Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

Five years after having served?

Why don't you just admit Track is a wife beater and dishonors those who actually suffer PTSD

Fuck off man. He's been treated from the get go.

Now that being said, are you sure all you progressives want to go there?

I'm loaded for bear on Chelsea and her new family. Tell me when.

Oh and I've been a busy body. Newsmaker family info. 10 months of winter 2 months of bad skating.


Suddup, you old bar-fly. Nobody cares about what you're finding out there in the boonies on your dial-up. You're supposed to be off grid, remember?

I'm not off the grid now. You are really off it today.
All American media have a past. Most interesting.

Glug, glug, glug...
He actually did serve in combat.
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

So yes or no, do you think he served in Combat?


You liberals made that up out of whole clothe because you THINK you know what the **** you're talking about when it come to PTSD.

Some liberal who doesn't know his ass from a hot rock came up with this because he WRONGLY believed a service member could ONLY get PTSD from combat.

Then the rest of you ran with it, because YOU don't know a ******* thing about PTSD!

So, this whole thread is a sham. And all of you fell for it, because returning War Vets are only a tool for you to use against Bush and the couldn't even take five ****** minutes out of your busy pampered lives to learn what PTSD is and what causes it.

(I edited all the obscenities out of this post after it was written, so parts of it may not make as much sense in their current form.)

So, prove me wrong. Post right here...and this is addressed to everyone, not just Candycorn... where Palin said Track was in combat, or admit this is a farce and hang your heads in shame.
"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

It is one thing to say just going to a war zone is trumatic, whether her son saw combat or not.

But how about Mrs. Clinton standing on a podium relaying a story of sniper fire which has well been shown to have not one ounce of truth to it? Seems to me she should be the one being called a reprehensible liar. You'll support the liar any way.
Kind of ends the thread right there.

Don't really care what Palin has to say or that she is trying to cover for her son - not really something all that unusual for a mother to do. She is not running and is backing Trump who I do not support anyway. More telling is how some run here whining about such while ignoring similar bullshit on their side.

Most people see Trump as not much different to Palin, and know the lies are out there, and go and show why these people shouldn't be running for government.

Yes, on both sides there are dodgy people, and on both sides such people shouldn't be running for government.
While ignoring the same shit from one of their own. Yes - political hackery at its best. This thread is full of it.

And what are you doing? It would appear that you're trying to deflect from the actual argument by trying to point people in other directions. "political hackery at its best"????

Quite the contrary - I am pointing out how idiotic the entire argument is. That is not deflecting in the least.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
It is one thing to say just going to a war zone is trumatic, whether her son saw combat or not.

But how about Mrs. Clinton standing on a podium relaying a story of sniper fire which has well been shown to have not one ounce of truth to it? Seems to me she should be the one being called a reprehensible liar. You'll support the liar any way.
Kind of ends the thread right there.

Don't really care what Palin has to say or that she is trying to cover for her son - not really something all that unusual for a mother to do. She is not running and is backing Trump who I do not support anyway. More telling is how some run here whining about such while ignoring similar bullshit on their side.

Most people see Trump as not much different to Palin, and know the lies are out there, and go and show why these people shouldn't be running for government.

Yes, on both sides there are dodgy people, and on both sides such people shouldn't be running for government.
While ignoring the same shit from one of their own. Yes - political hackery at its best. This thread is full of it.

And what are you doing? It would appear that you're trying to deflect from the actual argument by trying to point people in other directions. "political hackery at its best"????

Quite the contrary - I am pointing out how idiotic the entire argument is. That is not deflecting in the least.

No, you're deflecting. The argument isn't idiotic.

This woman is a politician. She's trying to spin things to make them look better. You get an idea of her character through this sort of thing. The sort of person she would be as a public servant.

I don't like what I see, and clearly you don't either, otherwise you wouldn't be deflecting.
Actually the tweet by the combet vet said that he slept in the same bunk as Track. This entire thread is a lie. Can we move this to conspiracy theory or complete bullshit premise?
Slept in the same bunk? At the same time? In those tiny bunks, if two GI's were in one at the same time, I suspect they weren't sleeping.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
I wouldn't call a half term successful. But she did write a book all by herself: Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
I wouldn't call a half term successful. But she did write a book all by herself: Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent.
Well at least she didn't use domestic terrorist Bill Ayers to ghost write her autobiography like Obama did.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
I wouldn't call a half term successful. But she did write a book all by herself: Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent.

What? You know who she is, she's running for president, and she has made a lot of money out of politics. I'd call that successful, even if you don't like her.
Wait! Just realized Palin has a son named "Track" and a daughter who spends a lot if time on her ."Back."

Could they be twins?:rofl:
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
I wouldn't call a half term successful. But she did write a book all by herself: Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent.

What? You know who she is, she's running for president, and she has made a lot of money out of politics. I'd call that successful, even if you don't like her.

McCain made her rich. Otherwise, she is just a Governor who quit.
Kind of ends the thread right there.

Don't really care what Palin has to say or that she is trying to cover for her son - not really something all that unusual for a mother to do. She is not running and is backing Trump who I do not support anyway. More telling is how some run here whining about such while ignoring similar bullshit on their side.

Most people see Trump as not much different to Palin, and know the lies are out there, and go and show why these people shouldn't be running for government.

Yes, on both sides there are dodgy people, and on both sides such people shouldn't be running for government.
While ignoring the same shit from one of their own. Yes - political hackery at its best. This thread is full of it.

And what are you doing? It would appear that you're trying to deflect from the actual argument by trying to point people in other directions. "political hackery at its best"????

Quite the contrary - I am pointing out how idiotic the entire argument is. That is not deflecting in the least.

No, you're deflecting. The argument isn't idiotic.

This woman is a politician. She's trying to spin things to make them look better. You get an idea of her character through this sort of thing. The sort of person she would be as a public servant.

I don't like what I see, and clearly you don't either, otherwise you wouldn't be deflecting.
Then you have not bothered to read a thing I wrote.

You see, the ONLY people bringing this shit up are the ones that support the same shit on the other side. What I think of her is rather irrelevant - I don't support Trump in the first place so her opinion is utterly meaningless.

However, if I supported another candidate that did the same shit but felt it necessary to point it out here then I would be a hypocrite AND the argument would be asinine. That is not a deflection.

You CANNOT assail anthers character while supporting the same character yourself - it makes the arguments presented not only cheap but invalid on their face. Further, you claim that you get an idea of the sort of person she would be as a public servant. That is a rather interesting point considering that she is NOT running to be a public servant.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.

She's a politician. Politicians lie, because the people want to hear the lies.

She's not any different to most other successful politicians.
I wouldn't call a half term successful. But she did write a book all by herself: Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent.
Well at least she didn't use domestic terrorist Bill Ayers to ghost write her autobiography like Obama did.
Prove it.

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