Sarah Jessica Parker Must Feel So Embarrassed After Latest Obama Gaffe.

Mar 16, 2012

We have all heard the commercial where the naive actress was praising Obama for all of his two accomplishments and now you have a chance to have dinner with me and all my snobby rich friends!
then a few days later,,,,Whoops! Obama claims that the private sector is doing just fine!
Welcome to the "Oprah Club". Sarah Jessica must feel like a loser on Jeopardy, how can she ever show her face in public after her hero made a total jackass of himself in front of 100 or so Million Americans.
oh, and that line about Obama creating 4 million jobs,,,yah,right,,,,Obama hasn't created any jobs...if anyone has, its been Red State Governors like Rick Perry and Bob McDonnell. And Obama got Bin Liden? she made it sound like Obama was there with his Mag 44 and shot Bin Biden.
What planet are you hater chumps on? Pubdupeworld, I know....LOL!
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Obamination believes firemen, teachers and the police are private sector jobs.....that explains it all.
yup, all those teachers are going to make so much money that it will bring unemployment back to 6%.
You would think, that after Sarah Jessica Parker's greatest triumph........winning the Belmont Stakes..........she would show some humility and just keep her mouth shut!
The idiots don't understand the concept the incomes for those public unions come from outside revenue from companies and individuals working in the private sector.

One needs to explain it in basic terms to the idiots like:

A city has a $100K budget to pay for firemen, police and teachers. If there are no businesses or other individuals in the city adding to the city's piggy bank, then those firemen, police and teachers will have to pay enough back in taxes to keep their incomes for the following year.

Oh, but if you lower their salaries to hire more teachers, police and firemen from that $100K, then Obamination believes he has created "private sector" jobs.

You would think, that after Sarah Jessica Parker's greatest triumph........winning the Belmont Stakes..........she would show some humility and just keep her mouth shut!
Why on earth would she feel embarassed by anything Obama did?

rdean, one day i hope you engage in honest discussion. Youd learn so much more that way.
She was in idol worship mode of the worst president EVER! :lol: It was sickening!

We have all heard the commercial where the naive actress was praising Obama for all of his two accomplishments and now you have a chance to have dinner with me and all my snobby rich friends!
then a few days later,,,,Whoops! Obama claims that the private sector is doing just fine!
Welcome to the "Oprah Club". Sarah Jessica must feel like a loser on Jeopardy, how can she ever show her face in public after her hero made a total jackass of himself in front of 100 or so Million Americans.

Hollywood celebrities are congenitally unable to feel embarrasment.
The "four million jobs" was a teleprompter error. Someone forgot to input "hand" between million and jobs.
Only 4 1/2 months to go now!!!!:2up:

Id give my left ball to be able to have breakfast with Obama and Co. on November 7th!! "Morning s0ns........whats the news??"
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The idiots don't understand the concept the incomes for those public unions come from outside revenue from companies and individuals working in the private sector.

One needs to explain it in basic terms to the idiots like:

A city has a $100K budget to pay for firemen, police and teachers. If there are no businesses or other individuals in the city adding to the city's piggy bank, then those firemen, police and teachers will have to pay enough back in taxes to keep their incomes for the following year.

Oh, but if you lower their salaries to hire more teachers, police and firemen from that $100K, then Obamination believes he has created "private sector" jobs.

You would think, that after Sarah Jessica Parker's greatest triumph........winning the Belmont Stakes..........she would show some humility and just keep her mouth shut!

Aside from the logical fallacy..your post is bullshit.
Hope all the conservatives and Republicans laugh at her and make snide comments to her in public, nevermind there aren't any in Manhatten. :cuckoo:
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