Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

I'm not going to call into question whether Track has PTSD. It's absolutely possible that he could, but for Sarah to blame Track's behavior towards his girlfriend on PTSD and then to blame that PTSD on President Obama...that's beyond the pale.

The family is so dysfunctional, they need someone to take the blame. Her attitude and dismissive manner goes well with the nutjob that she endorced.

If Palin's politics were left wing, she would be treated as a darling, so cut the bs.
No, we would treat her like a nutjob
Palin is not running for office and is therefore largely irrelevant. Next slide, please.

Tell that to Trump.

How long do you figure it'll take him to realize she's upstaging him and kick her to the curb?
He's just tapping into another reservoir... the disappointed losing Pub mainstream of 2008... using an iconic figure, who has some marginal utility.

He either doesn't realize or has forgotten that there's one person in America who's louder and gaudier than he is. Neither plays well with others. Whether he ditches her before she realizes he's not going to make her is running mate (or the star of his next "reality" show) and ditches him is the only real question.
How did ge develop PTS? Maybe watching sex education films?
some of these left wingers melt down at the very mention of Palin's name. They become some of the worst liars on the planet. Palin has not always been my cup of tea, but the way left wingers try and hose her, its almost funny.

I'm upset with Palin as well. PTSD shouldn't be a political football. Had she said Track was suffering from PTSD and talked about the condition of mental health services at the VA, and even called attention to the VA scandal...okay...that's all probably a good thing. But then she had to make it about Obama. And now it's political. That's where it all fell down.
No, her point is: Palin is not running for office and is therefore largely irrelevant. Next slide, please.

Stupid response.......Is this topic about Palin running for president (which NO one mentioned)...or is it about her stupid assertion that her son has PTSD from combat and that Obama is personally responsible ???
Palin 2009: Obama wants to kill my baby

Palin 2016: Obama makes my son beat his girlfriend
Now lets get this straight kiddies. Hillary opened Pandora's Box. Trump warned and then begged her not to. And then he unloaded. And here we are today.

HILLARY started this round. Now I've been a busy girl the past few winters. Because I have wanted to take aim at the so called media. The smear makers if you will. Trump is precious because they can't do a lot to him BUT now that they are going after Track poor son of a bitch I am sooooooooooo looking forward to next week on the net.

You wont believe what I have found out about the familys in the media.

Are you finding great stuff, like Trump did in Hawaii? LOL!
Palin is not running for office and is therefore largely irrelevant. Next slide, please.

Tell that to Trump.

How long do you figure it'll take him to realize she's upstaging him and kick her to the curb?
He's just tapping into another reservoir... the disappointed losing Pub mainstream of 2008... using an iconic figure, who has some marginal utility.
Makes him look like a patronizing fool. He is pissing off voters he would need for the general election to gain some Cruz voters in the Iowa primary. Watch how he tries to distance himself now that he starts to realize his blunder. No one wants that nut job dope as part of anyone's administration.
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

Five years after having served?

Why don't you just admit Track is a wife beater and dishonors those who actually suffer PTSD

Fuck off man. He's been treated from the get go.

Now that being said, are you sure all you progressives want to go there?

I'm loaded for bear on Chelsea and her new family. Tell me when.

Oh and I've been a busy body. Newsmaker family info. 10 months of winter 2 months of bad skating.


Suddup, you old bar-fly. Nobody cares about what you're finding out there in the boonies on your dial-up. You're supposed to be off grid, remember?
I'm not going to call into question whether Track has PTSD. It's absolutely possible that he could, but for Sarah to blame Track's behavior towards his girlfriend on PTSD and then to blame that PTSD on President Obama...that's beyond the pale.
It's further confirmation of the fact that Palin is a liar.

And unfortunately she's not alone among conservatives, many of whom have been contriving and propagating such lies concerning the president.
with your astute confirmation, i'll bet you wish she was running this time..
Last edited:
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

Five years after having served?

Why don't you just admit Track is a wife beater and dishonors those who actually suffer PTSD

Fuck off man. He's been treated from the get go.

Now that being said, are you sure all you progressives want to go there?

I'm loaded for bear on Chelsea and her new family. Tell me when.

Oh and I've been a busy body. Newsmaker family info. 10 months of winter 2 months of bad skating.


Suddup, you old bar-fly. Nobody cares about what you're finding out there in the boonies on your dial-up. You're supposed to be off grid, remember?

I'm not off the grid now. You are really off it today.

It is soooooooo frigging funny, watching foolish Liberals, slinging shit like this, as if anybody on the outside even pays attention to them any longer...

Nobody gives a rat's ass about any of this Palin horseshit; at least not enough to allow it to prejudice them overly much one way or another, when it comes time to vote...

In all likelihood, LibProgs are about to get an Epic Ass-Whooping...

They know it... they can sense it... they can feel it in the air... and, after eight years in power, they're shitting their pants, trying everything they can, to avert total disaster...

Fun Time's over, kiddies...

Time to step aside, and give the other side another turn at-bat...

Now... pick up your mitts, and head for the outfield...
No, what's funny is the arrogance, hypocrisy, and stupidity of most republicans, and their nonsense about being the party of 'family values.'

Consequently, republicans have only themselves to blame when subject to such ridicule.
oh god alinsky not the ridicule ! ...
Now lets get this straight kiddies. Hillary opened Pandora's Box. Trump warned and then begged her not to. And then he unloaded. And here we are today.

HILLARY started this round. Now I've been a busy girl the past few winters. Because I have wanted to take aim at the so called media. The smear makers if you will. Trump is precious because they can't do a lot to him BUT now that they are going after Track poor son of a bitch I am sooooooooooo looking forward to next week on the net.

You wont believe what I have found out about the familys in the media.

Are you finding great stuff, like Trump did in Hawaii? LOL!

Whoa geeze. The girl is married to who? Fair game now.
Now lets get this straight kiddies. Hillary opened Pandora's Box. Trump warned and then begged her not to. And then he unloaded. And here we are today.

HILLARY started this round. Now I've been a busy girl the past few winters. Because I have wanted to take aim at the so called media. The smear makers if you will. Trump is precious because they can't do a lot to him BUT now that they are going after Track poor son of a bitch I am sooooooooooo looking forward to next week on the net.

You wont believe what I have found out about the familys in the media.

Are you finding great stuff, like Trump did in Hawaii? LOL!
just wait, benghazi and the birthertificate capers aren't over.
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

Five years after having served?

Why don't you just admit Track is a wife beater and dishonors those who actually suffer PTSD

Fuck off man. He's been treated from the get go.

Now that being said, are you sure all you progressives want to go there?

I'm loaded for bear on Chelsea and her new family. Tell me when.

Oh and I've been a busy body. Newsmaker family info. 10 months of winter 2 months of bad skating.


Suddup, you old bar-fly. Nobody cares about what you're finding out there in the boonies on your dial-up. You're supposed to be off grid, remember?

I'm not off the grid now. You are really off it today.
All American media have a past. Most interesting.

Glug, glug, glug...

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