Sarah Palin: Illegal Alien 'Given More Rights, Grace And Favor' Than Kate Steinle, Her Family

Incredible! Welcome to Post-Obamas America where using the wrong gender-pronoun in California is now a felony and jail sentence but if you are 5x deported illegal alien with 7 felonies and murder somebody, you get acquitted..
Oblama had nothing to do with what California did or does.....Nice try at looking stupid though...
He encouraged sanctuary city policies. Her blood is own his Muslim hands and America is pissed off about it.
Incredible! Welcome to Post-Obamas America where using the wrong gender-pronoun in California is now a felony and jail sentence but if you are 5x deported illegal alien with 7 felonies and murder somebody, you get acquitted..
Oblama had nothing to do with what California did or does.....Nice try at looking stupid though...
He encouraged sanctuary city policies. Her blood is own his Muslim hands and America is pissed off about it.
Sanctuary cities began under Reagan and guess what? He didn't do anything either in fact no president has done anything...Trump maybe trying but no luck yet..
The Democrats have been choosing illegal aliens over American citizens for a long time now

Illegals are guaranteed to vote for them. The patriotic citizens, not so much. Too bad the illegal didn't get more Americans...
As usual, like David Duke and Donald Trump, the patriotic lovely Sarah Palin is right. This illegal alien was given more rights than the average natural born citizen American. Can you imagine what Kate's family is going through tonight. This was a national tragedy this evening with that verdict. I would like to see a 'White Lives Matter' movement in honor of Kate Steinle and other natural born citizens killed by illegal aliens.



Sarah Palin: Illegal Alien Given 'More Rights, Grace And Favor' Than Kate Steinle, Her Family

Except, if you understood rights, you'd realize no one can be given more rights than someone else.

But don't let the facts get in the way of nonsense.

You must believe rights exist somewhere out there in a mythical realm that we tap to to have them.

That is of course bullshit. We have only the rights that the leftists have not destroyed yet. Apparently right to life isn't included.
What rights of yours have leftists destroyed?
This should be good.
How do you feel about Kate Steinle being killed and this verdict?
I don't agree with the cwrdicr myself, but the jury has spoken and this is the American justice system take it or leave it. And for the president to take a shot at that very system is treasonous in my opinion. What a dumb ass he is.
The Democrats have been choosing illegal aliens over American citizens for a long time now
A lot of illegals are very fine people and a lot of Americans really suck. Look at what`s living in the Whitehouse.
If you're illegal, you're not fine people because you broke our sovereign laws. When you break our laws, that makes YOU a criminal.
What a shock, the party of "law and order" is complaining about our legal/justice system.

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