Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education that fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
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Then pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill with a good SS ID card and END THIS PUB MESS.

And of course all quintiles pay about the same (20-30% in all taxes and fees), hater dupe.
We can pass any bill you like, so long as the 12,000,000 peckerwoods who are already here, are forced to go home.
Breaking for hater dupes- Not going to happen. The criminals will get deported, and ONLY a good ID card is going to stop more illegals coming.

Yeah, that will sure stop them from crossing the border.
If they can't get jobs, they won't come.
Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.

The solution is simple, and obvious to me. Just issue vouchers. Issue every child a school voucher. Then if vo-tech is the way to go, or trade-skill is the way to go, then they can take that voucher to the whatever school they want. Their parents can make up whatever difference.

You act like people don't know how to do this... what are you smoking?

When I worked at Columbus Cadillac in down town Columbus Ohio, we had a guy work the car wash, who used his money to get trained in welding. He's now a master welder for a big name company. He's doing just fine.

Come on people.... Work... earn money... pay for education. You don't need a Ph.D in self improvement to do this.

This couple came here from Laos, got training in CNC machining, while working crappy jobs in fast food joints. Now they make $100K together.

This isn't super hard. You just have to do it. It takes time, effort, and attitude. You have an entitlement belief system, and you'll never make it anywhere. People who think they should be given stuff because "I'm an American, and I deserve everything because Sanders said I was entitled to it......" and you are going to end up a train wreck.

The voucher program is a rip off. I'm over every little jack off coming along to rip off the public education system---which is, I remind you, for the public.
The mantra is that you can send your kids to a private school like the rich people.

Then they give you a voucher that wouldn't buy lunch in a real private school.

Exactly. There have always been private schools and parochial schools.
Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.

The solution is simple, and obvious to me. Just issue vouchers. Issue every child a school voucher. Then if vo-tech is the way to go, or trade-skill is the way to go, then they can take that voucher to the whatever school they want. Their parents can make up whatever difference.

You act like people don't know how to do this... what are you smoking?

When I worked at Columbus Cadillac in down town Columbus Ohio, we had a guy work the car wash, who used his money to get trained in welding. He's now a master welder for a big name company. He's doing just fine.

Come on people.... Work... earn money... pay for education. You don't need a Ph.D in self improvement to do this.

This couple came here from Laos, got training in CNC machining, while working crappy jobs in fast food joints. Now they make $100K together.

This isn't super hard. You just have to do it. It takes time, effort, and attitude. You have an entitlement belief system, and you'll never make it anywhere. People who think they should be given stuff because "I'm an American, and I deserve everything because Sanders said I was entitled to it......" and you are going to end up a train wreck.

The voucher program is a rip off. I'm over every little jack off coming along to rip off the public education system---which is, I remind you, for the public.

But is sucks. The system could be "for the people" or "for the public" or "for whatever benevolent altruistic belief system we want".

None of that matters. Does it work? Is it good? No it is not. Public education is terrible.

The system needs completely dismantled and replaced. It's rotten to the common core.

Translated into you want to profit off of it. You want to make sure that you get your cut. You have no idea what works as long as you get your cut.
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.

Vo-tech was initially tuition free. It's why I am irritated to an extent.
You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.
Single payer health care would cover everyone for less than we are paying now.

How can we expect to stay on top of the world economy if we treat education as an extra cost option?

Yeah, that's what you jackasses said about Obamacare, and now it costs way more and we're still hearing the exact same sob stories about "poor people who can't get healthcare".

Why in the hell should we take you lying sacks seriously again?
Obamacare is the most expensive and most convoluted system possible. It was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.

I have heard it called fascistcare. It is another example of corporate welfare.

The insurance companies fought it. I think if they wrote the law, it'd be much different. Possibly worse... maybe better... who knows. But you can't say they wrote it, when they opposed it.
Do you have a link for that?

But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Really? Where?
The voucher program is a rip off. I'm over every little jack off coming along to rip off the public education system---which is, I remind you, for the public.

The biggest rip off of all is the public education system. Pampered and overpaid teachers who can't be fired even if they are caught molesting the children.

At age 75, Roland Pierre is the granddaddy of the rubber room — 13 years in the purgatory of teachers yanked from the classroom for alleged wrongdoing.

But the Department of Education can’t fire Pierre, and he’s stuck around long past the minimum retirement age.

Pierre was permanently removed from the classroom in 1997 after he was accused of sexually molesting a sixth-grade girl at PS 138 in Brooklyn.

But since then, Pierre has continued to receive full pay and fringe benefits, including health, pension and vacation, officials said. He pulls down $97,101 a year.

He’s one of six tenured teachers that Chancellor Joel Klein has refused to return to the classroom, even though any criminal charges were dropped and DOE hearing officers let them off the hook.

Pierre has been “permanently reassigned” the longest of all.

On June 26, 1997, Pierre, then 62, was arrested on felony sex-abuse charges after he allegedly called one of his students into an empty classroom where he taught English as a second language, closed the door and molested her.

First he wrapped the girl in a “bear hug,” according to a statement by then-schools investigator Ed Stancik. “He then kissed her on the mouth, inserted his tongue in her mouth, fondled her chest and reached under her skirt.”

The girl left and went to the administrative office, where she “burst into tears” and reported the incident, Stancik said in a March 6, 1998, report on the investigation, released to The Post last week.}

Rubber room's 'dirty' old man
Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Really? Where?

Even with 9% jobless, 3.4 million US jobs go begging
Sep 15, 2015 · ... 3.4 million US jobs go begging. ... Job Openings and Labor Turnover shows there were 3.4 million open positions at US ... tech investment firm ...

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You would have to rearrange the education system. It would please many on both sides. But, many would not be going to a university anyway.

Look at the structure and where it begins to branch off. Now, I know that we have a history hear but it does not have to take the same route. Further, recognizing that unwise decisions are made at a young age, many countries have created an option to backtrack and return to college.

There are people that have been vocal on the board about apprenticeship and vocational training. Check out Germany and Sweden. Notice that the special education students have their own schools.
Education in Sweden

How To Germany - German School System
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
Nothing is FREE. Someone somewhere will pay for it.
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Look I'm a Conservative and have no objections to anyone bashing the Republican Party but I believe the Obama Administration has a woman appointed as the head of the Dept. of Education.
They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Really? Where?

Even with 9% jobless, 3.4 million US jobs go begging
Sep 15, 2015 · ... 3.4 million US jobs go begging. ... Job Openings and Labor Turnover shows there were 3.4 million open positions at US ... tech investment firm ...

It's a venture capital firm, Franco.

There is no STEM shortage. None. It's a myth to drive down wages for American workers. No H1B visa win for you.
The Tech Worker Shortage Doesn't Really Exist - Businessweek

BTW your article was kicked out at this time:

Joseph N. DiStefano
Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 3:21 PM
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.

Vo-tech was initially tuition free. It's why I am irritated to an extent.

Believe it or not, it still is in some states. The kids go to high school and are bussed over to the vo-tech school. They get both their high school that are required classes and the vo-tec training as well. I know this is happening in Escambia County Alabama because I have a couple of nephews who became automotive body repairmen doing this. Another nephew in Pensacola, Florida substituted his last two years of high school for two years of junior college. He was especially gifted though.
But, many would not be going to a university anyway.​

That is true. Most jobs do not require college although many require technical education.

It used to be that a high school graduate could get a job almost anywhere and could buy a house. (If the minimum wage of the '60s was adjusted for inflation, it would be something like $22.00/hr.)

Since then many government and business decisions, based on greed and corruption, have kicked the ladder out from under our economy.

What do we do to get our economy running again. The so called stimulus merely put on a band aid without addressing the root problems.

Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
Nothing is FREE. Someone somewhere will pay for it.
You want to hire an educated workforce but you want somebody else to pay for it.
They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Really? Where?

Even with 9% jobless, 3.4 million US jobs go begging
Sep 15, 2015 · ... 3.4 million US jobs go begging. ... Job Openings and Labor Turnover shows there were 3.4 million open positions at US ... tech investment firm ...

You know that is fraud, right Franco hater dupe?

You DO grasp that these progressive companies are lying so they can fire American tech workers and hire dirt cheap foreign workers, the the progressive and queer company Disney did;

ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss.

While families rode the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and searched for Nemo on clamobiles in the theme parks, these workers monitored computers in industrial buildings nearby, making sure millions of Walt Disney World ticket sales, store purchases and hotel reservations went through without a hitch. Some were performing so well that they thought they had been called in for bonuses.

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.}

Or the progressive GOVERNMENT mandated monopoly of SCE;

Information technology workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) are being laid off and replaced by workers from India. Some employees are training their H-1B visa holding replacements, and many have already lost their jobs.

The employees are upset and say they can't understand how H-1B guest workers can be used to replace them.

The IT organization's "transition effort" is expected to result in about 400 layoffs, with "another 100 or so employees leaving voluntarily," SCE said in a statement. The "transition," which began in August, will be completed by the end of March, the company said.

"They are bringing in people with a couple of years' experience to replace us and then we have to train them," said one longtime IT worker. "It's demoralizing and in a way I kind of felt betrayed by the company."}

Southern California Edison IT workers 'beyond furious' over H-1B replacements

This is what you fucking Communists do, Franco hater dupe. You lie that jobs can't be filled, then fire Americans to hire low cost foreign workers.
To be honest though, the military is really not a bad deal. A young person can get paid, get room and board, and learn a skill that will work in civilian life and/or earn college benefits.

Cheapest way to earn an upper class income, go to the Navy, work on Nuclear sub, learn nuclear power operator. You come out, and you can earn $70,000, and top out at $120,000 a year. And think about it... they pay you to train you on doing this job.

The down side is you'll be working at a nuclear power plant.... but name another job that has you monitoring read outs in a chair, earning $120,000?

Not a bad deal. Those control rooms are air conditioned and quite comfortable.
Years ago we used to have vo-tech in high schools. The option was there. It still exists in some states. Then we had these for profit colleges pop up charging out the yin-yang for what amounts to an unnecessary degree. Daycare worker? Line cook? These people leave with these hefty loans and crash and burn because there are no jobs or the jobs they get pay minimum wage. Now the schools are feeling the heat somewhat. But not enough.

The wealthy have always had access to education. The talk is on higher education public schools. The private universities still function. It makes no sense not to examine the issue.

They still have the vo-tech in some high schools. It's a real good deal for everyone too. If you don't think the trades are a good vocation, just call a plumber, electrician. heating and air conditioning repairman, or take your auto to a mechanic.

That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
Nothing is FREE. Someone somewhere will pay for it.
You want to hire an educated workforce but you want somebody else to pay for it.

What's wrong with paying for your own college education or taking a student loan or joining the military? What's wrong with looking out for oneself?
That's what I am talking about. A lot of schools took that out and then tried to turn it into a for profit school.

There are a lot of kids that want to go into the trades but they don't know how. A lot of stuff that the for profit colleges offer, kids used to have access to in high school. Screw 'em. Put them back in the high schools if possible. The for profit schools can exist but the job could be better done and less expensive all the way around with the schools having their own vo-tech.
Our local community college collaborates with local businesses and high schools to get vo-tech education the fit current business needs. I think that is a great program.

Sanders would make that tuition free.
We have 3-4 million tech jobs going begging right now. It would help if the New BS GOP was interested in helping the economy.

Really? Where?

Even with 9% jobless, 3.4 million US jobs go begging
Sep 15, 2015 · ... 3.4 million US jobs go begging. ... Job Openings and Labor Turnover shows there were 3.4 million open positions at US ... tech investment firm ...

You know that is fraud, right Franco hater dupe?

You DO grasp that these progressive companies are lying so they can fire American tech workers and hire dirt cheap foreign workers, the the progressive and queer company Disney did;

ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss.

While families rode the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and searched for Nemo on clamobiles in the theme parks, these workers monitored computers in industrial buildings nearby, making sure millions of Walt Disney World ticket sales, store purchases and hotel reservations went through without a hitch. Some were performing so well that they thought they had been called in for bonuses.

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.}

Or the progressive GOVERNMENT mandated monopoly of SCE;

Information technology workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) are being laid off and replaced by workers from India. Some employees are training their H-1B visa holding replacements, and many have already lost their jobs.

The employees are upset and say they can't understand how H-1B guest workers can be used to replace them.

The IT organization's "transition effort" is expected to result in about 400 layoffs, with "another 100 or so employees leaving voluntarily," SCE said in a statement. The "transition," which began in August, will be completed by the end of March, the company said.

"They are bringing in people with a couple of years' experience to replace us and then we have to train them," said one longtime IT worker. "It's demoralizing and in a way I kind of felt betrayed by the company."}

Southern California Edison IT workers 'beyond furious' over H-1B replacements

This is what you fucking Communists do, Franco hater dupe. You lie that jobs can't be filled, then fire Americans to hire low cost foreign workers.
Indeed, I hate when I call customer service and it sounds like I got the convenient store in the Simpsons.

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