Sarah Palin melts down on television...................

After reading some of these posts I'm more than convinced that liberalism is truly a disease.
Cons always equate things to 'you are scared of'. Because this is the life they live, they measure everything by what they 'are scared of'.

Sorry to break it to you cowering chihuahuas, but no one gives a rats ass about Dimbulb Palin. She is trainwreck entertainment. Like watching a cat video where the cat misjudges how far the jump is and falls two stories, then gets up and runs away in 'shame'. Or a dog trying to bite the stream of water coming out of the hose. Or goats that freeze and fall over.

She is a sad pathetic figure that insists on trying to ride a motorcycle, turns the throttle to full, and then slams into the garage door.

Afraid of her? LOL Here is what she looks like:

The premise of the thread was proven false if you bothered to watch the interview yet you keep on keepin on....

I suggest you evaluate your own reaction rather than continuing to look COMPLETELY foolish
Cons always equate things to 'you are scared of'. Because this is the life they live, they measure everything by what they 'are scared of'.

Sorry to break it to you cowering chihuahuas, but no one gives a rats ass about Dimbulb Palin. She is trainwreck entertainment. Like watching a cat video where the cat misjudges how far the jump is and falls two stories, then gets up and runs away in 'shame'. Or a dog trying to bite the stream of water coming out of the hose. Or goats that freeze and fall over.

She is a sad pathetic figure that insists on trying to ride a motorcycle, turns the throttle to full, and then slams into the garage door.

Afraid of her? LOL Here is what she looks like:

You're such an idiot, Palin pulls you left loon's strings, it's hilarious watching you clowns MELTDOWN at the mere mention of her name. Need proof? Go to any thread on this forum about her, you cretins get down right rabid over her

She has their number...

They wish they had hers..... as do I lol
I guess when a libtard claims someone melts down, it means they call out the lies of their host? She didn't melt down at all, only thing she did was not expect those two assholes to ambush her.

As always, the drive by media. Ambush after ambush.

Prove they made her any promises.
She did try to back away from what she said previously and she spouted the usual likes about Obama.

But to her credit, she seemed more sober than we're used to seeing.

Catch her later tonight when she's soused ...
Cons always equate things to 'you are scared of'. Because this is the life they live, they measure everything by what they 'are scared of'.

Sorry to break it to you cowering chihuahuas, but no one gives a rats ass about Dimbulb Palin. She is trainwreck entertainment. Like watching a cat video where the cat misjudges how far the jump is and falls two stories, then gets up and runs away in 'shame'. Or a dog trying to bite the stream of water coming out of the hose. Or goats that freeze and fall over.

She is a sad pathetic figure that insists on trying to ride a motorcycle, turns the throttle to full, and then slams into the garage door.

Afraid of her? LOL Here is what she looks like:

The premise of the thread was proven false if you bothered to watch the interview yet you keep on keepin on....

I suggest you evaluate your own reaction rather than continuing to look COMPLETELY foolish

is that why she retracted her statement? :eusa_eh:
Liberals lie. They like to choose a target and polarize it. The tactic is right there is Rules for Radicals which is the libtard bible.

Sailor boy is a afraid of Palin
All libs are afraid of Palin.

Lib women are jealous of her looks and smarts and lib men are jealous of her strength

I did promo for many a year and I have never witnessed anything like this current crop of teleprompter presenters who pretend to be journalists. They all think they are the star attractions. Not the guest of note.

Cripes I worked with JD Roberts with Ronnie Spector and pretty sure he worked with me with Grace Slick too when he was with Much Music and he's an absolute star now in America. But he was never a diva like Megyn Kelly or Guthrie.

And here's a man who could be. JD was a straight on "let me give you the news" guy after he left Much Music. I'm really thrilled he has succeeded so. But from everything I know he has stayed humble and doesn't act like these others.

I am so ashamed of Megyn Kelly and now Guthrie.

Oh lordy, here we go again with tinydancer and her vast experience with every single famous rocker in history.

Or, with tinycancer tell us later that she didn't write this? Is this another of those many times when she's being "piggybacked"?

Tell us tinydancer - Did you write this post or did someone else?
Prove they made her any promises.

C'mon man. This ain't my first time. There's no amount of proof you brain dead retards will accept. If the media had video of Hillary Clinton growing horns and wings and cutting unborn babies out of their mothers wombs and eating them, and then sending the bill to planned parenthood, You would claim it was Trump doing it.
Cons always equate things to 'you are scared of'. Because this is the life they live, they measure everything by what they 'are scared of'.

Sorry to break it to you cowering chihuahuas, but no one gives a rats ass about Dimbulb Palin. She is trainwreck entertainment. Like watching a cat video where the cat misjudges how far the jump is and falls two stories, then gets up and runs away in 'shame'. Or a dog trying to bite the stream of water coming out of the hose. Or goats that freeze and fall over.

She is a sad pathetic figure that insists on trying to ride a motorcycle, turns the throttle to full, and then slams into the garage door.

Afraid of her? LOL Here is what she looks like:

The premise of the thread was proven false if you bothered to watch the interview yet you keep on keepin on....

I suggest you evaluate your own reaction rather than continuing to look COMPLETELY foolish

is that why she retracted her statement? :eusa_eh:

You seem to forget something important. I'm not a liberal. Therefore I don't give two shits what she did to make you pee yourselves.
She's a non factor in my life. But making fun of you morons is too hard to pass up.

Got it?
You do a pre interview. Guthrie blindsided her and Palin to her benefit pulled a Trump and called the bitch on it to the point Matt jumped in.

If any of you were professionals in the media you would understand this is not fair play. But you love "gottchas" don't you libs? Wait for more bitch slapping from other people in the near future because all the prima donnas in the media are out of control.

They think THEY are the stars. Not their guests.
Cons always equate things to 'you are scared of'. Because this is the life they live, they measure everything by what they 'are scared of'.

Sorry to break it to you cowering chihuahuas, but no one gives a rats ass about Dimbulb Palin. She is trainwreck entertainment. Like watching a cat video where the cat misjudges how far the jump is and falls two stories, then gets up and runs away in 'shame'. Or a dog trying to bite the stream of water coming out of the hose. Or goats that freeze and fall over.

She is a sad pathetic figure that insists on trying to ride a motorcycle, turns the throttle to full, and then slams into the garage door.

Afraid of her? LOL Here is what she looks like:

The premise of the thread was proven false if you bothered to watch the interview yet you keep on keepin on....

I suggest you evaluate your own reaction rather than continuing to look COMPLETELY foolish

is that why she retracted her statement? :eusa_eh:

You seem to forget something important. I'm not a liberal. Therefore I don't give two shits what she did to make you pee yourselves.
She's a non factor in my life. But making fun of you morons is too hard to pass up.

Got it?

lol. Snow Snookie is the one getting made fun- of and you're bumping the thread :thup:
What office is Palin running for again?


Please link to where this was not about her TV appearance to day and instead said she is running for office.


I'm just wondering why any of this matters?


Because idiot fake christians still believe her lies and she's backing another fake christian.

BTW anyone read where Good Christian Duh Donuld didn't know what the plate of crackers was for when he "took communion" and put money in the plate?

Funny funny stuff.

Is there already a thread about it here?

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate
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The get more shrill and more shrill as time gets close....
You do a pre interview. Guthrie blindsided her and Palin to her benefit pulled a Trump and called the bitch on it to the point Matt jumped in.

If any of you were professionals in the media you would understand this is not fair play. But you love "gottchas" don't you libs? Wait for more bitch slapping from other people in the near future because all the prima donnas in the media are out of control.

They think THEY are the stars. Not their guests.
you have zero idea what bumps ratings eh Snow Snookie?

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