Sanders people really got screwed in Nevada and they are pissed off big time


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Check this quote out. And truly the dirty done to Sanders people was freaking epic. The bitch party chair ran away after she fucked Bernie's supporters over.

"It was not democracy. We had a motion for Recount on the Floor, Roberta ignored it, and called a motion to adjourn the meeting and then Ran out, even though the Nays won it.

did that on purpose, she is a crook, and needs to be kicked out of her position as Nevada Democratic Chair Woman.

I am officially registering as an Independent, I was considering voting Hillary if I had to over Trump, she just changed my mind. She just proved Democrats are Crooks."

Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention; State Party Chair Flees Building As Sanders Supporters Demand Recount
Democrats have been crooks for a long time, liberals will do ANYTHING for power. Bernie would have fucked up their plans.
We always knew there were dirties that take place in elections but wow just wow with Trump and Sanders being in the races it's like they pulled a scab off of the process and there's way more pus underneath than we thought.
Check this quote out. And truly the dirty done to Sanders people was freaking epic. The bitch party chair ran away after she fucked Bernie's supporters over.

"It was not democracy. We had a motion for Recount on the Floor, Roberta ignored it, and called a motion to adjourn the meeting and then Ran out, even though the Nays won it.

did that on purpose, she is a crook, and needs to be kicked out of her position as Nevada Democratic Chair Woman.

I am officially registering as an Independent, I was considering voting Hillary if I had to over Trump, she just changed my mind. She just proved Democrats are Crooks."

Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention; State Party Chair Flees Building As Sanders Supporters Demand Recount

I did that in 2006
Talk about blatant. This is how it went down.

"She (Lange) put in a new motion of her own, had someone second it, called for yays and nays and passed it before the nays even spoke,” he reported. "What a b*tch!"

"No! NO! Noooooo! She F*cking passed it before we even said nay. She passed it before we even spoke!"

This is the moment when Bernie Sanders supporters learned that the NV state Democratic Party would not allow a recount, and that the vote to make that decision would be made using the yeas and nays method, without an official count.

At NV Convention, Sanders Supporters Immediately Question Yeas/Nays Decision: "She Passed It Before We Even Said No!"
There are going to be a lot of pissed off Bernie supporters come November.
Wanna stick it to Hillary Bernie supporters....
DON"T vote for her....
Democrats have been crooks for a long time, liberals will do ANYTHING for power. Bernie would have fucked up their plans.

I am as far apart from Bernie on policy as are many. But holy toledo you gotta give this old geezer who's been let off of life support and kicked into gear these days to run against Hillary and win and win and win mega kudos for going against all odds.

If I was still a left wing rebel he'd be my man.

This is bullshit. Total unadulterated bullshit as to what happened in Nevada to his supporters. The scab is off. We now really really know how bullshit elections have been.
Democrats have been crooks for a long time, liberals will do ANYTHING for power. Bernie would have fucked up their plans.

I am as far apart from Bernie on policy as are many. But holy toledo you gotta give this old geezer who's been let off of life support these days to run against Hillary and win and win and win mega kudos for going against all odds.

If I was still a left wing rebel he'd be my man.

This is bullshit. Total unadulterated bullshit as to what happened in Nevada to his supporters. The scab is off. We now really really know how bullshit elections have been.
I don't agree with him on any policies but at least he does seem to have principles. I guess that's why the Dems don't want him. LOL
My vision of Bernie at the DNC convention :lol:

Wanna stick it to Hillary Bernie supporters....
DON"T vote for her....

Roz that's what all of them were tweeting. They were going to vote Clinton over Trump but not now. Oh man oh man are they pissed and I don't blame them.
"The ruling by the chair is not debatable. It cannot be challenged."

What in the Hell happened to the party of Truman and JFK?

Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
You are a Clinton supporter we know but no need to lie

Actually, I'm a Democratic nominee supporter. That just happens to be Hillary Clinton this time around. She's beating Bernie by double what Obama was beating her at this point, but Bernie supporters just can't seem to understand the simple math. I get it, they're passionate and that's great, but my saying so is not Hillary support, it's math.
Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
You are a Clinton supporter we know but no need to lie
Why would you thinkBernie should get more pledged delegates than Hillary when Hillary WON the primary? Shouldn't the primary winner get the most pledged delegates from the primary they actually won? I guess I still truly don't understand what went down there????
I will not argue that the delegate system is ridiculous and get it changed, but not mid game, sorry.
Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
You are a Clinton supporter we know but no need to lie

Actually, I'm a Democratic nominee supporter. That just happens to be Hillary Clinton this time around. She's beating Bernie by double what Obama was beating her at this point, but Bernie supporters just can't seem to understand the simple math. I get it, they're passionate and that's great, but my saying so is not Hillary support, it's math.
Game ain't over yet...but hey i'm loving this the more pissed off Clinton makes Sanders supporters the less that are going to vote for her,its awesome they don't even need to vote for Trump they will either not vote or vote for Jill Stein I bet
Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
You are a Clinton supporter we know but no need to lie
Why would you thinkBernie should get more pledged delegates than Hillary when Hillary WON the primary? Shouldn't the primary winner get the most pledged delegates from the primary they actually won? I guess I still truly don't understand what went down there????
She didn't win. It was going to Bernie so they changed the rules. She has not been winning much so the fix is more and more apparent.
Sander's people didn't' get screwed. Take off the tinfoil. You play by the rules. Don't like them, get them changed...after the game is over.
You are a Clinton supporter we know but no need to lie

Actually, I'm a Democratic nominee supporter. That just happens to be Hillary Clinton this time around. She's beating Bernie by double what Obama was beating her at this point, but Bernie supporters just can't seem to understand the simple math. I get it, they're passionate and that's great, but my saying so is not Hillary support, it's math.
Game ain't over yet...but hey i'm loving this the more pissed off Clinton makes Sanders supporters the less that are going to vote for her,its awesome they don't even need to vote for Trump they will either not vote or vote for Jill Stein I bet

The game is over, Bernie just hasn't' conceded.

The number of disaffected Bernie voters that won't vote for Hillary won't amount to a hill of beans. Remember how effective the PUMAs were back when Hillary lost an even closer race to Obama?

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