Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

Do the math, I did, if you're capable that is. If you're not, that says it all.

Cements my theory that there isn't a lot of intelligent life in Texas.

So you can't do the math, you're excused.

I was correct. No intelligent life in Texas.

What's wrong, can't get mommy to help with the math? You might also want to ask her what excused means. Go away child.

I was correct. No intelligent life in Texas.
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.
I would and could pay more and it would be my duty to do so IF I was paid more by my rich employer. See how that works. Give and Take. He doesn't want to pay me more so I can pay more in taxes and that way spreads the brunt of it across a wider spectrum then not my problem. :)

Now I'll just bet you your rich employer is paying you what others who do the type of work you do are earning in your local area. If you want to earn more then it is up to you to learn something that garners more pay. Blaming it on your rich employer ain't gonna cut it.
Then he can enjoy paying more in taxes and I will enjoy not paying as much. :)

You are not making any valid arguments here at all.
They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.

Not true. The middle class and poor pay much more in sales tax, and I don't know any wealthy person that pays State income tax. The richest guy, Bill Gates, is a resident of Nevada.

Do tell, why would the rich not pay state tax? Is there an exemption for rich people?

Another stupid argument. Of course the rich pay state taxes. They also pay more in property taxes and sales taxes. Usually more for car tags, etc.
They just pay much less %wise than the nonrich. Ditto with local, payroll taxes and fees.
Do the math, I did, if you're capable that is. If you're not, that says it all.

Cements my theory that there isn't a lot of intelligent life in Texas.

So you can't do the math, you're excused.

I was correct. No intelligent life in Texas.

What's wrong, can't get mommy to help with the math? You might also want to ask her what excused means. Go away child.

I was correct. No intelligent life in Texas.
They didnt math at the masters of business degree you took, did they, Sparky?
They didnt math at the masters of business degree you took, did they, Sparky?

The didactic for masters business programs don't usually include mathematics, those classes are in the bachelors programs. If you went to college you'd know that.

For the benefit of those on here that failed third grade, it's; federal tax paid ÷ total income
U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

Sander has struck a chord.....With the slackers, parasites, people who refuse to work and believe they are entitled to the largess of others and those dopey college grads with useless degrees who find work as baristas at Starbucks.

Poor children who need healthcare are slackers?

What an unsurprising sentiment to hear from a conservative.
Oh please. Another idiotic all or nothing straw man statement...
Genius. Whether these people have government insurance or not makes no difference. All public hospitals are required by law to turn away no patient.
And let's suppose they DO have this so called "free" basic care program. The cost is still the same. Instead of the medical facility footing the bill and passing it along to those who pay or use their insurance, the taxpayers get that bill.
Its government moving the chess pieces around the board.
Indeed, that is why Sanders' plan would cost less than we are paying now.

And it would be a great boost to our economy.
You COULD have a society where only the well off can be educated and healthy.

Why would you want that?

You can only have that where liberal government rules. If you have economic freedom, then that vast majority of people can afford to educate their kids. How could anyone stop them?
If you have economic freedom...​

Good point. Maybe we should try that.
They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.
I would and could pay more and it would be my duty to do so IF I was paid more by my rich employer. See how that works. Give and Take. He doesn't want to pay me more so I can pay more in taxes and that way spreads the brunt of it across a wider spectrum then not my problem. :)

Now I'll just bet you your rich employer is paying you what others who do the type of work you do are earning in your local area. If you want to earn more then it is up to you to learn something that garners more pay. Blaming it on your rich employer ain't gonna cut it.
Then he can enjoy paying more in taxes and I will enjoy not paying as much. :)

Remember that at raise time of when your healthcare insurance increases at work.
Then pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill with a good SS ID card and END THIS PUB MESS.

And of course all quintiles pay about the same (20-30% in all taxes and fees), hater dupe.
We can pass any bill you like, so long as the 12,000,000 peckerwoods who are already here, are forced to go home.
Breaking for hater dupes- Not going to happen. The criminals will get deported, and ONLY a good ID card is going to stop more illegals coming.

Yeah, that will sure stop them from crossing the border.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!

Only because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k.

The rich pay less percentage of their total income in federal tax than you.

So? Look at it this way while you are at it. 5% of the wealthiest pay 86% of all federal income taxes. These 5% also pay more in property taxes, sales taxes, etc. as well.

Now, let us assume 50% pay no federal income taxes at all. This would mean that the 45% remaining that do pay federal income taxes pay 14% of the total taxes. 86 + 14 = 100%.

Is it really fair and equitable to put even more burden upon the 5% who are already paying 86% by giving away even more freebies to those who currently pay little or no federal income taxes? I say no. If you wish to increase freebies, then make cuts in spending to offset those freebies.

To a liberal it does. Even if they were paying 99%, the libs would be crying that they want that extra 1% the government is not getting.
The ideas that all members of society should have access to a system of basic healthcare AND basic education regardless of their ability to pay

are simply commonsense ideas as to what a civilized society should be.

The uncivilized may disagree, but it is up to civilized society to render them powerless and irrelevant.

Oh whatever... everybody had/has access to free basic healthcare and a free public education. What world do you live in?

Free college is where?

Oh, so now a college education is basic education? We have enough idiots lounging around college campi for way too long.. let them pay for that. They'll use a lot more discretion and won't waste money on stupid and useless degrees. We have enough English majors already.

As you can see from this thread,

it is a core value of conservatism that poor and low income Americans SHOULD have less when it comes to healthcare and education.
Then pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill with a good SS ID card and END THIS PUB MESS.

And of course all quintiles pay about the same (20-30% in all taxes and fees), hater dupe.
We can pass any bill you like, so long as the 12,000,000 peckerwoods who are already here, are forced to go home.
Breaking for hater dupes- Not going to happen. The criminals will get deported, and ONLY a good ID card is going to stop more illegals coming.
There's that stupid phrase again... "hater dupes".

Haters of whom, lightweight?

Dupes of whom, screw-ball?

The repulse of an invasion of 12,000,000 foreigners - here upon United States soil, without our express prior consent, in accordance with law, is neither hateful nor a manifestation of duplicity with any special interest.

Our Republic has come to a pretty pass when pissants can point to citizens who insist that our own sovereignty and laws be enforced, and try (and fail) to portray them as hateful.

The continuing presence of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens upon United States soil is very much up for debate and up for a decision with real and viable choices.

An ID card doesn't do shit - at least not on its own - especially in jurisdictions where they bend over, grab their ankles, and give ID cards and licenses to Illegals.

What is required are tough and enforced laws prohibiting the providing of jobs, housing, vehicles, financial services, medical and educational and welfare services, etc., to Illegal Aliens, and the abolition of Sanctuary City status in several locales across the country and the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of Mayors and City Councils and the withholding of Federal funding to those locales which refuse to abolish Sanctuary City status.

Oh, and the (metaphorical, legal, criminal) public crucifixion of those who are caught providing such jobs and vehicles and services, etc., should be included in that mix.

All of it designed to make Illegal Aliens scramble for the border under their own power, at their own expense, quickly, and designed to discourage them from returning, and designed to make it plain to aspiring Illegals, that there is no longer any point in trying to come here, other than in accordance with our own immigration processes and laws.

An ID card is a small (albeit necessary) component in crafting such an environment, legally toxic to Illegal Aliens, but it is merely collateral to the other and far more necessary and efficient steps that need to be taken, in order to repel this invasion.

It's time to (metaphorically, legally) sour the invaders' milk.
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They didnt math at the masters of business degree you took, did they, Sparky?

The didactic for masters business programs don't usually include mathematics, those classes are in the bachelors programs. If you went to college you'd know that.

For the benefit of those on here that failed third grade, it's; federal tax paid ÷ total income
LOL! Open the dictionary at random and pull out words you didnt know?
You are the biggest poseur on this site. You dont have a clue what you're talking about.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!

Only because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k.

The rich pay less percentage of their total income in federal tax than you.

So? Look at it this way while you are at it. 5% of the wealthiest pay 86% of all federal income taxes. These 5% also pay more in property taxes, sales taxes, etc. as well.

Now, let us assume 50% pay no federal income taxes at all. This would mean that the 45% remaining that do pay federal income taxes pay 14% of the total taxes. 86 + 14 = 100%.

Is it really fair and equitable to put even more burden upon the 5% who are already paying 86% by giving away even more freebies to those who currently pay little or no federal income taxes? I say no. If you wish to increase freebies, then make cuts in spending to offset those freebies.

To a liberal it does. Even if they were paying 99%, the libs would be crying that they want that extra 1% the government is not getting.

I agree. Such envy. Never satisfied. Always bitching about something or another. Jealous over the success of others. Liberals are an unhappy lot all the time.
As you can see from this thread,

it is a core value of conservatism that poor and low income Americans SHOULD have less when it comes to healthcare and education.

You can have both once you realize that you are responsible for your own choices in life. Many of us came from very poor beginnings but worked hard to arrive at where we are.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

You're the boards biggest Poseur, bigger than Starkey

And yet you can't refute any of my posts. Perhaps you're the boards biggest loser.

Dude, nothing is "free"

That's it? "Dude, nothing is "free"
That is true, but the question should be is it an investment that you can expect a return? Will it save money over the current system?

Just saying it will cost money is a simplistic argument.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

You're the boards biggest Poseur, bigger than Starkey

And yet you can't refute any of my posts. Perhaps you're the boards biggest loser.

Dude, nothing is "free"

That's it? "Dude, nothing is "free"
That's their mantra....they just repeat it over and over and over like drones. War isn't free either. Ya see them bitching about that? Nope. They don't bitch about those taxes paying for war just when its used to pay for education and healthcare.
Good point. You put a million dollars in a school and you have a school. You put a million dollars in bombs they go kaboom and you have nothing.

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