Santorum's 15 minutes at the top has begun!

I think Santorum winning will benefit Romney more than if he wins. They are at the same percentage, so they are getting the same amount of delegates no matter who claims 1st. But if Romney wins, he becomes the lightning rod. If Santorum wins, he does.
Santorum is basking in the glow of the evangelical vote. Not gonna happen in many other states though.

I've been trying to get some more info on him but google keeps directing me to some fluid.

This really should not be a surprise. Four years ago, Iowa picked Huckabee, and we all know how well Huckabee did. And Huckabee was a bit more center and likable than Santorum. The biggest news is that this pretty much crushes anyone else's hopes of making a serious run. Romney will win New Hampshire, be close in SC, then sweep his way the rest of the way to the nomination.
I think Santorum winning will benefit Romney more than if he wins. They are at the same percentage, so they are getting the same amount of delegates no matter who claims 1st. But if Romney wins, he becomes the lightning rod. If Santorum wins, he does.

Interesting point.
Santorum is basking in the glow of the evangelical vote. Not gonna happen in many other states though.

I've been trying to get some more info on him but google keeps directing me to some fluid.

This really should not be a surprise. Four years ago, Iowa picked Huckabee, and we all know how well Huckabee did. And Huckabee was a bit more center and likable than Santorum. The biggest news is that this pretty much crushes anyone else's hopes of making a serious run. Romney will win New Hampshire, be close in SC, then sweep his way the rest of the way to the nomination.

Good point!

Does this mean that Sanitorium is the religious right's choice?
Does anyone honestly believe Santorum could win the General Election?
Does anyone honestly believe Santorum could win the General Election?

Against Obama?

I think a rock could.

OOPS! What does that say about Palin?McCain?

Logical degression would indicate something lower than a rock?

Take a broader view.

In case you haven't noticed 2012 is a different year than 2008. Obama was an unknown quantity then. He isn't now. His meaningless "hope and change" slogans wont help him because people know what they will be getting and frankly the people aren't happy.
I think Santorum winning will benefit Romney more than if he wins. They are at the same percentage, so they are getting the same amount of delegates no matter who claims 1st. But if Romney wins, he becomes the lightning rod. If Santorum wins, he does.

Now there’s some spin.

Against Obama?

I think a rock could.

And that’s the attitude that will reelect Obama.

Meanwhile Romney – win or lose Iowa – remains Mr. 25 Percent.
Santorum is about as far right as you can get. He may end up nuking the hell out of Iran!
Bookmarked for election day. ;)

I dont think we are going to nominate a Rock.

I think it'd be a step up from anything else the GOP has to offer. But in any event the axiom is that you're claiming anyone can beat Obama. As if the whole country is, ya know... You.

Oh, the whole country doesn't need to be me for just about anyone to beat Obama. Obama just has to be himself.

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