Santorum can't win on his far right abortion stance--& I have proof of it.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As we know Rick Santorum won 3 states--one of them a surprise in Colorado this last Tuesday in caucas.

But--we conservative Coloradoans learned a very hard lesson in the mid term election of 2010. Our republican candidate, Ken Buck, was ahead in all polling data across the state, running against Senator Michael Bennett. This race was literally Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the last 2 weeks prior to the election--by making a statement that he was against abortions--even for rape and incest victims. He also went out on attack of Gays on Face the Nation by stating that homosexuality was a "disease" much like alcoholism. After all the votes were studied we learned something the HARD way.

Republican Ken Buck lost the FEMALE vote in this state--including the conservative--pro-life Female vote in El Paso county-which is-home to FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

You see, even conservative pro-life females understand that it is wrong to prohibit abortions to victims of rape or incest. Sarah Palin said it best: "I hope that they would choose life, but I do understand as to why they would want an abortion in these instances."

Apparently Rick Santorum--needs a little history lesson here--because he certainly didn't realize what happened in Colorado.

Here is Santorum on video--stating the exact same thing that cost the state of Colorado a republican senate seat in 2010. If Rick Santorum wins this nomination he will most certainly lose to Barack Obama.

[ame=]Santorum: No Rape or Incest Exceptions - YouTube[/ame]
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Santorum is waaaaaaaay to conservative.

Yeah--he continually offends gays--obviously not realizing that there are gay people who are actually fiscally conservative. There are republicans that have gay children and friends--but that doesn't stop him.

But--I'll never forget the Buck/Bennett race and who conservative pro-life females voted for. They voted for the democrat--Michael Bennett--because Buck was too far right on abortion and wanted to prohibit abortions to victims of rape and incest.
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my gawd, he offends homosexuals, are you people so damn shallow you can't take another persons opinions that don't jive with your own.

And he has a different opinion on abortions (millions of Americans do). why does that SCARE you people so much. your precious abortions are still legal and will most likely stay that way.
As we know Rick Santorum won 3 states--one of them a surprise in Colorado this last Tuesday in caucas.

But--we conservative Coloradoans learned a very hard lesson in the mid term election of 2010. Our republican candidate, Ken Buck, was ahead in all polling data across the state, running against Senator Michael Bennett. This race was literally Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the last 2 weeks prior to the election--by making a statement that he was against abortions--even for rape and incest victims. He also went out on attack of Gays on Face the Nation by stating that homosexuality was a "disease" much like alcoholism. After all the votes were studied we learned something the HARD way.

Republican Ken Buck lost the FEMALE vote in this state--including the conservative--pro-life Female vote in El Paso county-which is-home to FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

You see, even conservative pro-life females understand that it is wrong to prohibit abortions to victims of rape or incest. Sarah Palin said it best: "I hope that they would choose life, but I do understand as to why they would want an abortion in these instances."

Apparently Rick Santorum--needs a little history lesson here--because he certainly didn't realize what happened in Colorado.

Here is Santorum on video--stating the exact same thing that cost the state of Colorado a republican senate seat in 2010. If Rick Santorum wins this nomination he will most certainly lose to Barack Obama.

What Santorum is stating amounts to being merely his opinion.

To vote against him on this issue when he wont be able to change anything without a Constitutinal amendment that has the backing of 36 states and a majority in both chambers of Congress is comparable to voting against him because he wants to end the direct election of senators.

When we have so many desperate issues that DO need the leadership of a solid conservative like Santorum what someone would or would not do on abortion is almost trivial when he cant change one damn thing.
scared of santorum?

why do conservative trot out that line all the time?

or is it just the realization that you are a bunch of losers who have handed obama another 4 years?

Wow, that was a really silly comment.

'Oh Noooeeeessss!!!!! a liberal called me a loser!!!! Ohhhh NNNOOOOEEEEEESSSSS!!!!'


The historical FACTS demonstrate otherwise. Nixon 72, Reagan, Bush 1 88 and Bush 2 in 2000 and 2004 ran as solid pro-life candidates with a similar GOP platform and ALL WON. The first three won by LANDSLIDES.

So please trot your 'conservatives are losers' BULLSHIT somewhere else.
Santorum is waaaaaaaay to conservative.

Yeah--he continually offends gays--obviously not realizing that there are gay people who are actually fiscally conservative. There are republicans that have gay children and friends--but that doesn't stop him.

So what?

He sacrifices that one third of 2% gay in the middle and easily picks up another 6% on the right end of the spectrum.

An economic 'conservative' who is not also a national security conservative and a social conservative is NO DAMNED CONSERVATIVE.
scared of santorum?

why do conservative trot out that line all the time?

or is it just the realization that you are a bunch of losers who have handed obama another 4 years?

Yeah well, they said the same thing about Reagan and his conservatism after the inept Carter administration. And let me tell you this administration is 100 times worse.
so I wouldn't be dreaming of another four years of the Obama just yet.
Buck lost for a bunch of reasons that had little to do with Abortion.

Santorum's position on Abortion isn't any different than Bush or Reagan's.

Here's the thing. At this point in my life, I have managed to purge my last bit of vestigal Catholicism and realize that while I might not like abortion, women are going to have them no matter what the legal status is.

But the thing is, even though he's been pro-choice his entire career, even Mitt Romney has to pretend he hates abortion.

the only difference is, Santorum is being intellectually honest. If you think abortion is murder, then abortion is murder, no matter how that fetus was conceived. There really isn't a middle ground.

If you accept that abortion is okay in the case of rape, then it's okay because your scheme to get your boyfriend to marry you by getting pregnant fell apart. (Seriously, knew a girl in the 1990's who did exactly that. Twice. With the same guy.)
my gawd, he offends homosexuals, are you people so damn shallow you can't take another persons opinions that don't jive with your own.

And he has a different opinion on abortions (millions of Americans do). why does that SCARE you people so much. your precious abortions are still legal and will most likely stay that way.

I think Oreo hasn't reconciled himself to the fact that Gingrich has jumped the shark yet.

I'd vote for Santoum before Romney,a nd I'd vote for gingrich before Romney.

But realistically, Romney will bully his way to the nomination, and lose to Obama pretty impressively.

But he'd probably beat Santorum or Gingrich just as easily.
my gawd, he offends homosexuals, are you people so damn shallow you can't take another persons opinions that don't jive with your own.

And he has a different opinion on abortions (millions of Americans do). why does that SCARE you people so much. your precious abortions are still legal and will most likely stay that way.

Do you have any idea how many conservative republican households in this country have members of their family or friends that are gay? LOTS.

So every time Rick Santorum wants to insult these people with offensive remarks--he is also offending the same above people.

Rick Santorum is nothing more than a very ANGRY SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE NUT-CASE.
Heaven forbid a candidate state what he really believes.

B.S--who has the audacity to do this to the victims of brutal rape or young girls that have been assaulted through incest. A MORON male--that thinks he knows better as to what emotional and physical trauma that a woman goes through when attacked--of whom many are lucky to be alive.

What man has the arrogance to determine what is right in these circumstances for a woman? Even conservative pro-life women understand this.

What man has the arrogance to continually launch--repeated verbal offensive assaults on gays--who are often fiscally conservative themselves--and or whom belong to conservative republican households--thereby insulting family and friends of gays also?

Only one social conservative male NUT-CASE does this and his name is Rick Santorum--who doesn't have a snowballs chance in Haiiti of beating Barack Obama because of his too far right (ANGRY know it all) stance on these social issues.
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As we know Rick Santorum won 3 states--one of them a surprise in Colorado this last Tuesday in caucas.

But--we conservative Coloradoans learned a very hard lesson in the mid term election of 2010. Our republican candidate, Ken Buck, was ahead in all polling data across the state, running against Senator Michael Bennett. This race was literally Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the last 2 weeks prior to the election--by making a statement that he was against abortions--even for rape and incest victims. He also went out on attack of Gays on Face the Nation by stating that homosexuality was a "disease" much like alcoholism. After all the votes were studied we learned something the HARD way.

Republican Ken Buck lost the FEMALE vote in this state--including the conservative--pro-life Female vote in El Paso county-which is-home to FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

You see, even conservative pro-life females understand that it is wrong to prohibit abortions to victims of rape or incest. Sarah Palin said it best: "I hope that they would choose life, but I do understand as to why they would want an abortion in these instances."

Apparently Rick Santorum--needs a little history lesson here--because he certainly didn't realize what happened in Colorado.

Here is Santorum on video--stating the exact same thing that cost the state of Colorado a republican senate seat in 2010. If Rick Santorum wins this nomination he will most certainly lose to Barack Obama.

Santorum: No Rape or Incest Exceptions - YouTube

Here's where YOU need a history lesson. The very idea of abortion is abhorent to anybody who is the least bit concerned about life. I keep hearing about how people think the ethical treatment of animals is about them not being able to consent to our control. Well how about the babies you are killing? Does it matter to a baby who fathered it? Does a doe consent to being impregnated by a buck? Why do you think the mating practices of deer are more natural or different than rape? Are you a member of PeTA?

I've got some very cogent questions for liberals/statists/progressives about your belief systems. If you believe in evolution, why do you believe it shouldn't apply to humans?
That's the main one.
As we know Rick Santorum won 3 states--one of them a surprise in Colorado this last Tuesday in caucas.

But--we conservative Coloradoans learned a very hard lesson in the mid term election of 2010. Our republican candidate, Ken Buck, was ahead in all polling data across the state, running against Senator Michael Bennett. This race was literally Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the last 2 weeks prior to the election--by making a statement that he was against abortions--even for rape and incest victims. He also went out on attack of Gays on Face the Nation by stating that homosexuality was a "disease" much like alcoholism. After all the votes were studied we learned something the HARD way.

Republican Ken Buck lost the FEMALE vote in this state--including the conservative--pro-life Female vote in El Paso county-which is-home to FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

You see, even conservative pro-life females understand that it is wrong to prohibit abortions to victims of rape or incest. Sarah Palin said it best: "I hope that they would choose life, but I do understand as to why they would want an abortion in these instances."

Apparently Rick Santorum--needs a little history lesson here--because he certainly didn't realize what happened in Colorado.

Here is Santorum on video--stating the exact same thing that cost the state of Colorado a republican senate seat in 2010. If Rick Santorum wins this nomination he will most certainly lose to Barack Obama.

Santorum: No Rape or Incest Exceptions - YouTube

Here's where YOU need a history lesson. The very idea of abortion is abhorent to anybody who is the least bit concerned about life. I keep hearing about how people think the ethical treatment of animals is about them not being able to consent to our control. Well how about the babies you are killing? Does it matter to a baby who fathered it? Does a doe consent to being impregnated by a buck? Why do you think the mating practices of deer are more natural or different than rape? Are you a member of PeTA?

I've got some very cogent questions for liberals/statists/progressives about your belief systems. If you believe in evolution, why do you believe it shouldn't apply to humans?
That's the main one.

The evidence is in and it happened in Colorado--where pro-life conservative females voted against the Republican--too--far--right candidate that was his race to win. They are pro-life with exceptions to rape and incest. Republican--Ken Buck lost the election because of it.

Now I want you to imagine what women across this nation will do in November 2012 to Rick Santorum--when he gets up on that podeum somewhere and tells them that if they are brutally raped-in most cases-(lucky to be alive)--or a young girl who was assaulted by a relative--cannot opt for an abortion--:cuckoo:
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As we know Rick Santorum won 3 states--one of them a surprise in Colorado this last Tuesday in caucas.

But--we conservative Coloradoans learned a very hard lesson in the mid term election of 2010. Our republican candidate, Ken Buck, was ahead in all polling data across the state, running against Senator Michael Bennett. This race was literally Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the last 2 weeks prior to the election--by making a statement that he was against abortions--even for rape and incest victims. He also went out on attack of Gays on Face the Nation by stating that homosexuality was a "disease" much like alcoholism. After all the votes were studied we learned something the HARD way.

Republican Ken Buck lost the FEMALE vote in this state--including the conservative--pro-life Female vote in El Paso county-which is-home to FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

You see, even conservative pro-life females understand that it is wrong to prohibit abortions to victims of rape or incest. Sarah Palin said it best: "I hope that they would choose life, but I do understand as to why they would want an abortion in these instances."

Apparently Rick Santorum--needs a little history lesson here--because he certainly didn't realize what happened in Colorado.

Here is Santorum on video--stating the exact same thing that cost the state of Colorado a republican senate seat in 2010. If Rick Santorum wins this nomination he will most certainly lose to Barack Obama.

Santorum: No Rape or Incest Exceptions - YouTube

Here's where YOU need a history lesson. The very idea of abortion is abhorent to anybody who is the least bit concerned about life. I keep hearing about how people think the ethical treatment of animals is about them not being able to consent to our control. Well how about the babies you are killing? Does it matter to a baby who fathered it? Does a doe consent to being impregnated by a buck? Why do you think the mating practices of deer are more natural or different than rape? Are you a member of PeTA?

I've got some very cogent questions for liberals/statists/progressives about your belief systems. If you believe in evolution, why do you believe it shouldn't apply to humans?
That's the main one.

The evidence is in and it happened in Colorado--where pro-life conservative females voted against the Republican--too--far--right candidate that was his race to win. They are pro-life with exceptions to rape and incest. Republican--Ken Buck lost the election because of it.

Now I want you to imagine what women across this nation will do in November 2012 to Rick Santorum--when he gets up on that podeum somewhere and tells them that if they are brutally raped-in most cases-(lucky to be alive)--or a young girl who was assaulted by a relative--cannot opt for an abortion--:cuckoo:

Silly boy. You avoid the main question and throw straw. here's the real facts. Romney was supposed to win by 10 points. He lost to Santorum by 5. Romney has been an advocate of abortion rights in the past. Santorum has not. Take your squiggle math and put it in file 13. Brutal rape is not the fault of the baby it produces. That's all he has to say.

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