Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

""Sarah Palin’s passionate speech about her poor drunken woman beating son and the way Obama PTSDed him during his combat tour in Iraq has been scrutinized by everyone from the White House to a soldier he served with. Politicizing PTSD was a shameful thing to do; her son’s status as a combat veteran had nothing to do with President Obama.
Now there’s an even bigger reason to mock and criticize Palin: She a liar. Her son, Track, never saw combat in Iraq. Whether he was unqualified or received special treatment or just wasn’t assigned to a combat role isn’t clear, but one thing certainly is: It wasn’t PTSD from combat that “hardened” Track Palin into the gun-toting asshole that hits women, it was bad parenting, plain and simple.
This form, circulating on Twitter, shows that Palin wasn’t qualified to receive the combat service medal for his tour of duty:""
""Sarah Palin’s passionate speech about her poor drunken woman beating son and the way Obama PTSDed him during his combat tour in Iraq has been scrutinized by everyone from the White House to a soldier he served with. Politicizing PTSD was a shameful thing to do; her son’s status as a combat veteran had nothing to do with President Obama.
Now there’s an even bigger reason to mock and criticize Palin: She a liar. Her son, Track, never saw combat in Iraq. Whether he was unqualified or received special treatment or just wasn’t assigned to a combat role isn’t clear, but one thing certainly is: It wasn’t PTSD from combat that “hardened” Track Palin into the gun-toting asshole that hits women, it was bad parenting, plain and simple.
This form, circulating on Twitter, shows that Palin wasn’t qualified to receive the combat service medal for his tour of duty:""
The blame lies squarely on Obama and his mishandling of the rules of engagement in the military and his inept VA policy. Leave Track alone as well as his patriotic mother.
It is also a lie he cut brakes on a bus. And it's amazing how a story grows. The original rumor had him involved with some other kids that did let the air out of bus tires and disconnected the block heaters. According to one of the guys that was involved, ,along with the mother of another teen involved, stated emphatically Track was not involved.

So, stating he had anger issues from something he was not even involved with, is also for the birds.
Certain people set out to try to destroy that family from the get-go. And everytime she becomes a threat again they start all over. How sick are these ,people? It is no different than the lies Harry Reid spouted on the senate floor about Romney. How anyone can support these people is beyond me.

And, for the record, I am not a follower of Palin. Never have been, but it pisses me off to see others try to destroy families with lies.
Abandoning their failed effort to elect a president in 2016, Democrat Party Adherents wisely shift their hate campaign non-political children of political figures. People who they figure won't strike back.

At what point did those cowards become CRAVEN cowards?

Ah well, at least they're not out calling for the rape of infant children as one of their cultural icons did on national TV not so very long ago. One who is now a fast-fading figure whose name they will choose not to recall.

:offtopic: Please stay on topic or start a new thread.
""Sarah Palin’s passionate speech about her poor drunken woman beating son and the way Obama PTSDed him during his combat tour in Iraq has been scrutinized by everyone from the White House to a soldier he served with. Politicizing PTSD was a shameful thing to do; her son’s status as a combat veteran had nothing to do with President Obama.
Now there’s an even bigger reason to mock and criticize Palin: She a liar. Her son, Track, never saw combat in Iraq. Whether he was unqualified or received special treatment or just wasn’t assigned to a combat role isn’t clear, but one thing certainly is: It wasn’t PTSD from combat that “hardened” Track Palin into the gun-toting asshole that hits women, it was bad parenting, plain and simple.
This form, circulating on Twitter, shows that Palin wasn’t qualified to receive the combat service medal for his tour of duty:""
The blame lies squarely on Obama and his mishandling of the rules of engagement in the military and his inept VA policy. Leave Track alone as well as his patriotic mother.

Its Obamas fault you're a blithering idiot.
""Sarah Palin’s passionate speech about her poor drunken woman beating son and the way Obama PTSDed him during his combat tour in Iraq has been scrutinized by everyone from the White House to a soldier he served with. Politicizing PTSD was a shameful thing to do; her son’s status as a combat veteran had nothing to do with President Obama.
Now there’s an even bigger reason to mock and criticize Palin: She a liar. Her son, Track, never saw combat in Iraq. Whether he was unqualified or received special treatment or just wasn’t assigned to a combat role isn’t clear, but one thing certainly is: It wasn’t PTSD from combat that “hardened” Track Palin into the gun-toting asshole that hits women, it was bad parenting, plain and simple.
This form, circulating on Twitter, shows that Palin wasn’t qualified to receive the combat service medal for his tour of duty:""

According to this article he did serve in combat.

He had been serving in Iraq for about a year when she was nominated as John McCain's running mate, and by the time Election Day rolled around, he was an air guard in the "Arctic Wolves," the Army's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Two years later, he was discharged.

Sarah Palin’s son, and the link between combat duty and veteran violence

Without regard to Palin or her family, you're entire wrong to complain that the man never served in combat in terms of challenging him having PTSD. It is a horrible and damaging stereotype to think of PTSD as a "war" illness. It's not Post Combat Disorder. It's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have PTSD. I was never in combat. But I've had experiences which I won't even bother getting into. I now deal with PTSD. And the truth is that it can be an extremely difficult condition to live with. I don't think there will ever be a point in my life when I'll be able to say that I've overcome it. I'm always going to struggle with the potential for certain triggers to launch men into flashbacks. I'm always going to be asking people to forgive certain eccentricities when I have to struggle to remove myself from certain types of stressers that send me into a panicked state of mind.

Treating PTSD as if it's nothing more than a combat illness is just as harmful as any other means of stigmatizing mental illness.

Understood and appreciated. So was your PTSD Obama's fault as Sarah asserted?
The mess at the VA is Obama's fault.
At least it wasn't as bad as Shrillary's lie - a.k.a. Stolen Valor - that she came under fire in the Balkans in a hot LZ in the 90s...
It's actually worse.

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"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

Compared to Hillary, Palin is a rank amateur.

‘I remember landing under sniper fire.”

“I actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before [Obama] did.”

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.”

“I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”

“The server contains personal communications from my husband and me.”

“I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.”

Hillary Clinton’s five email lies | New York Post
the problem is that she believes all of it. America's problem is that she wants to be CIC.

2 B fair, chelsea was in bosnia for the sniper fire.
I'm sure she's received the proper treatment for her PTSD.
Now lets get this straight kiddies. Hillary opened Pandora's Box. Trump warned and then begged her not to. And then he unloaded. And here we are today.

HILLARY started this round. Now I've been a busy girl the past few winters. Because I have wanted to take aim at the so called media. The smear makers if you will. Trump is precious because they can't do a lot to him BUT now that they are going after Track poor son of a bitch I am sooooooooooo looking forward to next week on the net.

You wont believe what I have found out about the familys in the media.
Stand back folks, here comes a RAGING a teapot.


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Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

Five years after having served?

Why don't you just admit Track is a wife beater and dishonors those who actually suffer PTSD
My Father didn't get diagnosed with PTSD untill almost 20 years after he left Vietnam.
A Palin family attorney, John Tiemessen, earlier told The Associated Press that respect for the family’s privacy is appreciated “as Track receives the help that he and many of our returning veterans need.”

Nothing about being treated for PTSD or being diagnosed with PTSD.
That's why these rabid rightwingers NEVER post their sources. It's all lies.

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Without regard to Palin or her family, you're entire wrong to complain that the man never served in combat in terms of challenging him having PTSD. It is a horrible and damaging stereotype to think of PTSD as a "war" illness. It's not Post Combat Disorder. It's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have PTSD. I was never in combat. But I've had experiences which I won't even bother getting into. I now deal with PTSD. And the truth is that it can be an extremely difficult condition to live with. I don't think there will ever be a point in my life when I'll be able to say that I've overcome it. I'm always going to struggle with the potential for certain triggers to launch men into flashbacks. I'm always going to be asking people to forgive certain eccentricities when I have to struggle to remove myself from certain types of stressers that send me into a panicked state of mind.

Treating PTSD as if it's nothing more than a combat illness is just as harmful as any other means of stigmatizing mental illness.

Understood and appreciated. So was your PTSD Obama's fault as Sarah asserted?
The mess at the VA is Obama's fault.
right. the va was a well oiled machine before obama did...what exactly?

he does bear some responsibility for not correcting things
This isn't a political issue. It's a left wing vendetta designed to ruin an innocent woman. It's similar to Hillary's hatred of the women who were molested by her husband. Why are lefties so filled with hatred toward the former governor of Alaska? An entire left wing network (Media Matters) is devoted to analyzing ever word she utters and they even had a spy who rented a house close enough to monitor her. Palin should be celebrated by the left for what she achieved as a hockey mom who fought the establishment and became mayor and later governor. What is it about Palin that the left hates so much? Was it her refusal to abort a Down's Syndrome baby?
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Without regard to Palin or her family, you're entire wrong to complain that the man never served in combat in terms of challenging him having PTSD. It is a horrible and damaging stereotype to think of PTSD as a "war" illness. It's not Post Combat Disorder. It's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have PTSD. I was never in combat. But I've had experiences which I won't even bother getting into. I now deal with PTSD. And the truth is that it can be an extremely difficult condition to live with. I don't think there will ever be a point in my life when I'll be able to say that I've overcome it. I'm always going to struggle with the potential for certain triggers to launch men into flashbacks. I'm always going to be asking people to forgive certain eccentricities when I have to struggle to remove myself from certain types of stressers that send me into a panicked state of mind.

Treating PTSD as if it's nothing more than a combat illness is just as harmful as any other means of stigmatizing mental illness.

Understood and appreciated. So was your PTSD Obama's fault as Sarah asserted?
The mess at the VA is Obama's fault.

EVERYTHING IS OBAMA'S FAULT! Didn't you know it?

I am pretty sure that the 7.1 earthquake in Alaska was Obama's fault. Sarah should make that proclamation soon!

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