Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

As you can see from this thread,

it is a core value of conservatism that poor and low income Americans SHOULD have less when it comes to healthcare and education.

You can have both once you realize that you are responsible for your own choices in life. Many of us came from very poor beginnings but worked hard to arrive at where we are.

I don't think children can work their way through grade school AND make enough to pay for their medical bills,

if their parents are poor.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

No, it's just that people were not that mobile back then.

Back in the 50's, people didn't have the communication we have today. When they taxed the rich, they had nowhere to go that was better.

Today is altogether different. Businesses can move and transport goods much safer thanks to technology. Businesses owners can move and stay in touch with their investments at home along with family and friends. Big shots have meetings over the internet rather than flying everybody to one location which gets expensive. Travel today is not that dangerous as it was in the 50's when we didn't have satellites to alert us of bad weather.

Just another reason to vote Sanders?

If our tax rate were 0%, our federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
Today is altogether different. Businesses can move and transport goods much safer thanks to technology.​

If anyone wants to leave, bye! Nobody is that good that they cannot be replaced.

Just don't come back here to suck off of our economy without paying taxes and tariffs.
As you can see from this thread,

it is a core value of conservatism that poor and low income Americans SHOULD have less when it comes to healthcare and education.

You can have both once you realize that you are responsible for your own choices in life. Many of us came from very poor beginnings but worked hard to arrive at where we are.

I don't think children can work their way through grade school AND make enough to pay for their medical bills,

if their parents are poor.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

No, it's just that people were not that mobile back then.

Back in the 50's, people didn't have the communication we have today. When they taxed the rich, they had nowhere to go that was better.

Today is altogether different. Businesses can move and transport goods much safer thanks to technology. Businesses owners can move and stay in touch with their investments at home along with family and friends. Big shots have meetings over the internet rather than flying everybody to one location which gets expensive. Travel today is not that dangerous as it was in the 50's when we didn't have satellites to alert us of bad weather.

Just another reason to vote Sanders?

If our tax rate were 0%, our federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
Today is altogether different. Businesses can move and transport goods much safer thanks to technology.​

If anyone wants to leave, bye! Nobody is that good that they cannot be replaced.

Just don't come back here to suck off of our economy without paying taxes and tariffs.

Tell that to your muslim friends being let in here by the thousands by your Manchurian muslim president!
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.
What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.
1. Create jobs here by rebuilding the place.
2. Cut spending, raise taxes, and grow the economy, all at the same time.
Indeed, real job creation, not that phony stimulus stuff, will increase the tax base and reduce welfare.

It is a win win situation.
Bernie is correct.
Nice. Ok genius. Who pays?....Nothing is free.
People that are already paying for war,foreign aide,more war,and tax breaks for the 1%. THE PEOPLE. WE. ME. MY WIFE. MILLIONS like us who are SICK and TIRED of paying for military adventurism and foreign bases and paying nations to be out friends and instead want our hard earned tax dollars spent on things to benefit US and our KIDS not the rich and the politically connected and foreign nations.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.

You're not viewing this correctly. If government controls health care, then it can be used to engineer the society the state desires. Republicans and non-party members can be denied services, in an effort to exterminate the uncooperative.

A government which controls vital resources can more effectively rule. To eliminate those who cling to "god, guns, and the constitution" is the goal of the Peoples democratic Party, as expressed by the living god Barack Obama (piss be upon him.)
As you can see from this thread,

it is a core value of conservatism that poor and low income Americans SHOULD have less when it comes to healthcare and education.

You can have both once you realize that you are responsible for your own choices in life. Many of us came from very poor beginnings but worked hard to arrive at where we are.

I don't think children can work their way through grade school AND make enough to pay for their medical bills,

if their parents are poor.

What happened to your Obamacare? I thought it was the answer to everyone's medical insurance problems? LOL!! No kid has to work his way through grade school dipshit. That's a free program for poos kids too. Where's your self esteem? You have none?
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!
That may be, but how much did you or others contribute to the Republican party for that tax bonanza?
Not true. The middle class and poor pay much more in sales tax, and I don't know any wealthy person that pays State income tax. The richest guy, Bill Gates, is a resident of Nevada.

Good god but you're stupid.

Sales tax is levied as a percent of the price. The only way the PO would pay more than the evil rich, is if they bought more, you fucking retard.
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Indeed. Some of the wealthiest people I know are in the trades industry. I know a couple of Heating and Air Conditioning firms that must be running twenty trucks all over three counties. Plumbers make as much money as staff doctors.
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.
Human rights? Oh the cheese has slipped off that boy's cracker.
Yep......the right to life, liberty, free health care, and tuition.

If you don't like're a racist.

I guess I'm a racist then. I got my degree via the G.I. Bill but I paid dearly for my son's and two daughters' college educations. Damned if I think I should have to pay for anyone else's though.
Human rights? Oh the cheese has slipped off that boy's cracker.
Yep......the right to life, liberty, free health care, and tuition.

If you don't like're a racist.

I guess I'm a racist then. I got my degree via the G.I. Bill but I paid dearly for my son's and two daughters' college educations. Damned if I think I should have to pay for anyone else's though.
Reminds me of the Marine Corps motto, "I got mine Mac, how you making out?"
Wonder if they still use that?

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