Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

This isn't a political issue. It's a left wing vendetta designed to ruin an innocent woman. It's similar to Hillary's hatred of the women who were molested by her husband. Why are lefties so filled with hatred toward the former governor of Alaska? An entire left wing network (Media Matters) is devoted to analyzing ever word she utters and they even had a spy who rented a house close enough to monitor her. Palin should be celebrated by the left for what she achieved as a hockey mom who fought the establishment and became mayor and later governor. What is it about Palin that the left hates so much? Was it her refusal to abort a Down's Syndrome baby?
The only reason is because she is a Conservative Women. Liberals can not understand why any women or minority would be anything other than a Democrat. They consider them traitors and what a Lib doesn't understand they viciously attack.

That has nothing to do with it. She is an opportunist who has taken full advantage of her situation to become rich. Her family is dysfunctional and she is the very definition of Hypocrisy with het domestically violent son and her promiscuous daughter. Oh, did I leave out the drunken brawl?

And you argue she is being called out because she is "conservative." Ridiculous!

If Chelsea had given birth out of wedlock, the RW nuts will be screaming.

Chelseas father in law is a federally serving guy who took the planet for over 7 miillion pounds.


Did you know that?
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.

Not going to let it go.

Chealsies daddy in law............You want to go at Palin? Let me go at Chelsea.

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

By Daniel Bates
Updated: 18:58 GMT, 29 July 2010

View comments

Her family are one of the most respected political dynasties in the United States.
But when Chelsea Clinton gets married on Saturday, a less then savoury character will take his place by their side.
Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam.
This isn't a political issue. It's a left wing vendetta designed to ruin an innocent woman. It's similar to Hillary's hatred of the women who were molested by her husband. Why are lefties so filled with hatred toward the former governor of Alaska? An entire left wing network (Media Matters) is devoted to analyzing ever word she utters and they even had a spy who rented a house close enough to monitor her. Palin should be celebrated by the left for what she achieved as a hockey mom who fought the establishment and became mayor and later governor. What is it about Palin that the left hates so much? Was it her refusal to abort a Down's Syndrome baby?
The only reason is because she is a Conservative Women. Liberals can not understand why any women or minority would be anything other than a Democrat. They consider them traitors and what a Lib doesn't understand they viciously attack.

That has nothing to do with it. She is an opportunist who has taken full advantage of her situation to become rich. Her family is dysfunctional and she is the very definition of Hypocrisy with het domestically violent son and her promiscuous daughter. Oh, did I leave out the drunken brawl?

And you argue she is being called out because she is "conservative." Ridiculous!

If Chelsea had given birth out of wedlock, the RW nuts will be screaming.

What you hide.

Chelseas father in law is a convicted scam artist. To the tune of 7 million pounds.
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.

Not going to let it go.

Chealsies daddy in law............You want to go at Palin? Let me go at Chelsea.

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

By Daniel Bates
Updated: 18:58 GMT, 29 July 2010

View comments

Her family are one of the most respected political dynasties in the United States.
But when Chelsea Clinton gets married on Saturday, a less then savoury character will take his place by their side.
Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam.

So Chelsea better not run this time.
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.
No contest.
Bloomberg is just trying to pull a Ross Perot.

Bloomberg's 36.5 Billion vs Trump's 4.5 Billion

Yup, no contest...... love the rich.

Obviously, Repubs do! The Trumpster will be your nominee.

Ok buddy. Name anyone that can top 7 million pounds and have served 5 years under the current president.
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.

Not going to let it go.

Chealsies daddy in law............You want to go at Palin? Let me go at Chelsea.

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

By Daniel Bates
Updated: 18:58 GMT, 29 July 2010
View comments

Her family are one of the most respected political dynasties in the United States.
But when Chelsea Clinton gets married on Saturday, a less then savoury character will take his place by their side.
Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam.

So Chelsea better not run this time.

Best not. I have all her oligarch buddies lined up in the Ukraine starting with Pinchuk. I have her nailed hard. And you?
Wait until Donald's misdeeds are played in a campaign commercial. His will make Penthouse look tame. Great representative for the Party of God.
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.

Not going to let it go.

Chealsies daddy in law............You want to go at Palin? Let me go at Chelsea.

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

By Daniel Bates
Updated: 18:58 GMT, 29 July 2010

View comments

Her family are one of the most respected political dynasties in the United States.
But when Chelsea Clinton gets married on Saturday, a less then savoury character will take his place by their side.
Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam.
The Clintons are criminals. No decent family would want to be part of that. So they had to find another crime family for Chelsea to marry into.
This isn't a political issue. It's a left wing vendetta designed to ruin an innocent woman. It's similar to Hillary's hatred of the women who were molested by her husband. Why are lefties so filled with hatred toward the former governor of Alaska? An entire left wing network (Media Matters) is devoted to analyzing ever word she utters and they even had a spy who rented a house close enough to monitor her. Palin should be celebrated by the left for what she achieved as a hockey mom who fought the establishment and became mayor and later governor. What is it about Palin that the left hates so much? Was it her refusal to abort a Down's Syndrome baby?
The only reason is because she is a Conservative Women. Liberals can not understand why any women or minority would be anything other than a Democrat. They consider them traitors and what a Lib doesn't understand they viciously attack.

That has nothing to do with it. She is an opportunist who has taken full advantage of her situation to become rich. Her family is dysfunctional and she is the very definition of Hypocrisy with het domestically violent son and her promiscuous daughter. Oh, did I leave out the drunken brawl?

And you argue she is being called out because she is "conservative." Ridiculous!

If Chelsea had given birth out of wedlock, the RW nuts will be screaming.

Chelseas father in law is a federally serving guy who took the planet for over 7 miillion pounds.


Did you know that?
Who really cares when Trumps grandfather made his fortune out of brothels
Wait until Donald's misdeeds are played in a campaign commercial. His will make Penthouse look tame. Great representative for the Party of God.

Wait until Melania gets a spread
"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

Compared to Hillary, Palin is a rank amateur.

‘I remember landing under sniper fire.”

“I actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before [Obama] did.”

“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.”

“I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”

“The server contains personal communications from my husband and me.”

“I’ve never had a subpoena…Let’s take a deep breath here.”

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.”

Hillary Clinton’s five email lies | New York Post
the problem is that she believes all of it. America's problem is that she wants to be CIC.

2 B fair, chelsea was in bosnia for the sniper fire.

I will be more than fair if you have a credible link for Chelsea being taken under fire by a sniper in Bosnia.
Billionaire vs Billionaire

Trump va Bloomberg

It will be interesting.

Not going to let it go.

Chealsies daddy in law............You want to go at Palin? Let me go at Chelsea.

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

By Daniel Bates
Updated: 18:58 GMT, 29 July 2010
View comments

Her family are one of the most respected political dynasties in the United States.
But when Chelsea Clinton gets married on Saturday, a less then savoury character will take his place by their side.
Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam.
The Clintons are criminals. No decent family would want to be part of that. So they had to find another crime family for Chelsea to marry into.

And if Bill ran again, he would win in a landslide, Can W say that? Where is W?

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