sanders are his positions on abortion and gay marriages.
Would that sway me in a general election? well, that depends on who's on the tickets as I lean towards the center.
I read an interesting article in Forbes that I encourage posters to read @
"Does Donald Trump Have A Point"

" In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"
Books Mises Institute

So....stipulated that you are a about communist?
Do you draw the line at starving 7 million Kulaks?

The current system that was implemented in the 80s that has destroyed the middle class has worked so well.
It rewards the few and hurts the economic stability of this country. And you defend what clearly hurts your own country and a majority of it's people. Why do you hate America?

She hates Americans. That's clear, in everyone of her threads imagine you represent Americans????

Not at all. I don't imagine you hate all Americans, only those who question your opinions and methods. Of course that's true of all narcissistic personality disordered people, they hate everyone who won't kiss their ass.

Seeing as I've been correct vis-a-vis our disagreements and'd have to be pretty stupid to question my opinions and methods.

My personality has nothing to do with my unblemished record of rectitude.

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