Sanders just DESTROYED Clinton in Hawaii

I like to think of Democrats as a logical, reasoning alternative to the reactionary, emotionally unstable GOP.

If that's the case then you should be opposed by Clinton's flip-floppy populist pandering.
Clinton would go into the the White House to manage the government. Not to impose radical change like everyone else is campaigning on.
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
I like to think of Democrats as a logical, reasoning alternative to the reactionary, emotionally unstable GOP.

If that's the case then you should be opposed by Clinton's flip-floppy populist pandering.
Clinton would go into the the White House to manage the government. Not to impose radical change like everyone else is campaigning on.
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
The party will never give the nomination to Sanders no matter what he does or how much he wins.

Unlike the Republican party that is barely holding together, the Republicans will have to think pretty hard about not giving it to Trump if he continues his streak. The Democrats don't have that kind of threat. They will give it to whomever they like.

You mean that the Democrat party is in just as much disarray as the Republicans? Squash a non conventional president-wanna-be?

Whatever happened to the notion that the voice of the people needs to be heard?

no. and that would be democratic party. you people are really dumb

about that whole we the people thing... hasn't mattered to the wingers for the past seven years of they wouldn't have been obstructing our twice elected president.

That's why people put the Republicans in charge, to obstruct YOUR President.

If people wanted his policies, they would have put the Democrats in leadership.
Sanders is 3-0 last night. If I were a super delegate, I would be thinking long and hard over who I was pledged to right nor.
They don't give a shit about that. They won't reconsider anything. Hillary is part of the Wall Street cabal and they know which side their bread is buttered on.
Sanders is 3-0 last night. If I were a super delegate, I would be thinking long and hard over who I was pledged to right nor.

You're not alone with that thought. As Bernie stated on CNN:

Sanders: Superdelegates may now be eyeing switch from Clinton

"I think the momentum is with us," Sanders said on CNN's "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper on Sunday. "A lot of these superdelegates may rethink their positions with Secretary Clinton."

Sanders: Superdelegates may now be eyeing switch from Clinton
Go Bernie Go...Mrs. BJ can't even beat an old rich white dude.
I like to think of Democrats as a logical, reasoning alternative to the reactionary, emotionally unstable GOP.

If that's the case then you should be opposed by Clinton's flip-floppy populist pandering.
Clinton would go into the the White House to manage the government. Not to impose radical change like everyone else is campaigning on.
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
Creed goes against the ropes. Rocky delivers devastating body punches that would stop a bull let alone a man. Creed staggers it is over for him, he is done. But somehow Creed finds the inner strength to fight back and in the end is too much for Rocky, or at least for those who decide the outcome. In this case it will be decided by a decision, just like when the Champion beat Rocky.
Go Bernie Go...Mrs. BJ can't even beat an old rich white dude.

Surprisingly, I would not call Sanders a rich white guy. He is doing OK but far from "rich." Unlike the Clintons who are rich dead broke people.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Hawaii. Ground central for the beginning of the era of False Flag Turra ! Who did The Great Satan steal that from ? Or did they just "discover it" ? Memory fails me.
Them Thar Soysidalist Kommiez was Thar !!!

what on earth is that supposed to say?

Let me continue my parable little sheep.
Pulitzer.Hearst.USS Maine.Spain
I'll let you choose the next word in the lineup. It's a heavy topic even to this very hour !
Evul Commie schtuff !
If that's the case then you should be opposed by Clinton's flip-floppy populist pandering.
Clinton would go into the the White House to manage the government. Not to impose radical change like everyone else is campaigning on.
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
So much so that she just got her ass kicked the other day............getting over 90% of the Supers from the starting gate................and you have the nerve to say it's a Democratic process.

Clinton would go into the the White House to manage the government. Not to impose radical change like everyone else is campaigning on.
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
So much so that she just got her ass kicked the other day............getting over 90% of the Supers from the starting gate................and you have the nerve to say it's a Democratic process.

She has over 2 million more votes than him so far. That's Democracy :thup:
Suddenly you are against change we can believe quaint.................
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
So much so that she just got her ass kicked the other day............getting over 90% of the Supers from the starting gate................and you have the nerve to say it's a Democratic process.

She has over 2 million more votes than him so far. That's Democracy :thup:
Throw the Super Delegates out....................and then we'll talk.................until then you don't represent the Republic or Democracy...........these rules both sides are complete BS........
I voted for Clinton in '08. I excused the Democrats being reactionary and emotionally unstable as a result of the Bush disaster.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
So much so that she just got her ass kicked the other day............getting over 90% of the Supers from the starting gate................and you have the nerve to say it's a Democratic process.

She has over 2 million more votes than him so far. That's Democracy :thup:
Throw the Super Delegates out....................and then we'll talk.................until then you don't represent the Republic or Democracy...........these rules both sides are complete BS........
Please back down a little more. I want it to be even more satisfying.
The Super Delegates went away from the Hildabeast then didn't they........did you feel raped afterwords.......or feel dirty..........hmmm....
Clinton has the most votes of any primary candidate by far.
So much so that she just got her ass kicked the other day............getting over 90% of the Supers from the starting gate................and you have the nerve to say it's a Democratic process.

She has over 2 million more votes than him so far. That's Democracy :thup:
Throw the Super Delegates out....................and then we'll talk.................until then you don't represent the Republic or Democracy...........these rules both sides are complete BS........
Please back down a little more. I want it to be even more satisfying.
Whatever...........enjoy the show..............the Dems don't even have a is the Grand Illusion...

The party will never give the nomination to Sanders no matter what he does or how much he wins.

Unlike the Republican party that is barely holding together, the Republicans will have to think pretty hard about not giving it to Trump if he continues his streak. The Democrats don't have that kind of threat. They will give it to whomever they like.
the republican party is fine. what could they do to bernie to stop him, short of eliminate debbie w s's superdelegates ?? they could give him the trump treatment. did they ask him to sign a loyalty oath. i love that he's never been a democrat, and was the only candidate not to speak a aipac

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