Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

Without regard to Palin or her family, you're entire wrong to complain that the man never served in combat in terms of challenging him having PTSD. It is a horrible and damaging stereotype to think of PTSD as a "war" illness. It's not Post Combat Disorder. It's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have PTSD. I was never in combat

First let me state that I am sincerely sorry for your condition, in the same way that I feel sorry for anyone who has a bi=polar condition or any psychosis that impairs his or her interactions with others.

However, this is NOT the reason for this thread.......

None of us here can unquestionably attest as to whether Track Palin has or has not PTSD......He may have it or not.
The intent of this thread, I believe, is two-fold:

One, whether having PTSD is an automatic "get-out-of-jail-free-card" for spousal abuse or any other violent action toward others.....

Two, whether Sarah has any remote reason to excuse her son's behavior to Obama's policies.

Yes, those are both the principle purpose of this thread, and very worthy subjects to discuss. Nonetheless, the "he never even served in combat" is so rife with misunderstanding and bias it's as bad as saying "George Zimmerman isn't racist, he's not even white." And just as worthy of condemnation.
"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

Compared to Hillary, Palin is a rank amateur.

‘I remember landing under sniper fire.”

“I actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before [Obama] did.”

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.”

“I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”

“The server contains personal communications from my husband and me.”

“I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.”

Hillary Clinton’s five email lies | New York Post
Tina Fey is back as Palin on SNL tonight .. funny opening bit.

Will the loons take her skit as truth they did last time? That was priceless, the left really thought Sarah Palin said that. NOTHING is dumber than a left loon

Unless it's a right wing loon that thinks Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet.

And Sarah Palin did, in fact, say that you could see Russia from parts of Alaska and that meant she had foreign policy cred. That's what was mocked. is the can see part of Russia from parts of Alaska. Next
does taking in the view give you foreign policy cred?

Just slightly more foreign policy cred than Obama had.
Tina Fey is back as Palin on SNL tonight .. funny opening bit.

Will the loons take her skit as truth they did last time? That was priceless, the left really thought Sarah Palin said that. NOTHING is dumber than a left loon

Unless it's a right wing loon that thinks Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet.

And Sarah Palin did, in fact, say that you could see Russia from parts of Alaska and that meant she had foreign policy cred. That's what was mocked. is the can see part of Russia from parts of Alaska. Next
does taking in the view give you foreign policy cred?

Just slightly more foreign policy cred than Obama had.

And still it didn't help her...imagine that. :lol:
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA
maybe chelsea has ptsd from that. i think that was take your daughter to work week.

Oh, obviously. As demonstrated by her getting married, having a kid and never beating the shit out of her spouse.

Chelsea could have got PTSD when she saw the airliner hit it while she was jogging around it. At least that is what Hillary said she was doing.
Will the loons take her skit as truth they did last time? That was priceless, the left really thought Sarah Palin said that. NOTHING is dumber than a left loon

Unless it's a right wing loon that thinks Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet.

And Sarah Palin did, in fact, say that you could see Russia from parts of Alaska and that meant she had foreign policy cred. That's what was mocked. is the can see part of Russia from parts of Alaska. Next
does taking in the view give you foreign policy cred?

Just slightly more foreign policy cred than Obama had.

And still it didn't help her...imagine that. :lol:

Only because she has the wrong color skin.
also a great post, you make good points. i don't think it should be politicised, in this way, and to blame a president, even obama, is absurd. there is a reason why war is hell, it always has been, no president or soldier can change that.

to me, in track's case, it sounds as if booze might be at least part of track's problem. and there is never an excuse for any domestic abuse/violence. personally, i think being named "track" might be an anchor around his neck too, it's a weird name for sure. why can't people just use the names we have now, like derek, or jennifer.

sarah palin opened this can of political worms, i don't fault the libs for pouncing upon this story. but if it advances the need for more attention to this syndrome, then that element is useful.

I really don't think that his name has anything to do with it. :lol:

Alcohol abuse is a common means of self medication for some. In a nutshell it's all pretty simple. Even if we assume that Track's PTSD is authentic, and that his behavior is related to his PTSD (very possible) the fact is that it does not justify his behavior. And Palin's attempt to paint that picture is itself extremely damaging. It has been said of addictions that we need to focus on holding people accountable for their recoveries, not their illnesses, and the same holds true with PTSD. Senseless violence is not an acceptable behavior; when people engage in such behavior they need to be held accountable to recognize their actions as wrong and their need to seek help to deal with their challenges.
And how do Sarah Palin's white lies compare to Hillary's lie to the grieving families of the Benghazi victims about the cause of their loved ones' deaths, or her lie that Chris Stevens never once talked to her about his hundreds of unfulfilled security requests, or her lie that she never saw security requests and thus never rejected any, or her numerous lies about classified material on her e-mail server, or her lies about Whitewater, or her lies about the victims of her husband's sexual harassment, or her lie about having been under sniper fire in Kosovo?

You people are incredible. You go ape over Republican white lies but couldn't care less when a Democrat tells lies about serious issues, some of which involve the deaths of Americans.
joe biden would have to explain a few things too, wasserman, axelrod... et al. complicit in a political conspiracy. stephanie cutter for instance.
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He got an Iraqi Service Medal, which means he went over the birm into a hostile fire zone. He was in an infantry unit. They don't give you a CIB when you see guys in your unit blown up in IED attacks. They only give it to you if you're in a firefight. I remember the worst part of being deployed in places like Iraq was waiting to get blown up while driving down the road.
thank you for your service, it appears as if the libs have egg on their face.

Without regard to Palin or her family, you're entire wrong to complain that the man never served in combat in terms of challenging him having PTSD. It is a horrible and damaging stereotype to think of PTSD as a "war" illness. It's not Post Combat Disorder. It's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have PTSD. I was never in combat. But I've had experiences which I won't even bother getting into. I now deal with PTSD. And the truth is that it can be an extremely difficult condition to live with. I don't think there will ever be a point in my life when I'll be able to say that I've overcome it. I'm always going to struggle with the potential for certain triggers to launch men into flashbacks. I'm always going to be asking people to forgive certain eccentricities when I have to struggle to remove myself from certain types of stressers that send me into a panicked state of mind.

Treating PTSD as if it's nothing more than a combat illness is just as harmful as any other means of stigmatizing mental illness.

Understood and appreciated. So was your PTSD Obama's fault as Sarah asserted?
yes, thank you, great post. i hope we have come a long way with it, and always wish we could do more for folks like you.

the syndrome/condition started out being called "shell shocked" (ww1), so we hope identifying what it is, is a great start in the right direction.

thank you for your service S E, everyone wants you to have peace of mind, for well serving your country, on that we can all agree. :)

Thank you for your kind words, but I do not have any service to be thanked for. ;)
understood, but you shed some much need light on this thread, which is, i think, about to fade away.
"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

Compared to Hillary, Palin is a rank amateur.

‘I remember landing under sniper fire.”

“I actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before [Obama] did.”

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.”

“I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”

“The server contains personal communications from my husband and me.”

“I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.”

Hillary Clinton’s five email lies | New York Post
the problem is that she believes all of it. America's problem is that she wants to be CIC.

2 B fair, chelsea was in bosnia for the sniper fire.
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Abandoning their failed effort to elect a president in 2016, Democrat Party Adherents wisely shift their hate campaign non-political children of political figures. People who they figure won't strike back.

At what point did those cowards become CRAVEN cowards?

Ah well, at least they're not out calling for the rape of infant children as one of their cultural icons did on national TV not so very long ago. One who is now a fast-fading figure whose name they will choose not to recall.

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