Sanders lead Trump by 21% in new CNN poll

You just aren't capable of thought are you?

Do you claim that this data does not exist?

Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

PredFan is always a troll, tossing personal insults at people is the only reason he's on this board. I have yet to see a constructive post by him ever.
With all due respect, stat....and I do respect your polling is CNN. Bring us something good.

Wait a minute.

You may not like the news organization CNN, but the polling organization that does the polls, ORC, is independent of CNN and has a very, very good track record.

CNN/ORC has hit the mark much more often than Rasmussen, Gravis, Pulse, Mason-Dixon, Insider Advantage, just to name some.

CNN's data is solid data. And I can prove it.
Hillary Clinton likewise kicks Trump's ass by a smaller yet still huge 16%.

this may be an indication that leading the party of crazies is much easier than leading in a general election.
2016 -- Conducted July 22-25 2016

You just aren't capable of thought are you?

Do you claim that this data does not exist?


Do you dispute the data?

No dumbass, I never said that I did, That's not the point simpleton.
You just aren't capable of thought are you?

Do you claim that this data does not exist?

Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

No, you aren't at all aware of it. If you were you wouldn't have made such comically stupid posts in response. I didn't add value because it's an idiotic post and i proved that in my initial response. The one that you quite obviously aren't bright enough to understand. Which makes it more apropos.
LOL You can tell it's a dimwit poll.....Scott Walker get's 42% never heard of? Please, it's a CNN (Clinton News Poll). Waste of bytes

CNN absolutely nailed the margin in Battleground Ohio in 2012, 2008, 2004 and 2000. I am speaking of the final poll in each case.

CNN puts out pretty darned reliable results.

But we need "unskewed polls!"

Do you claim that this data does not exist?

Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

PredFan is always a troll, tossing personal insults at people is the only reason he's on this board. I have yet to see a constructive post by him ever.

True, that's because Im learned a long while back that arguing with progressives was a total waste of time. Now I simply point and laugh at you. There is a thread here that I started that laid out my reasons. It was called "Why I hate Progressives." It's a whole lot easier to point out your stupidity and I don't care if you agree or not. I especially don't care if a progressive moron calls me a troll, or whatever.
Do you claim that this data does not exist?

Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

No, you aren't at all aware of it. If you were you wouldn't have made such comically stupid posts in response. I didn't add value because it's an idiotic post and i proved that in my initial response. The one that you quite obviously aren't bright enough to understand. Which makes it more apropos.

Ok, you get one final chance to learn to be civil and talk with me like an adult and if it doesn't work out, then you go on iggy.

What exactly about the CNN poll do you care to refute?
CNN (Communist News Network) has a Communist leading in a Poll? No way! Can't be!
Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

PredFan is always a troll, tossing personal insults at people is the only reason he's on this board. I have yet to see a constructive post by him ever.

True, that's because Im learned a long while back that arguing with progressives was a total waste of time. Now I simply point and laugh at you. There is a thread here that I started that laid out my reasons. It was called "Why I hate Progressives." It's a whole lot easier to point out your stupidity and I don't care if you agree or not. I especially don't care if a progressive moron calls me a troll, or whatever.

Really? I find it mildly entertaining debating those of lesser intelligence with simple little factoids and one line counter points. What I'd find boring is going around calling everyone a dummy and stupid over and over on an anonymous forum, what's the point? Eventually you just become background noise no one really listens to.
clinton leads sanders 56% to 19%

now i know hillary is fading but really dude?

Now is not the time to fighting the idiots. What would a shouting match with Trump now look like in a years time.
Hillary has Democrats locked up, let Jeb have the problems with the crazies.

I know it annoys the the GOP that Hillary is not in a Mudslighing match.
clinton leads sanders 56% to 19%

now i know hillary is fading but really dude?

Now is not the time to fighting the idiots. What would a shouting match with Trump now look like in a years time.
Hillary has Democrats locked up, let Jeb have the problems with the crazies.

I know it annoys the the GOP that Hillary is not in a Mudslighing match.

no dummy; she's in a pandering match
clinton leads sanders 56% to 19%

now i know hillary is fading but really dude?

Now is not the time to fighting the idiots. What would a shouting match with Trump now look like in a years time.
Hillary has Democrats locked up, let Jeb have the problems with the crazies.

I know it annoys the the GOP that Hillary is not in a Mudslighing match.

Yepp, she is being very smart about this.

And I bet good money that since the Don is always so unscripted and says whatever the hell he wants, it's only a matter of time before he insults her because of her womanly-parts (yes, VAGINA!!!) and then you will watch 16 other Republican candidates head for the hills.

I can't wait!!
Lol, apparently YOU aren't much brighter!

Oh man, the comedy writes itself!

Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

No, you aren't at all aware of it. If you were you wouldn't have made such comically stupid posts in response. I didn't add value because it's an idiotic post and i proved that in my initial response. The one that you quite obviously aren't bright enough to understand. Which makes it more apropos.

Ok, you get one final chance to learn to be civil and talk with me like an adult and if it doesn't work out, then you go on iggy.

What exactly about the CNN poll do you care to refute?

Not a bit of it. I never claimed to refute it. If you had an education level higher than what, 9th grade maybe, you'd have known that from the start.

One more chance? Lol, you inderstand that I don't give a crap right. I'm just laughing at your ignorance.

Hers a clue though: change the k to a c in your name, drop the rest after that. See if you have the functioning brain cells to take it from there.
Wait a minute. We are talking about cold, hard data and all you can do is to insult and get personal?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Can you refute the data?

Really? Are you really this stupid or are you just being an ass? Read that fucking conversation for fuck's sake.

I am well aware of the conversation, also aware that you have added nothing of real value to it. All you have done is to troll.

So, make your point.

PredFan is always a troll, tossing personal insults at people is the only reason he's on this board. I have yet to see a constructive post by him ever.

True, that's because Im learned a long while back that arguing with progressives was a total waste of time. Now I simply point and laugh at you. There is a thread here that I started that laid out my reasons. It was called "Why I hate Progressives." It's a whole lot easier to point out your stupidity and I don't care if you agree or not. I especially don't care if a progressive moron calls me a troll, or whatever.

Really? I find it mildly entertaining debating those of lesser intelligence with simple little factoids and one line counter points. What I'd find boring is going around calling everyone a dummy and stupid over and over on an anonymous forum, what's the point? Eventually you just become background noise no one really listens to.

That isn't true, at least in my case. Most of my fellow conservatives love it and many of the left wing nutters can't help themselves, they just HAVE to respond. Every once in a while I get bored and decide to get into a debate. It inevitable results in lefties displaying their normal tactics that don't involve thinking, like the race card, deflections, derailing, etc. That's the boring part.

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