Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

Of course I do, did you pay less than 2.57% of your gross income? Also I don't know any wealthy people who spend their time on a message board.

Seems you don't know ANY wealthy people. We're no different than you are.....we just 'get it,' leaving plenty of time to do what we want.

Actually I know a few, but I got my figure wrong, it should read .00257% of gross income in income taxes. I see you ignored even the higher figure, so I'll take that as a no, you don't pay a lower percentage.

I paid $1.2M on $36.5M in total income. Do the math.

That would be a larger percentage than me. And that is personal income?

So what percentage did I pay?

Do the math, I did, if you're capable that is. If you're not, that says it all.
No, it's just that people were not that mobile back then.

Back in the 50's, people didn't have the communication we have today. When they taxed the rich, they had nowhere to go that was better.

Today is altogether different. Businesses can move and transport goods much safer thanks to technology. Businesses owners can move and stay in touch with their investments at home along with family and friends. Big shots have meetings over the internet rather than flying everybody to one location which gets expensive. Travel today is not that dangerous as it was in the 50's when we didn't have satellites to alert us of bad weather.

Just another reason to vote Sanders?

If our tax rate were 0%, our federal government would collect 0 dollars. If our tax rate were 100%, our federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

Or was it Nixon allowing Japan to product dump in return for USAF base's in southern Japan. Or Reagan putting the US in the world economy.

Air travel today is safer due to Doppler radar installed in FAA facilities which Regan fought, even firing Air Traffic Controllers. What did he care, even then Air Force One had access to Doppler radar.

He didn't fight technology, he fought unions.
Our federal government has a Constitutional obligation to protect this country. They don't have a Constitutional obligation to provide healthcare or the most expensive education of the industrialized nations in the world.

Let's see your argument that being healthy and educated ISN'T - Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Very well:

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, Annals of Congress, 1794.

Question: had we adhered to Madison's words, would we be 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing as we are today?

Our Constitution guarantees us the right to pursue life liberty and happiness--not provide it.

It's NOT 1794, it's 2015.

Yes it is and I see you avoided the question; good choice on your part.

People back then predicted what would happen to this country if we turned our federal government into a public trough. That's one of the reasons our Constitution has what Congress is responsible to provide us with.

Of course they realized that things would change many years after they've gone. That's why they included an amendment process so as to change with the times.

However, the Constitution does not do so by itself. It's not a living document. It's set in stone. It doesn't change because some may disagree or have different opinions.
Regardless of whether we think services like education and healthcare should be provided by government, they're still services, and not inalienable rights. They can't be. It's not a question of preference or values, it's a category error.
Yes it is and I see you avoided the question; good choice on your part.

People back then predicted what would happen to this country if we turned our federal government into a public trough. That's one of the reasons our Constitution has what Congress is responsible to provide us with.

Of course they realized that things would change many years after they've gone. That's why they included an amendment process so as to change with the times.

However, the Constitution does not do so by itself. It's not a living document. It's set in stone. It doesn't change because some may disagree or have different opinions.

The writers were concerned in separation from England and every other foreign government.

The United States of America (whether or not you want to believe it) is the largest municipal corporation in the world, and were trying to run it with a business plan written 200+ years ago.
Do the math, I did, if you're capable that is. If you're not, that says it all.

Cements my theory that there isn't a lot of intelligent life in Texas.

So you can't do the math, you're excused.

I was correct. No intelligent life in Texas.

What's wrong, can't get mommy to help with the math? You might also want to ask her what excused means. Go away child.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.
I would and could pay more and it would be my duty to do so IF I was paid more by my rich employer. See how that works. Give and Take. He doesn't want to pay me more so I can pay more in taxes and that way spreads the brunt of it across a wider spectrum then not my problem. :)

Now I'll just bet you your rich employer is paying you what others who do the type of work you do are earning in your local area. If you want to earn more then it is up to you to learn something that garners more pay. Blaming it on your rich employer ain't gonna cut it.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!

Only because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k.

The rich pay less percentage of their total income in federal tax than you.

So? Look at it this way while you are at it. 5% of the wealthiest pay 86% of all federal income taxes. These 5% also pay more in property taxes, sales taxes, etc. as well.

Now, let us assume 50% pay no federal income taxes at all. This would mean that the 45% remaining that do pay federal income taxes pay 14% of the total taxes. 86 + 14 = 100%.

Is it really fair and equitable to put even more burden upon the 5% who are already paying 86% by giving away even more freebies to those who currently pay little or no federal income taxes? I say no. If you wish to increase freebies, then make cuts in spending to offset those freebies.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.

Not true. The middle class and poor pay much more in sales tax, and I don't know any wealthy person that pays State income tax. The richest guy, Bill Gates, is a resident of Nevada.

That's totally stupid. Any honest person will accept the fact that the wealthy consume more therefore they will naturally pay more sales tax because they buy more consumable goods.
Then pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill with a good SS ID card and END THIS PUB MESS.

And of course all quintiles pay about the same (20-30% in all taxes and fees), hater dupe.
We can pass any bill you like, so long as the 12,000,000 peckerwoods who are already here, are forced to go home.
Breaking for hater dupes- Not going to happen. The criminals will get deported, and ONLY a good ID card is going to stop more illegals coming.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.
I would and could pay more and it would be my duty to do so IF I was paid more by my rich employer. See how that works. Give and Take. He doesn't want to pay me more so I can pay more in taxes and that way spreads the brunt of it across a wider spectrum then not my problem. :)

Now I'll just bet you your rich employer is paying you what others who do the type of work you do are earning in your local area. If you want to earn more then it is up to you to learn something that garners more pay. Blaming it on your rich employer ain't gonna cut it.
Then he can enjoy paying more in taxes and I will enjoy not paying as much. :)
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.

Not true. The middle class and poor pay much more in sales tax, and I don't know any wealthy person that pays State income tax. The richest guy, Bill Gates, is a resident of Nevada.

Do tell, why would the rich not pay state tax? Is there an exemption for rich people?

Another stupid argument. Of course the rich pay state taxes. They also pay more in property taxes and sales taxes. Usually more for car tags, etc.
Don't know about free collage. You might get a bunch of right wingers who are only there to destroy it like they are trying to do the rest of the country.
They DO!!!
Not really. They get tax breaks and find loopholes.Just another reason to vote for Sanders. Its why we had such a high tax rate for the rich in the 50's they couldn't buy politicians then.

Come on. Get real. Even with the tax breaks and loopholes they still pay the brunt of all taxes. I'll bet you you pay very little if any federal income taxes yourself.
I would and could pay more and it would be my duty to do so IF I was paid more by my rich employer. See how that works. Give and Take. He doesn't want to pay me more so I can pay more in taxes and that way spreads the brunt of it across a wider spectrum then not my problem. :)

Now I'll just bet you your rich employer is paying you what others who do the type of work you do are earning in your local area. If you want to earn more then it is up to you to learn something that garners more pay. Blaming it on your rich employer ain't gonna cut it.
Then he can enjoy paying more in taxes and I will enjoy not paying as much. :)

You are not making any valid arguments here at all.
Oh and since the Rich CAN pay more they SHOULD pay more.

They DO!!!

Only because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k.

The rich pay less percentage of their total income in federal tax than you.

So? Look at it this way while you are at it. 5% of the wealthiest pay 86% of all federal income taxes. These 5% also pay more in property taxes, sales taxes, etc. as well.
AGAIN, Pub dupes, ALL QUINTILES pay between 20-30% average of their income in all taxes and fees, and all the new wealth goes to the top 1%. You are brainwashed functional MORONS.
Now, let us assume 50% pay no federal income taxes at all. This would mean that the 45% remaining that do pay federal income taxes pay 14% of the total taxes. 86 + 14 = 100%.

Is it really fair and equitable to put even more burden upon the 5% who are already paying 86% by giving away even more freebies to those who currently pay little or no federal income taxes? I say no. If you wish to increase freebies, then make cuts in spending to offset those freebies.
AGAIN, Pub dupes, ALL QUINTILES pay between 20-30% average of their income in all taxes and fees, and all the new wealth goes to the top 1%. You are brainwashed functional MORONS.
We have a flat tax for all intents, and it suqs for the 99% AND THE COUNTRY.
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