Sarah Palin Attacks Obama Again: Calls Him A 'Angry Lame Duck President'.

Wow. Some people still hang onto what Palin says. She is a has-been. She has moved into the realm of insignificance. She was a blip on the radar screen after McCain asked her to be his running mate. She was spooked by the challenges after She and McCain lost the race, so she chickened out of running for office and even abandoned her term in Alaska. Now she just yaps from the talk-show circuits and books tours. She has had her 15 minutes of fame long ago.

Bull ,she is not a has been. She is polling right now tied with Romney and has moved ahead of Bachmann and we are talking about someone who hasn't even declared her candidacy yet. All of the sudden she is moving up. Just wait when her jury duty is over with in Alaska. We will really see more of her. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

she's not tied with Romney.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Remember that every poll that is being conducted right now is of a Republican electorate that has been grossly misled by the mainstream media about the Governor’s intentions and yet she is still running ahead of everyone else other than Mitt “peacetime” Romney. Here is what Ohio looks like:

Romney 16%
Palin 15%
Bachmann 11%
Perry 8%
Cain 6%
Paul 5%

CNN Poll Shows that a Higher Percentage of GOP/GOP-Leaning Indies Want Governor Palin to Run than the Percentage Who Want Perry/Giuliani to Run

YouGov/Economist Poll: Romney 14%, Palin 13%, Bachmann 12%, Perry 12%
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Governor Palin had it mostly right but she left out "little" and forgot to include the qualifier on "President".

Obama is actually an angry little lame Duck pseudo-President.
I have to say i agree with Palin. What do you expect from an inexperienced Community Organizer who should have never been President? People should have seen this coming.
How can she be talking to the media?
Isn't she on jury duty?
A "Lame Duck" is a candidate who has lost re-election and is just biding his time until his replacement officially takes over.

Obviously, Obama isn't a "lame duck" in any factual sense of the word.

But facts and Sarah don't always go hand in hand.

Better a lame duck, and to have gone down fighting, then to be a quitter then went into duck and cover mode when the heat was on.
The right is full of hate mongers running down the country every chance they get.

Prove Obama is angry at being lame duck. Well, first prove Obama is a lame duck.
You have no idea what you are talking about. It's Obama who is hateful. No president has ever used hateful scare tactics towards seniors and veterans like he has threatening to withhold their SS checks. That was very unAmerican of him. Palin is calling him out on it and has.

Fear tactics, so telling the truth is a fear tactic, I suppose you would enjoy a health lie?
It is a fear tactic because as I stated in another post. Its OBAMA fault since we have enough money coming in to pay THE INTEREST<SSI, VETERANS and MILITARY.. Its Obama said he wont pay for them so he is scaring the elderly for his own political gain:eusa_whistle:
The White House can't be happy with this latest attack from Palin as she made her case against him last night calling him a 'angry lame duck president. Well it's the truth. He became a lame duck president last Nov 4th when Palin went all over the country prior campaigning for her endorsements. The voters listened to her and gave the house back to the republicans. We owe our gratitude to Palin for that patriotic act she committed to the country. On this latest attack, Palin gives Obama a nice poke in the eye.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Sarah Palin Calls Out Barack Obama: He is an “Angry” “Lame Duck President”

Lame Duck President | Facebook


Now the President is outraged because the GOP House leadership called his bluff and ended discussions with him because they deemed him an obstruction to any real solution to the debt crisis.

He has been deemed a lame duck president. And he is angry now because he is being treated as such.

His foreign policy strategy has been described as “leading from behind.” Well, that’s his domestic policy strategy as well. Why should he be surprised that he’s been left behind in the negotiations when he’s been leading from behind on this debt crisis?

Read the links for more of her attack. It's good.

I don't think that you get that nobody cares what Sarah Palin thinks. Probably the president, least of all. But you don't see it because you're so blinded by lust. She could throw up all over you and you'd still say, "It's good."
The White House can't be happy with this latest attack from Palin as she made her case against him last night calling him a 'angry lame duck president. Well it's the truth. He became a lame duck president last Nov 4th when Palin went all over the country prior campaigning for her endorsements. The voters listened to her and gave the house back to the republicans. We owe our gratitude to Palin for that patriotic act she committed to the country. On this latest attack, Palin gives Obama a nice poke in the eye.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Sarah Palin Calls Out Barack Obama: He is an “Angry” “Lame Duck President”

Lame Duck President | Facebook


Now the President is outraged because the GOP House leadership called his bluff and ended discussions with him because they deemed him an obstruction to any real solution to the debt crisis.

He has been deemed a lame duck president. And he is angry now because he is being treated as such.

His foreign policy strategy has been described as “leading from behind.” Well, that’s his domestic policy strategy as well. Why should he be surprised that he’s been left behind in the negotiations when he’s been leading from behind on this debt crisis?

Read the links for more of her attack. It's good.

The right is full of hate mongers running down the country every chance they get.

Prove Obama is angry at being lame duck. Well, first prove Obama is a lame duck.
You have no idea what you are talking about. It's Obama who is hateful. No president has ever used hateful scare tactics towards seniors and veterans like he has threatening to withhold their SS checks. That was very unAmerican of him. Palin is calling him out on it and has.

That is not what he did at all. That is just a right wing talking point that you bagheads love to say over and over again. But that doesn't make it so. All he did was state the obvious.

It's the Republicans that couldn't care less about seniors. And they have proven it time and time again.
You have no idea what you are talking about. It's Obama who is hateful. No president has ever used hateful scare tactics towards seniors and veterans like he has threatening to withhold their SS checks. That was very unAmerican of him. Palin is calling him out on it and has.

Hmm, I seem informed and you sound like a phony shit stirrer. Got a link proving no president has ever used used hateful scare tactics towards seniors and veterans? It is also UnAmerican of the rightwing who will do the same thing in their shred, crap & tilt plan, so what is your point??

The point is partially to get your panties in wad and make you post stupid shit.

And it worked!

Oh, please!!! I doubt you have ever done anything in life that worked. You're dumber than a bag of rocks.
Wow. Some people still hang onto what Palin says. She is a has-been. She has moved into the realm of insignificance. She was a blip on the radar screen after McCain asked her to be his running mate. She was spooked by the challenges after She and McCain lost the race, so she chickened out of running for office and even abandoned her term in Alaska. Now she just yaps from the talk-show circuits and books tours. She has had her 15 minutes of fame long ago.

Bull ,she is not a has been. She is polling right now tied with Romney and has moved ahead of Bachmann and we are talking about someone who hasn't even declared her candidacy yet. All of the sudden she is moving up. Just wait when her jury duty is over with in Alaska. We will really see more of her. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Prove it. No poll that I know of has made those claims. So what poll are you talking about??
Let's see...Sarah Palin...who is that? Is she a she is an office not that. Let's see....why does her opinion count....wait...wait....That's right...It doesn't because she is a NOBODY. I think that sums up Sarah "I Quit" Palin.
Sarg, I hope you have some extra checks saved up. The Tea Party ain't gonna send you anymore.
Sarah wishes she had Obama's job, but instead she must kneel and bob her way to a paycheck with FOX

I wish he'd do his job instead of acting like he can play golf, along with kneeling, bobbing and panhandling to corporate big wigs for campaign donations.......
Palin is saying all this and then she is going to tell us she is not going to run?

Talk about irrelevant
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